Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Chile
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Norway
12 × USA
3 × Canada
Collaborated with:
R.Ramakrishnan D.Srivastava S.Seshadri A.Hulgeri A.Silberschatz P.Roy R.Guravannavar P.Seshadri R.Rastogi H.V.Jagadish P.J.Stuckey K.A.Ross A.Shanbhag K.Ramachandra C.Beeri A.Ramesh P.Joshi B.B.Dalvi M.Kshirsagar G.Kabra R.Ramamurthy H.S.Ramanujam P.P.S.Narayan S.Chakrabarti G.Bhalotia P.Bohannon S.Jorwekar A.Fekete K.Ramamritham G.Das V.Hristidis N.Kapoor S.Rizvi A.O.Mendelzon N.N.Dalvi S.K.Sanghai M.K.Lakhamraju S.Bhobe A.A.Diwan S.Rane J.F.Naughton S.Ashwin R.Kanneganti D.F.Lieuwen W.G.Roth V.Kacholia S.Pandit R.Desai H.Karambelkar P.Shenoy J.R.Haritsa M.Bawa D.Shah D.W.Leinbaugh B.Aditya C.Nakhe Parag J.Baulier S.Gogate C.Gupta S.Joshi A.Khivesera H.F.Korth P.McIlroy J.Miller M.Nemeth J.M.Hellerstein H.Pirahesh T.Y.C.Leung S.Haldar M.Wilder C.Wei
Talks about:
queri (11) optim (11) databas (10) memori (6) logic (6) search (5) bottom (5) evalu (5) main (5) up (5)
Person: S. Sudarshan
DBLP: Sudarshan:S=
Contributed to:
Wrote 41 papers:
- VLDB-2014-ShanbhagS #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Join Enumeration in Transformation-based Query Optimizers (AS, SS), pp. 1243–1254.
- SIGMOD-2012-0002S #optimisation #query
- Holistic optimization by prefetching query results (KR, SS), pp. 133–144.
- VLDB-2011-RameshSJ #keyword
- Keyword Search on Form Results (AR, SS, PJ), pp. 1189–1200.
- VLDB-2008-DalviKS #graph #keyword #memory management
- Keyword search on external memory data graphs (BBD, MK, SS), pp. 1189–1204.
- VLDB-2008-GuravannavarS
- Rewriting procedures for batched bindings (RG, SS), pp. 1107–1123.
- VLDB-2007-JorwekarFRS #automation #detection
- Automating the Detection of Snapshot Isolation Anomalies (SJ, AF, KR, SS), pp. 1263–1274.
- SIGMOD-2006-DasHKS #query
- Ordering the attributes of query results (GD, VH, NK, SS), pp. 395–406.
- SIGMOD-2006-KabraRS #data access #fine-grained #information management
- Redundancy and information leakage in fine-grained access control (GK, RR, SS), pp. 133–144.
- VLDB-2005-GuravannavarRS #optimisation #order #parametricity #query
- Optimizing Nested Queries with Parameter Sort Orders (RG, HSR, SS), pp. 481–492.
- VLDB-2005-KacholiaPCSDK #bidirectional #database #graph #keyword
- Bidirectional Expansion For Keyword Search on Graph Databases (VK, SP, SC, SS, RD, HK), pp. 505–516.
- SIGMOD-2004-RizviMSR #data access #fine-grained #query
- Extending Query Rewriting Techniques for Fine-Grained Access Control (SR, AOM, SS, PR), pp. 551–562.
- VLDB-2003-HulgeriS #cost analysis #named #optimisation #parametricity #query
- AniPQO: Almost Non-intrusive Parametric Query Optimization for Nonlinear Cost Functions (AH, SS), pp. 766–777.
- VLDB-2002-AdityaBCHNS #database #keyword #named #relational
- BANKS: Browsing and Keyword Searching in Relational Databases (BA, GB, SC, AH, CN, P, SS), pp. 1083–1086.
- VLDB-2002-HulgeriS #cost analysis #linear #optimisation #parametricity #query
- Parametric Query Optimization for Linear and Piecewise Linear Cost Functions (AH, SS), pp. 167–178.
- PODS-2001-DalviSRS #multi #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Pipelining in Multi-Query Optimization (NND, SKS, PR, SS).
- SIGMOD-2000-LakhamrajuRSS #database #online
- On-line Reorganization in Object Databases (MKL, RR, SS, SS), pp. 58–69.
- SIGMOD-2000-RoySSB #algorithm #multi #optimisation #performance #query
- Efficient and Extensible Algorithms for Multi Query Optimization (PR, SS, SS, SB), pp. 249–260.
