Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × New Zealand
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.K.Chan T.Y.Chen L.Mei H.Lu Z.Zhang P.Poon B.Jiang W.K.Chan Z.Zhou K.Zhai B.Xu S.Tang F.Kuo X.Wang S.C.Cheung
Talks about:
test (8) softwar (3) context (3) servic (3) applic (3) choic (3) flow (3) data (3) approach (2) program (2)
Person: T. H. Tse
DBLP: Tse:T=_H=
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- AdaEurope-2012-PoonCT #classification
- Choices, Choices: Comparing between CHOC’LATE and the Classification-Tree Methodology (PLP, TYC, THT), pp. 162–176.
- ISSTA-2012-ZhaiXCT #approach #named #parallel #thread
- CARISMA: a context-sensitive approach to race-condition sample-instance selection for multithreaded applications (KZ, BX, WKC, THT), pp. 221–231.
- ASE-2009-JiangZCT #adaptation #random testing #testing
- Adaptive Random Test Case Prioritization (BJ, ZZ, WKC, THT), pp. 233–244.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-MeiCT #data flow #testing
- Data flow testing of service choreography (LM, WKC, THT), pp. 151–160.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-ZhangCTJW
- Capturing propagation of infected program states (ZZ, WKC, THT, BJ, XW), pp. 43–52.
- ICPC-J-2009-PoonTTK11 #category theory #experience #identification #testing
- Contributions of tester experience and a checklist guideline to the identification of categories and choices for software testing (PLP, THT, SFT, FCK), pp. 141–163.
- ICSE-2008-LuCT #consistency #nondeterminism #pervasive #testing
- Testing pervasive software in the presence of context inconsistency resolution services (HL, WKC, THT), pp. 61–70.
- ICSE-2008-MeiCT #data flow #testing #workflow
- Data flow testing of service-oriented workflow applications (LM, WKC, THT), pp. 371–380.
- AdaEurope-2007-ChanCCTZ #network #power management #testing #towards
- Towards the Testing of Power-Aware Software Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks (WKC, TYC, SCC, THT, ZZ), pp. 84–99.
- FSE-2006-LuCT #approach #data flow #middleware #source code #testing
- Testing context-aware middleware-centric programs: a data flow approach and an RFID-based experimentation (HL, WKC, THT), pp. 242–252.
- ISSTA-2002-ChenTZ #evaluation #named #symbolic computation #testing
- Semi-proving: an integrated method based on global symbolic evaluation and metamorphic testing (TYC, THT, ZZ), pp. 191–195.