Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × South Korea
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.E.Bardram N.Marquardt M.Frost J.Bardram S.Gueddana S.Nielsen J.Vermeulen K.Luyten K.Coninx
Talks about:
activ (3) collabor (2) support (2) centric (2) space (2) work (2) smartwatch (1) technolog (1) reticular (1) distribut (1)
Person: Steven Houben
DBLP: Houben:Steven
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CHI-2015-HoubenM #named #prototype #tool support
- WatchConnect: A Toolkit for Prototyping Smartwatch-Centric Cross-Device Applications (SH, NM), pp. 1247–1256.
- CSCW-2015-HoubenFB #collaboration #hybrid
- Collaborative Affordances of Hybrid Patient Record Technologies in Medical Work (SH, MF, JEB), pp. 785–797.
- CHI-2013-HoubenBVLC #ad hoc #case study #information management
- Activity-centric support for ad hoc knowledge work: a case study of co-activity manager (SH, JEB, JV, KL, KC), pp. 2263–2272.
- CHI-2012-BardramGHN #collaboration #distributed #named
- ReticularSpaces: activity-based computing support for physically distributed and collaborative smart spaces (JB, SG, SH, SN), pp. 2845–2854.