70 papers:
TACAS-2015-ZengSLH #precise #predict- A Method for Improving the Precision and Coverage of Atomicity Violation Predictions (RZ, ZS, SL, XH), pp. 116–130.
SANER-2015-HeroldEBCC #detection #modelling- Detection of violation causes in reflexion models (SH, ME, JB, SC, MÓC), pp. 565–569.
SANER-2015-OumarouAEDK #identification- Identifying the exact fixing actions of static rule violation (HO, NA, AE, SD, DTK), pp. 371–379.
SAC-2015-AwadBESAS #anti #approach #detection #process #runtime- Runtime detection of business process compliance violations: an approach based on anti patterns (AA, AB, AE, RES, AA, SS), pp. 1203–1210.
SAC-2015-SenaCK #exception #product line- An investigation on the evolutionary nature of exception handling violations in software product lines (DS, RC, UK), pp. 1616–1623.
ESEC-FSE-2015-SamakR #detection #testing- Synthesizing tests for detecting atomicity violations (MS, MKR), pp. 131–142.
ICSE-v1-2015-AvgustinovBHLMM #developer #static analysis- Tracking Static Analysis Violations over Time to Capture Developer Characteristics (PA, AIB, ASH, RGL, GM, OdM, MS, JT), pp. 437–447.
ICLP-J-2015-MannaRT #consistency #query #scalability- Taming primary key violations to query large inconsistent data via ASP (MM, FR, GT), pp. 696–710.
DAC-2014-WuWNBP #on the- On Timing Closure: Buffer Insertion for Hold-Violation Removal (PCW, MDFW, IN, SB, VP), p. 6.
SEFM-2014-ChristakisMW #detection #invariant #testing- Synthesizing Parameterized Unit Tests to Detect Object Invariant Violations (MC, PM, VW), pp. 65–80.
OOPSLA-2014-LiuTZ #named- Flint: fixing linearizability violations (PL, OT, XZ), pp. 543–560.
RE-2014-TsigkanosPMGN #adaptation #requirements #runtime #security- Engineering topology aware adaptive security: Preventing requirements violations at runtime (CT, LP, CM, CG, BN), pp. 203–212.
ISSTA-2014-ZhangW #concurrent #parallel #runtime #thread- Runtime prevention of concurrency related type-state violations in multithreaded applications (LZ, CW), pp. 1–12.
DAC-2013-ChakrabortyCRA #pipes and filters- Efficiently tolerating timing violations in pipelined microprocessors (KC, BC, SR, DMA), p. 8.
SIGMOD-2013-GraefeLKTV- Controlled lock violation (GG, ML, HAK, JT, ACV), pp. 85–96.
ICPC-2013-PruijtKB #analysis #architecture #dependence #on the- On the accuracy of Architecture Compliance Checking support Accuracy of dependency analysis and violation reporting (LP, CK, SB), pp. 172–181.
WCRE-2013-MaffortVBAH #architecture #heuristic- Heuristics for discovering architectural violations (CAM, MTV, MAdSB, NA, AH), pp. 222–231.
HIMI-HSM-2013-KarashimaN #behaviour #safety- Influence of the Safety Margin on Behavior that Violates Rules (MK, HN), pp. 497–506.
ASPLOS-2013-QianTSQ #consistency #detection #named #precise #scalability- Volition: scalable and precise sequential consistency violation detection (XQ, JT, BS, DQ), pp. 535–548.
DAC-2012-RoyC #analysis #predict- Predicting timing violations through instruction-level path sensitization analysis (SR, KC), pp. 1074–1081.
WCRE-2012-BrunetBGF #architecture #on the- On the Evolutionary Nature of Architectural Violations (JB, RAB, DSG, JCAdF), pp. 257–266.
PLDI-2012-PradelG #automation #concurrent #detection #precise #safety #thread- Fully automatic and precise detection of thread safety violations (MP, TRG), pp. 521–530.
ICSE-2012-LiuZ #automation #constraints #named- Axis: Automatically fixing atomicity violations through solving control constraints (PL, CZ), pp. 299–309.
