18 papers:
ICML-2015-ShahKG #algorithm #empirical #probability #process- An Empirical Study of Stochastic Variational Inference Algorithms for the Beta Bernoulli Process (AS, DAK, ZG), pp. 1594–1603.
ICML-c2-2014-HeaukulaniKG- Beta Diffusion Trees (CH, DAK, ZG), pp. 1809–1817.
KDD-2014-RossCCD #clustering #process- Dual beta process priors for latent cluster discovery in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (JCR, PJC, MHC, JGD), pp. 155–162.
ICML-2012-WangC #process- Levy Measure Decompositions for the Beta and Gamma Processes (YW, LC), p. 68.
ICPR-2012-DecrouezDGC- Extracting planar structures efficiently with revisited BetaSAC (MD, RD, FG, JLC), pp. 2100–2103.
ICML-2011-ChenPSDC #analysis #learning #process- The Hierarchical Beta Process for Convolutional Factor Analysis and Deep Learning (BC, GP, GS, DBD, LC), pp. 361–368.
ICML-2011-PaisleyCB #process- Variational Inference for Stick-Breaking Beta Process Priors (JWP, LC, DMB), pp. 889–896.
KEOD-2011-LimYSH #metric #modelling #robust #semantics- Robust Semantic World Modeling by Beta Measurement Likelihood in a Dynamic Indoor Environment (GHL, CY, IHS, SWH), pp. 311–316.
DATE-2010-ZengC #metric #using- Interconnect delay and slew metrics using the beta distribution (JKZ, CPC), pp. 1329–1332.
ICML-2010-PaisleyZWGC #process- A Stick-Breaking Construction of the Beta Process (JWP, AKZ, CWW, GSG, LC), pp. 847–854.
LOPSTR-2010-SakuraiA #library #named #proving #user interface #visualisation- MikiBeta: A General GUI Library for Visualizing Proof Trees — System Description and Demonstration (KS, KA), pp. 84–98.
ICML-2009-PaisleyC #analysis #parametricity #process- Nonparametric factor analysis with beta process priors (JWP, LC), pp. 777–784.
DATE-2007-HwangCR #interactive #process #scalability- Interactive presentation: Process tolerant beta-ratio modulation for ultra-dynamic voltage scaling (MEH, TC, KR), pp. 1550–1555.
QAPL-2006-DeganoPPQ #biology- Beta-binders for Biological Quantitative Experiments (PD, DP, CP, PQ), pp. 101–117.
ECOOP-1996-BrandtK #type system- Generalising the BETA Type System (SB, JLK), pp. 421–448.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BlakN #embedded #object-oriented #tool support- OO Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications, The Mjolner BETA System (LB, JN), pp. 359–367.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Madsen #programming- Programming in BETA (OLM), pp. 433–434.
POPL-1983-KristensenMMN #abstraction #programming language- Abstraction Mechanisms in the BETA Programming Language (BBK, OLM, BMP, KN), pp. 285–298.