Travelled to:
2 × USA
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Talks about:
simul (3) techniqu (2) hierarch (2) logic (2) knowledg (1) karnough (1) schedul (1) encount (1) hybrid (1) state (1)
Person: Will Sherwood
DBLP: Sherwood:Will
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DAC-1981-Sherwood #logic #modelling #simulation
- A MOS modelling technique for 4-state true-value hierarchical logic simulation or Karnough knowledge (WS), pp. 775–785.
- DAC-1979-Sherwood #hybrid #logic #scheduling
- A hybrid scheduling technique for hierarchical logic simulators or “Close Encounters of the Simulated Kind” (WS), pp. 249–254.