56 papers:
CASE-2015-JinDAWBBBL #distributed #framework- A comprehensive framework of factory-to-factory dynamic fleet-level prognostics and operation management for geographically distributed assets (CJ, DD, HDA, KW, MB, BB, PB, JL), pp. 225–230.
CASE-2015-XuZYH- Cloud Asset-enabled Prefabrication Transportation Service for public housing production in Hong Kong (GX, RYZ, HY, GQH), pp. 1497–1502.
SEKE-2014-SilvaPBBC #development #ontology #reuse #specification- ONTO-ResAsset Development: An Ontology for Reusable Assets Specification and Management (LDS, DMBP, EFB, RTVB, MIC), pp. 459–462.
SAC-2014-BassoOF #java #model transformation- Extending JUnit 4 with Java annotations and reflection to test variant model transformation assets (FPB, TCdO, KF), pp. 1601–1608.
SAC-2014-BassoPOF #adaptation #case study #experience #generative #lessons learnt #model transformation- Generative adaptation of model transformation assets: experiences, lessons and drawbacks (FPB, RMP, TCdO, MDDF), pp. 1027–1034.
ICEIS-v1-2013-AliCCCGSS #enterprise #industrial #named- AMICO: The Asset Management for Industrial Complex Enterprise (SA, GC, SC, FC, LG, FS, AS), pp. 423–429.
KDD-2013-EmersonWN #data mining #mining #profiling- A data mining driven risk profiling method for road asset management (DE, JW, RN), pp. 1267–1275.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-BastosBGRCSF #identification #modelling- Managing Information and Knowledge — A Proposal Methodology for Building an Integrated Model based on Information Assets Identification (CAMB, ACMB, ASG, LSdR, MAFC, MLdS, SJMdSF), pp. 520–525.
KDD-2012-OlteanuS #clustering #correlation #energy #named #network #nondeterminism #predict- DAGger: clustering correlated uncertain data (to predict asset failure in energy networks) (DO, SJvS), pp. 1504–1507.
KMIS-2012-StroetmannHL #industrial- Medical Knowledge — A Core Asset for Healthcare Industry (BS, AH, AL), pp. 184–189.
RE-2012-SalehiePOAN #adaptation #runtime #security- Requirements-driven adaptive security: Protecting variable assets at runtime (MS, LP, IO, RA, BN), pp. 111–120.
SAC-2012-MonakovaBS #process #safety #security- Security and safety of assets in business processes (GM, ADB, AS), pp. 1667–1673.
ICLP-2012-NovelliVPD #architecture #named- LOG-IDEAH: ASP for Architectonic Asset Preservation (VN, MDV, JAP, DD), pp. 393–403.
ICEIS-v3-2011-LiuX- Assets Management Around Urban Rail Transit (HL, MX), pp. 439–443.
SEKE-2011-LiJ #classification #ontology- An Ontology based Method for Building Understandable Hierarchical Classification Structure for Software Assets Browsing (GL, ZJ), pp. 521–526.
ICSM-2010-Jakubicka- Software asset management (MJ), pp. 1–2.
SPLC-2010-Elizondo #composition #development #using- Using Composition Connectors to Support Software Asset Development (PVE), pp. 496–497.
SPLC-2010-McGregor #quality- The Many Paths to Quality Core Assets (JDM), p. 502.
SPLC-2010-McGregor10a #product line #reuse #testing- Building Reusable Testing Assets for a Software Product Line (JDM), pp. 505–506.
CASE-2009-Srinivasan #communication- Sustaining manufacturing assets through smarter utilization of information and communication technologies (VS), pp. 478–482.
CSMR-2009-Gimnich #design #using- Using Existing Software Assets in SOA Design (RG), pp. 309–310.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-RochaN #communication #comprehension #information management #named- Semiotics — An Asset for Understanding Information Systems Communication (PAR, ÂLN), pp. 273–278.
ICEIS-J-2009-Haider #evaluation #information management #lifecycle- Evaluation of Information Systems Supporting Asset Lifecycle Management (AH), pp. 906–917.
RecSys-2009-HelouSSG #process #ranking #recommendation- The 3A contextual ranking system: simultaneously recommending actors, assets, and group activities (SEH, CS, SS, DG), pp. 373–376.
RE-2009-LongLYJ #approach #evaluation #requirements #security- AVT Vector: A Quantitative Security Requirements Evaluation Approach Based on Assets, Vulnerabilities and Trustworthiness of Environment (TL, LL, YY, ZJ), pp. 377–378.
SPLC-2009-McGregor #product line #reuse #testing- Building reusable testing assets for a software product line (JDM), p. 325.
ECSA-2008-ChatzigiannakisLSS #security- A Security Model for Internet-Based Digital Asset Management Systems (IC, VL, DS, PGS), pp. 326–329.
