24 papers:
HT-2014-TrevisiolCB #personalisation #recommendation- Buon appetito: recommending personalized menus (MT, LC, RABY), pp. 327–329.
CHI-2014-BaillyOBH #linear #visual notation- Model of visual search and selection time in linear menus (GB, AO, DPB, AH), pp. 3865–3874.
CHI-2013-Samp #design #visual notation- Designing graphical menus for novices and experts: connecting design characteristics with design goals (KS), pp. 3159–3168.
CHI-2012-JainB #learning #performance- User learning and performance with bezel menus (MJ, RB), pp. 2221–2230.
HCI-UA-2011-BiswasL #interface- Investigating the Accessibility of Program Selection Menus of a Digital TV Interface (PB, PL), pp. 425–434.
CHI-2010-BaillyLG #linear #multi- Finger-count & radial-stroke shortcuts: 2 techniques for augmenting linear menus on multi-touch surfaces (GB, EL, YG), pp. 591–594.
CHI-2010-LepinskiGF #design #evaluation #multi- The design and evaluation of multitouch marking menus (GJL, TG, GWF), pp. 2233–2242.
HCI-AUII-2009-KimPS #3d #design- Menu Design in Cell Phones: Use of 3D Menus (KK, RWP, GS), pp. 48–57.
CHI-2008-MatsuiY #algorithm #search-based- Genetic algorithm can optimize hierarchical menus (SM, SY), pp. 1385–1388.
CHI-2008-TanvirCIC #adaptation #named- AAMU: adaptive activation area menus for improving selection in cascading pull-down menus (ET, JC, PI, AC), pp. 1381–1384.
CHI-2007-Tsandilass- Bubbling menus: a selective mechanism for accessing hierarchical drop-down menus (TT, MMCS), pp. 1195–1204.
CHI-2006-AhlstromAH #comparison #interactive #standard- Improving menu interaction: a comparison of standard, force enhanced and jumping menus (DA, RA, MH), pp. 1067–1076.
CHI-2006-ZhaoAH #multi #using- Zone and polygon menus: using relative position to increase the breadth of multi-stroke marking menus (SZ, MA, KH), pp. 1077–1086.
CHI-2005-Ahlstrom #modelling #using- Modeling and improving selection in cascading pull-down menus using Fitts’ law, the steering law and force fields (DA), pp. 61–70.
CHI-2004-FindlaterM #adaptation #comparison- A comparison of static, adaptive, and adaptable menus (LF, JM), pp. 89–96.
CHI-2002-SuhmBMFGGP #case study #comparative #natural language #speech- A comparative study of speech in the call center: natural language call routing vs. touch-tone menus (BS, JB, DM, BF, DG, KG, PP), pp. 283–290.
CHI-1999-ByrneADM #eye tracking #visual notation- Eye Tracking the Visual Search of Click-Down Menus (MDB, JRA, SD, MM), pp. 402–409.
CHI-1998-AaltonenHR #how #question- 101 Spots, or How Do Users Read Menus? (AA, AH, KJR), pp. 132–139.
CHI-1995-MittalM #generative #interactive #natural language- Dynamic Generation of Follow Up Question Menus: Facilitating Interactive Natural Language Dialogues (VOM, JDM), pp. 90–97.
CHI-1994-KurtenbachB94a #learning #performance- User learning and performance with marking menus (GK, WB), pp. 258–264.
HCI-SHI-1993-MalinowskiKDS #adaptation #user interface- Computer-Aided Adaptation of User Interfaces with Menus and Dialog Boxes (UM, TK, HD, MSH), pp. 122–127.
INTERCHI-1993-KurtenbachB #performance #using- The limits of expert performance using hierarchic marking menus (GK, WB), pp. 482–487.
CHI-1990-WalkerS #comparison- A comparison of selection time from walking and pull-down menus (NW, JBS), pp. 221–226.
DAC-1982-Price #design- Design of command menus for CAD systems (LAP), pp. 453–459.