Travelled to:
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
∅ C.Zillmann A.Winter A.Herget M.Theurer A.Fuhr T.Horn V.Riediger U.Erdmenger U.Kaiser D.Uhlig Y.Zimmermann
Talks about:
industri (2) project (2) challeng (1) softwar (1) process (1) soamig (1) migrat (1) experi (1) applic (1) scale (1)
Person: Werner Teppe
DBLP: Teppe:Werner
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CSMR-2011-ZillmannWHTTFHREKUZ #industrial #process
- The SOAMIG Process Model in Industrial Applications (CZ, AW, AH, WT, MT, AF, TH, VR, UE, UK, DU, YZ), pp. 339–342.
- CSMR-2009-Teppe #case study #challenge #experience #industrial #migration #scalability
- The ARNO Project: Challenges and Experiences in a Large-Scale Industrial Software Migration Project (WT), pp. 149–158.