ASE-2011-Ganai #analysis #precise #scalability- Scalable and precise symbolic analysis for atomicity violations (MKG), pp. 123–132.
CSMR-2011-FreyH #architecture #constraints #detection #legacy #migration- An Extensible Architecture for Detecting Violations of a Cloud Environment’s Constraints during Legacy Software System Migration (SF, WH), pp. 269–278.
MSR-2011-HemelKVD #clone detection #detection- Finding software license violations through binary code clone detection (AH, KTK, RV, ED), pp. 63–72.
PLDI-2011-JinSZLL #automation- Automated atomicity-violation fixing (GJ, LS, WZ, SL, BL), pp. 389–400.
EDOC-2011-Halle #contract #logic #message passing- Causality in Message-Based Contract Violations: A Temporal Logic “Whodunit” (SH), pp. 171–180.
ICSE-2011-WongCKD #composition #detection- Detecting software modularity violations (SW, YC, MK, MD), pp. 411–420.
ECSA-2010-ScandariatoBJ #architecture #automation #detection- Automated Detection of Least Privilege Violations in Software Architectures (RS, KB, WJ), pp. 150–165.
VLDB-2010-BeskalesIG #constraints #dependence #functional- Sampling the Repairs of Functional Dependency Violations under Hard Constraints (GB, IFI, LG), pp. 197–207.
TACAS-2010-WangLGG #analysis- Trace-Based Symbolic Analysis for Atomicity Violations (CW, RL, MKG, AG), pp. 328–342.
FSE-2010-SorrentinoFM #named #thread #weaving- PENELOPE: weaving threads to expose atomicity violations (FS, AF, PM), pp. 37–46.
ICSE-2010-LaiCC #detection #parallel #random #source code #testing #thread- Detecting atomic-set serializability violations in multithreaded programs through active randomized testing (ZL, SCC, WKC), pp. 235–244.
DATE-2009-GhoseGDAW #architecture #detection #memory management- Architectural support for low overhead detection of memory violations (SG, LG, PD, AA, CW), pp. 652–657.
DATE-2009-YanHL #detection #fault #online- A unified online Fault Detection scheme via checking of Stability Violation (GY, YH, XL), pp. 496–501.
FASE-2009-ChenWYS #detection #named #static analysis- HAVE: Detecting Atomicity Violations via Integrated Dynamic and Static Analysis (QC, LW, ZY, SDS), pp. 425–439.
TACAS-2009-FarzanM #complexity #predict- The Complexity of Predicting Atomicity Violations (AF, PM), pp. 155–169.
MSR-2009-BoogerdM #standard- Evaluating the relation between coding standard violations and faultswithin and across software versions (CB, LM), pp. 41–50.
SEKE-2009-BrownBD #detection #named #open source- FiGD: An Open Source Intellectual Property Violation Detector (CDB, DB, DD), pp. 536–541.
SIGIR-2009-CumminsO09a #constraints #information retrieval- Measuring constraint violations in information retrieval (RC, CO), pp. 722–723.
SAC-2009-ChavezSL #approach #detection #uml- An approach to detection of UML-based ownership violation (HMC, WS, SL), pp. 541–542.
ASPLOS-2009-ParkLZ #debugging #named- CTrigger: exposing atomicity violation bugs from their hiding places (SP, SL, YZ), pp. 25–36.
CGO-2009-DuanFWZY #c #c++ #concurrent #consistency #detection #source code- Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violations of Sequential Consistency for Concurrent C/C++ Programs (YD, XF, LW, CZ, PCY), pp. 25–34.
CAV-2009-FarzanMS- Meta-analysis for Atomicity Violations under Nested Locking (AF, PM, FS), pp. 248–262.
ISSTA-2009-SchulerDZ #invariant #mutation testing #performance #testing- Efficient mutation testing by checking invariant violations (DS, VD, AZ), pp. 69–80.
