Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Hungary
1 × South Africa
1 × Spain
2 × Austria
2 × Germany
2 × Sweden
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Canada
3 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.H.Reussner H.Koziolek M.v.Detten C.Heinzemann J.Happe M.C.Platenius M.Becker M.Luckey T.Goldschmidt W.Schäfer ∅ M.Potthast A.Koziolek S.Lehrig H.Eikerling C.Priesterjahn A.Uhl S.Overhage K.Krogmann M.Trifu R.Wohlrab T.d.Gooijer G.Besova S.Walther H.Wehrheim L.Kapová J.Henss A.Martens G.Engels M.Hauck J.Kofron N.Huber C.Rathfelder J.Schweflinghaus S.Dziwok C.Gerking S.Thiele U.Pohlmann B.Schlich C.G.Bilich R.Weiss R.Mirandola
Talks about:
model (11) compon (10) softwar (9) perform (7) architectur (5) system (5) base (5) predict (4) servic (4) transform (3)
♂ Person: Steffen Becker
DBLP: Becker:Steffen
Facilitated 11 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 25 papers:
- QoSA-2015-LehrigEB #in the cloud #metric #overview #performance #scalability
- Scalability, Elasticity, and Efficiency in Cloud Computing: a Systematic Literature Review of Definitions and Metrics (SL, HE, SB), pp. 83–92.
- ECSA-2014-PlateniusBS #architecture
- Integrating Service Matchers into a Service Market Architecture (MCP, SB, WS), pp. 210–217.
- FSE-2014-DziwokGBTHP #cyber-physical #modelling #re-engineering
- A tool suite for the model-driven software engineering of cyber-physical systems (SD, CG, SB, ST, CH, UP), pp. 715–718.
- RE-2014-WohlrabGKB #experience #industrial #performance #requirements
- Experience of pragmatically combining RE methods for performance requirements in industry (RW, TdG, AK, SB), pp. 344–353.
- CBSE-2013-HeinzemannB #architecture #component #configuration management
- Executing reconfigurations in hierarchical component architectures (CH, SB), pp. 3–12.
- CBSE-2013-PlateniusDBSE #fuzzy #on the fly #overview
- A survey of fuzzy service matching approaches in the context of on-the-fly computing (MCP, MvD, SB, WS, GE), pp. 143–152.
- QoSA-2013-BeckerLB #adaptation #analysis #performance #requirements #self #validation
- Performance analysis of self-adaptive systems for requirements validation at design-time (MB, ML, SB), pp. 43–52.
- CBSE-2012-HeinzemannPB #architecture #component #configuration management #modelling #towards
- Towards modeling reconfiguration in hierarchical component architectures (CH, CP, SB), pp. 23–28.
- CSMR-2012-PlateniusDB #architecture #design #named
- Archimetrix: Improved Software Architecture Recovery in the Presence of Design Deficiencies (MCP, MvD, SB), pp. 255–264.
- MoDELS-2012-BesovaWWB #composition #multi
- Weaving-Based Configuration and Modular Transformation of Multi-layer Systems (GB, SW, HW, SB), pp. 776–792.
- QoSA-2012-BeckerLB #adaptation #modelling #overview #performance #self
- Model-driven performance engineering of self-adaptive systems: a survey (MB, ML, SB), pp. 117–122.
- SFM-2012-Becker #analysis #model transformation #non-functional
- Model Transformations in Non-functional Analysis (SB), pp. 263–289.
- ICSE-2011-KoziolekSBWBKTMK #case study #evolution #industrial #predict #quality
- An industrial case study on quality impact prediction for evolving service-oriented software (HK, BS, CGB, RW, SB, KK, MT, RM, AK), pp. 776–785.
- QoSA-ISARCS-2011-DettenB #clustering #component #detection #re-engineering
- Combining clustering and pattern detection for the reengineering of component-based software systems (MvD, SB), pp. 23–32.
- CSMR-2010-BeckerHTKK #component #modelling #predict #quality #reverse engineering
- Reverse Engineering Component Models for Quality Predictions (SB, MH, MT, KK, JK), pp. 194–197.
- ECIR-2010-PotthastB #summary #web
- Opinion Summarization of Web Comments (MP, SB), pp. 668–669.
- ICSE-2010-HuberBRSR #case study #industrial #modelling #performance
- Performance modeling in industry: a case study on storage virtualization (NH, SB, CR, JS, RHR), pp. 1–10.
- QoSA-2010-KapovaGBH #maintenance #metric #model transformation
- Evaluating Maintainability with Code Metrics for Model-to-Model Transformations (LK, TG, SB, JH), pp. 151–166.
- CBSE-2008-KoziolekBHR #component #lifecycle #modelling
- Life-Cycle Aware Modelling of Software Components (HK, SB, JH, RHR), pp. 278–285.
- CBSE-2008-MartensBKR #component #empirical #modelling #performance #predict #reuse
- An Empirical Investigation of the Effort of Creating Reusable, Component-Based Models for Performance Prediction (AM, SB, HK, RHR), pp. 16–31.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-GoldschmidtBU #classification #syntax
- Classification of Concrete Textual Syntax Mapping Approaches (TG, SB, AU), pp. 169–184.
- QoSA-2007-KoziolekBH #architecture #component #performance #predict
- Predicting the Performance of Component-Based Software Architectures with Different Usage Profiles (HK, SB, JH), pp. 145–163.
- QoSA-2006-KoziolekHB #component #parametricity #performance #specification
- Parameter Dependent Performance Specifications of Software Components (HK, JH, SB), pp. 163–179.
- QoSA-2006-ReussnerB #development #eclipse #modelling
- Model-Based Software Development with Eclipse (RHR, SB), pp. 5–6.
- CBSE-2004-BeckerOR #adaptation #component #fault
- Classifying Software Component Interoperability Errors to Support Component Adaption (SB, SO, RHR), pp. 68–83.