29 papers:
FoSSaCS-2015-BozzelliMP #logic- Unifying Hyper and Epistemic Temporal Logics (LB, BM, SP), pp. 167–182.
PPDP-2015-HaarPRV #algebra #concurrent #logic- An algebraic view of space/belief and extrusion/utterance for concurrency/epistemic logic (SH, SP, CR, FDV), pp. 161–172.
TACAS-2014-BozzanoCGT #component #design #detection #fault #identification #logic #using- Formal Design of Fault Detection and Identification Components Using Temporal Epistemic Logic (MB, AC, MG, ST), pp. 326–340.
TACAS-2014-HuangM #semantics #specification #synthesis- Symbolic Synthesis for Epistemic Specifications with Observational Semantics (XH, RvdM), pp. 455–469.
CHI-2014-ChanLH #interactive #online #social- Social epistemic cognition in online interactions (RYYC, SL, DH), pp. 3289–3298.
KR-2014-BaierMM #problem- Diagnostic Problem Solving via Planning with Ontic and Epistemic Goals (JAB, BM, SAM).
KR-2014-Belardinelli #logic #satisfiability- Satisfiability of Alternating-Time Temporal Epistemic Logic Through Tableaux (FB).
KR-2014-LakemeyerL #calculus #decidability #reasoning- Decidable Reasoning in a Fragment of the Epistemic Situation Calculus (GL, HJL).
CAV-2014-BozianuDF #specification #synthesis- Safraless Synthesis for Epistemic Temporal Specifications (RB, CD, EF), pp. 441–456.
SAC-2013-RodriguesCPZ #database #visual notation #visualisation- Hierarchical visual filtering, pragmatic and epistemic actions for database visualization (JFRJ, CEC, AFdP, LAMZ), pp. 946–952.
KR-2012-HaufeT #automation #game studies #verification- Automated Verification of Epistemic Properties for General Game Playing (SH, MT).
KR-2012-VlaeminckVBD #complexity #logic #order #semantics- Ordered Epistemic Logic: Semantics, Complexity and Applications (HV, JV, MB, MD).
KR-2010-Aucher #logic- Characterizing Updates in Dynamic Epistemic Logic (GA).
SAC-2010-GrozaHB #automation #towards- Towards automatic extraction of epistemic items from scientific publications (TG, SH, GB), pp. 1341–1348.
LATA-2009-Gierasimczuk #learning #logic- Learning by Erasing in Dynamic Epistemic Logic (NG), pp. 362–373.
HT-2008-DellschaftS- An epistemic dynamic model for tagging systems (KD, SS), pp. 71–80.
PODS-2008-EvfimievskiFW #privacy- Epistemic privacy (AVE, RF, DPW), pp. 171–180.
SEFM-2008-GorankoS #distributed #logic #multi- Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for the Multi-agent Epistemic Logic with Operators of Common and Distributed Knowledge (VG, DS), pp. 237–246.
KR-2008-KellyP #calculus- Complex Epistemic Modalities in the Situation Calculus (RFK, ARP), pp. 611–620.
SIGIR-2007-YakiciBRC #evaluation #information retrieval #modelling #nondeterminism- Modelling epistemic uncertainty in ir evaluation (MY, MB, IR, FC), pp. 769–770.
KR-2006-AgotnesA #logic #semantics- Semantics for Dynamic Syntactic Epistemic Logics (TÅ, NA), pp. 411–419.
KR-2006-Zhang #logic programming #source code- Computational Properties of Epistemic Logic Programs (YZ), pp. 308–317.
LOPSTR-1994-HoekMT #semantics- Formal Semantics of Temporal Epistemic Reflection (WvdH, JJCM, JT), pp. 332–352.
KR-1992-DoniniLNSN #concept- Adding Epistemic Operators to Concept Languages (FMD, ML, DN, AS, WN), pp. 342–353.
KR-1991-GroveH #logic #multi- Naming and Identity in a Multi-Agent Epistemic Logic (AJG, JYH), pp. 301–312.
KR-1991-PequenoB #consistency #logic #nondeterminism- The Logic of Epistemic Inconsistency (THCP, AB), pp. 453–460.
KR-1991-Schweizer- A Metalinguistic Treatment of Epistemic Contexts (PS), pp. 507–513.
LICS-1989-Vardi #complexity #on the #reasoning- On the Complexity of Epistemic Reasoning (MYV), pp. 243–252.
CADE-1986-Konolige #logic #quantifier- Resolution and Quantified Epistemic Logics (KK), pp. 199–208.