23 papers:
PLDI-2015-SiekTW- Blame and coercion: together again for the first time (JGS, PT, PW), pp. 425–435.
STOC-2015-ChristianiPT #independence- From Independence to Expansion and Back Again (TC, RP, MT), pp. 813–820.
CHI-2015-DaltonCM #using- Display Blindness?: Looking Again at the Visibility of Situated Displays using Eye-tracking (NSD, EC, PM), pp. 3889–3898.
DLT-2014-Weil #algebra #logic- From Algebra to Logic: There and Back Again The Story of a Hierarchy — (Invited Paper) (PW), pp. 275–278.
GPCE-2013-Flatt #question- Submodules in racket: you want it when, again? (MF), pp. 13–22.
CHI-2012-XuBRTM #communication #how #learning #towards- Learning how to feel again: towards affective workplace presence and communication technologies (AX, JTB, EGR, TT, WvM), pp. 839–848.
SPLC-2012-El-SharkawyDS #analysis #feature model #modelling- From feature models to decision models and back again an analysis based on formal transformations (SES, SD, KS), pp. 126–135.
CSMR-2011-Seibel #model management #traceability- From Software Traceability to Global Model Management and Back Again (AS), pp. 381–384.
CHI-2011-EgelmanOK #data access #facebook #fault- Oops, I did it again: mitigating repeated access control errors on facebook (SE, AO, SK), pp. 2295–2304.
PEPM-2010-Haftmann #haskell #higher-order #logic- From higher-order logic to Haskell: there and back again (FH), pp. 155–158.
DAC-2009-LevitanC #parallel- Massively parallel processing: it’s déjà vu all over again (SPL, DMC), pp. 534–538.
RecSys-2009-AmatriainPTO #recommendation- Rate it again: increasing recommendation accuracy by user re-rating (XA, JMP, NT, NO), pp. 173–180.
SPLC-2008-CzarneckiSW #feature model #modelling- Sample Spaces and Feature Models: There and Back Again (KC, SS, AW), pp. 22–31.
HPCA-2008-WellsS- Serializing instructions in system-intensive workloads: Amdahl’s Law strikes again (PMW, GSS), pp. 264–275.
TACAS-2007-Cleaveland #lessons learnt- THERE AND BACK AGAIN: Lessons Learned on the Way to the Market (RC), p. 1.
ICPC-2007-RatiuD #source code- From Reality to Programs and (Not Quite) Back Again (DR, FD), pp. 91–102.
SPLC-2007-CzarneckiW #diagrams #feature model #logic- Feature Diagrams and Logics: There and Back Again (KC, AW), pp. 23–34.
ITiCSE-2002-DagdilelisSE #behaviour #what- What they really do?: attempting (once again) to model novice programmers’ behavior (VD, MS, GE), p. 244.
ICFP-2002-DanvyG- There and back again (OD, MG), pp. 230–234.
CHI-2000-LeeKM #design #internet #what- What makes Internet users visit cyber stores again? key design factors for customer loyalty (JL, JK, JYM), pp. 305–312.
CSCW-1998-Grinter #named- Recomposition: Putting It All Back Together Again (REG), pp. 393–402.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Odberg #database #object-oriented #query #what- What “What” is and isn’t: On Query Languages for Object-Oriented Databases, or: Closing the Gap — Again (EO), pp. 13–24.
SIGIR-1973-Winograd #complexity- Breaking the Complexity Barrier again (TW), pp. 13–30.