Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Hisao Ishibuchi Masahiro Takatani Manabu Nii S.Mifune J.Henrio O.Obst P.Wang M.Prokopenko
Talks about:
robo (2) cup (2) uncertainti (1) strategi (1) histori (1) extract (1) soccer (1) evolut (1) effect (1) reduc (1)
Person: Tomoharu Nakashima
DBLP: Nakashima:Tomoharu
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HIMI-IKC-2015-NakashimaMHOWP #nondeterminism
- Kick Extraction for Reducing Uncertainty in RoboCup Logs (TN, SM, JH, OO, PW, MP), pp. 622–633.
- CIG-2006-NakashimaITN #evolution #using
- The Effect of Using Match History on the Evolution of RoboCup Soccer Team Strategies (TN, HI, MT, MN), pp. 60–66.