Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
1 × Switzerland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Azzopardi A.Tousimojarad Jan de Muijnck-Hughes H.Joho P.E.McKechnie M.Blott M.Moadeli A.Frolov S.R.Chalamalasetti M.Margala
Talks about:
system (3) filter (2) fpga (2) throughput (1) disciplin (1) transact (1) interfac (1) communic (1) process (1) monitor (1)
Person: Wim Vanderbauwhede
DBLP: Vanderbauwhede:Wim
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- PDP-2015-TousimojaradV #thread
- Number of Tasks, not Threads, is Key (AT, WV), pp. 128–136.
- CIKM-2013-VanderbauwhedeFACM #throughput #using
- High throughput filtering using FPGA-acceleration (WV, AF, LA, SRC, MM), pp. 1245–1248.
- SIGIR-2010-AzzopardiVJ #requirements
- Search system requirements of patent analysts (LA, WV, HJ), pp. 775–776.
- LCTES-2009-McKechnieBV #debugging #monitoring #transaction
- Debugging FPGA-based packet processing systems through transaction-level communication-centric monitoring (PEM, MB, WV), pp. 129–136.
- SIGIR-2009-AzzopardiVM #energy #performance
- Developing energy efficient filtering systems (LA, WV, MM), pp. 664–665.
- ECOOP-2019-Muijnck-HughesV #hardware #interface #type system
- A Typing Discipline for Hardware Interfaces (JdMH, WV), p. 27.