WICSA-2008-Eeles #architecture #comprehension- Understanding Architectural Assets (PE), pp. 267–270.
FM-2008-LintelmanRLS #formal method #security- Formal Methods for Trustworthy Skies: Building Confidence in the Security of Aircraft Assets Distribution (SL, RR, ML, KS), pp. 406–410.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-Haider #perspective- Issues in IS Based Engineering Asset Management — An Australian Perspective (AH), pp. 94–101.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-Haider08a #evaluation- IS Based Asset Management — An Evaluation (AH), pp. 293–298.
SPLC-2008-McGregor08a #product line #reuse #testing- Building Reusable Testing Assets for a Software Product Line (JDM), p. 378.
CSMR-2007-Veerman #automation #maintenance- Automated Mass Maintenance of Software Assets (NPV), pp. 353–356.
SAC-2007-ParkPS #reuse #specification- Extending reusable asset specification to improve software reuse (SP, SP, VS), pp. 1473–1478.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-HaiderK #evaluation #framework #performance- Performance Evaluation Framework for IT/IS Based Asset Management (AH, AK), pp. 355–365.
SAC-2006-SilveiraSNDF #component #named #repository #representation- X-ARM: an asset representation model for component repository systems (GEdS, MS, YN, JDJ, SMF), pp. 1690–1694.
SPLC-2006-Hunt- Organizing the Asset Base for Product Derivation (JMH), pp. 65–74.
SPLC-2006-LeeKKP #analysis #aspect-oriented #development #feature model #product line #programming- Combining Feature-Oriented Analysis and Aspect-Oriented Programming for Product Line Asset Development (KL, KCK, MK, SP), pp. 103–112.
SPLC-2006-McGregor #product line #reuse #testing- Building Reusable Testing Assets for a Software Product Line (JDM), p. 220.
WCRE-2005-KnodelJGPUAR #product line- Asset Recovery and Their Incorporation into Product Lines (JK, IJ, DG, MP, FU, JLA, CR), pp. 120–129.
ICEIS-v3-2005-HaiderK #framework- ICT Based Asset Management Framework (AH, AK), pp. 312–322.
ICEIS-v3-2005-KochGS #automation #industrial- Automating the Configuration of It Asset Management in Industrial Automation Systems (TEK, EG, PS), pp. 306–311.
SPLC-2005-KangKLK #case study #feature model #legacy #product line #re-engineering- Feature-Oriented Re-engineering of Legacy Systems into Product Line Assets — a Case Study (KCK, MK, JL, BK), pp. 45–56.
SPLC-2005-Trew #architecture #embedded #integration #product line- Enabling the Smooth Integration of Core Assets: Defining and Packaging Architectural Rules for a Family of Embedded Products (TT), pp. 137–149.
CSMR-2003-Veerman #legacy- Revitalizing Modifiability of Legacy Assets (NPV), pp. 19–29.
SPLC-2002-KangDKLL #development #product line #using- Using a Marketing and Product Plan as a Key Driver for Product Line Asset Development (KCK, PD, EK, JL, KL), pp. 366–382.
GCSE-2001-ZhangJS #approach #product line- XVCL Approach to Separating Concerns in Product Family Assets (HZ, SJ, SMS), pp. 36–47.
WICSA-1999-Bosch #architecture #case study #composition #evolution #product line #reuse- Evolution and Composition of Reusable Assets in Product-Line Architectures: A Case Study (JB), pp. 321–340.
ESEC-FSE-1999-BayerGWDA #architecture #legacy #product line- Transitioning Legacy Assets to a Product Line Architecture (JB, JFG, MW, JMD, MA), pp. 446–463.
TRI-Ada-1996-KlinglerS #architecture #implementation #named #process- DAGAR: A Process for Domain Architecture Definition and Asset Implementation (CDK, JS), pp. 231–245.
OOPSLA-1996-SteyaertLMD #contract #evolution #reuse- Reuse Contracts: Managing the Evolution of Reusable Assets (PS, CL, KM, TD), pp. 268–285.
ICSE-1996-Schneider #how #prototype #why- Prototypes as Assets, not Toys: Why and How to Extract Knowledge from Prototypes (KS), pp. 522–531.
SIGMOD-1995-Olson- Cover Your Assets (MAO), p. 453.
SIGMOD-1995-Perna- Leveraging The Information Asset (JP), pp. 451–452.
SIGMOD-1994-BilirisDGJR #named #transaction- ASSET: A System for Supporting Extended Transactions (AB, SD, NHG, HVJ, KR), pp. 44–54.
CAiSE-1990-Portugal #quality- Quality Management: The Business Asset and its Competitive Advantage (AdP), p. 289.