- SIGMOD-2000-ShenoyHSBBS #database #mining #scalability
- Turbo-charging Vertical Mining of Large Databases (PS, JRH, SS, GB, MB, DS), pp. 22–33.
- SIGMOD-1999-BaulierBGGHJKKMMNNRSSSWW #database #in memory #memory management #performance
- DataBlitz Storage Manager: Main Memory Database Performance for Critical Applications (JB, PB, SG, CG, SH, SJ, AK, HFK, PM, JM, PPSN, MN, RR, SS, AS, SS, MW, CW), pp. 519–520.
- VLDB-1998-BaulierBGJGKKMMNNRSS #in memory #named #performance
- DataBlitz: A High Performance Main-Memory Storage Manager (JB, PB, SG, SJ, CG, AK, HFK, PM, JM, PPSN, MN, RR, AS, SS), p. 701.
- VLDB-1997-AshwinRSSS #database #garbage collection #object-oriented #transaction #using
- Garbage Collection in Object Oriented Databases Using Transactional Cyclic Reference Counting (SA, PR, SS, AS, SS), pp. 366–375.
- VLDB-1997-BohannonLRSSS #database #in memory #logic #memory management #physics #version control
- Logical and Physical Versioning in Main Memory Databases (RR, SS, PB, DWL, AS, SS), pp. 86–95.
- VLDB-1997-JagadishNSSK #incremental
- Incremental Organization for Data Recording and Warehousing (HVJ, PPSN, SS, SS, RK), pp. 16–25.
- SIGMOD-1996-RossSS #constraints #maintenance
- Materialized View Maintenance and Integrity Constraint Checking: Trading Space for Time (KAR, DS, SS), pp. 447–458.
- SIGMOD-1996-SeshadriHPLRSSS #algebra #cost analysis #implementation #optimisation
- Cost-Based Optimization for Magic: Algebra and Implementation (PS, JMH, HP, TYCL, RR, DS, PJS, SS), pp. 435–446.
- VLDB-1996-DiwanRSS #clustering
- Clustering Techniques for Minimizing External Path Length (AAD, SR, SS, SS), pp. 342–353.
- ILPS-1994-RamakrishnanRSS #evaluation #incremental #performance #query
- Efficient Incremental Evaluation of Queries with Aggregation (RR, KAR, DS, SS), pp. 204–218.
- PODS-1994-StuckeyS #compilation #constraints #query
- Compiling Query Constraints (PJS, SS), pp. 56–67.
- VLDB-1994-JagadishLRSS #in memory #memory management #named #performance
- Dalí: A High Performance Main Memory Storage Manager (HVJ, DFL, RR, AS, SS), pp. 48–59.
- ILPS-1993-SudarshanR #bottom-up #evaluation #optimisation
- Optimizations of Bottom-Up Evaluation with Non-Ground Terms (SS, RR), pp. 557–574.
- ILPS-1993-SudarshanSRB #semantics
- Extending the Well-Founded and Valid Semantics for Aggregation (SS, DS, RR, CB), pp. 590–608.
- SIGMOD-1993-RamakrishnanRSSS #database #deduction
- The CORAL Deductive Database System (RR, WGR, PS, DS, SS), pp. 544–545.
- SIGMOD-1993-RamakrishnanSSS #database #deduction #implementation
- Implementation of the CORAL Deductive Database System (RR, DS, SS, PS), pp. 167–176.
- VLDB-1993-JagadishSS #in memory
- Recovering from Main-Memory Lapses (HVJ, AS, SS), pp. 391–404.
- VLDB-1993-SrivastavaRSS #database #logic #object-oriented
- Coral++: Adding Object-Orientation to a Logic Database Language (DS, RR, PS, SS), pp. 158–170.
- JICSLP-1992-RamakrishnanSS #bottom-up #evaluation
- Controlling the Search in Bottom-Up Evaluation (RR, DS, SS), pp. 273–287.
- PODS-1992-BeeriRSS #logic programming #semantics #source code
- The Valid Model Semantics for Logic Programs (CB, RR, DS, SS), pp. 91–104.
- VLDB-1992-RamakrishnanSS #logic #named
- CORAL — Control, Relations and Logic (RR, DS, SS), pp. 238–250.
- ISLP-1991-RamakrishnanS #bottom-up #revisited #top-down
- Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Revisited (RR, SS), pp. 321–336.
- SIGMOD-1991-SudarshanSRN #bottom-up #evaluation #logic programming #optimisation #source code
- Space Optimization in the Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs (SS, DS, RR, JFN), pp. 68–77.
- VLDB-1990-RamakrishnanSS #bottom-up #evaluation #fixpoint #logic programming #source code
- Rule Ordering in Bottom-Up Fixpoint Evaluation of Logic Programs (RR, DS, SS), pp. 359–371.