DATE-2008-ZhangZYZSPZCMSIC #multi #network- Finding the Worst Voltage Violation in Multi-Domain Clock Gated Power Network (WZ, YZ, WY, LZ, RS, HP, ZZ, LCE, RM, TS, NI, CKC), pp. 537–540.
SEKE-2008-TsigkritisS #dependence #runtime #security- Diagnosing Runtime Violations of Security & Dependability Properties (TT, GS), pp. 661–666.
FSE-2008-KingJJS #data flow #effectiveness- Effective blame for information-flow violations (DK, TJ, SJ, SAS), pp. 250–260.
FSE-2008-ParkS #concurrent #detection #random #source code- Randomized active atomicity violation detection in concurrent programs (CSP, KS), pp. 135–145.
ICSE-2008-HammerDVT #detection- Dynamic detection of atomic-set-serializability violations (CH, JD, MV, FT), pp. 231–240.
DAC-2007-SundaresanM #analysis #distributed- An Analysis of Timing Violations Due to Spatially Distributed Thermal Effects in Global Wires (KS, NRM), pp. 515–520.
DATE-2007-SinanogluS #modelling- Diagnosis, modeling and tolerance of scan chain hold-time violations (OS, PS), pp. 516–521.
CSMR-2007-BourqunK #architecture #refactoring- High-impact Refactoring Based on Architecture Violations (FB, RKK), pp. 149–158.
ESEC-FSE-2007-YeCCX #composition #detection- Detection and resolution of atomicity violation in service composition (CY, SCC, WKC, CX), pp. 235–244.
ASPLOS-2006-LuTQZ #detection #invariant #named- AVIO: detecting atomicity violations via access interleaving invariants (SL, JT, FQ, YZ), pp. 37–48.
VLDB-2005-YaoWJ- Checking for k-Anonymity Violation by Views (CY, XSW, SJ), pp. 910–921.
PLDI-2005-ElmasTQ #concurrent #detection #named #runtime #source code #verification- VYRD: verifYing concurrent programs by runtime refinement-violation detection (TE, ST, SQ), pp. 27–37.
PLDI-2005-XuBH #detection #source code- A serializability violation detector for shared-memory server programs (MX, RB, MDH), pp. 1–14.
CAiSE-2005-CabotT #constraints #ocl- Computing the Relevant Instances That May Violate an OCL Constraint (JC, ET), pp. 48–62.
EDOC-2005-GovernatoriM #contract #domain-specific language- Dealing with contract violations: formalism and domain specific language (GG, ZM), pp. 46–57.
ESEC-FSE-2005-LiZ #automation #detection #named #programming #scalability- PR-Miner: automatically extracting implicit programming rules and detecting violations in large software code (ZL, YZ), pp. 306–315.
KDD-2004-KantarciogluJC #data mining #mining #privacy #question- When do data mining results violate privacy? (MK, JJ, CC), pp. 599–604.
UML-2004-CabotT #constraints- Determining the Structural Events That May Violate an Integrity Constraint (JC, ET), pp. 320–334.
ASE-2003-XieN #testing- Tool-Assisted Unit Test Selection Based on Operational Violations (TX, DN), pp. 40–48.
SEKE-2002-JohanssonH #design #metric #product line- Tracking degradation in software product lines through measurement of design rule violations (EJ, MH), pp. 249–254.
HPCA-2002-CintraT #learning #parallel #thread- Speculative Multithreading Eliminating Squashes through Learning Cross-Thread Violations in Speculative Parallelization for Multiprocessors (MHC, JT), pp. 43–54.
ICPR-v1-2000-TordoffM #geometry #self- Violating Rotating Camera Geometry: The Effect of Radial Distortion on Self-Calibration (BT, DWM), pp. 1423–1427.
CSM-1993-ChowdhuryM #automation #constraints #detection #maintenance- Facilitating Software Maintenance by Automated Detection of Constraint Violations (AC, SM), pp. 262–271.
STOC-1992-LinV #approximate #constraints- epsilon-Approximations with Minimum Packing Constraint Violation (Extended Abstract) (JHL, JSV), pp. 771–782.