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42 papers:

ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-DakaCFDW #modelling #readability #testing
Modeling readability to improve unit tests (ED, JC, GF, JD, WW), pp. 107–118.
DocEngDocEng-2013-PinkneyBB #readability
No need to justify your choice: pre-compiling line breaks to improve eBook readability (AJP, SRB, DFB), pp. 237–240.
CSMRCSMR-2013-SasakiHK #order #readability
Reordering Program Statements for Improving Readability (YS, YH, SK), pp. 361–364.
CHICHI-2013-DunneS #clique #network #readability #visualisation
Motif simplification: improving network visualization readability with fan, connector, and clique glyphs (CD, BS), pp. 3247–3256.
HCIOCSC-2013-Meiselwitz #assessment #network #policy #readability #social
Readability Assessment of Policies and Procedures of Social Networking Sites (GM), pp. 67–75.
ECIRECIR-2013-EickhoffCBD #design #evaluation
Designing Human-Readable User Profiles for Search Evaluation (CE, KCT, PNB, STD), pp. 701–705.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-BanerjeeKM #readability
Text Simplification for Enhanced Readability (SB, NK, CEVM), pp. 202–207.
ICSTICST-2013-AfshanMS #evolution #natural language #string #testing #using
Evolving Readable String Test Inputs Using a Natural Language Model to Reduce Human Oracle Cost (SA, PM, MS), pp. 352–361.
CIKMCIKM-2012-JatowtT12a #analysis #comparative #readability #wiki
Is wikipedia too difficult?: comparative analysis of readability of wikipedia, simple wikipedia and britannica (AJ, KT), pp. 2607–2610.
MSRMSR-2011-PosnettHD #readability
A simpler model of software readability (DP, AH, PTD), pp. 73–82.
WCREWCRE-2011-WangPV #automation #readability #segmentation
Automatic Segmentation of Method Code into Meaningful Blocks to Improve Readability (XW, LLP, KVS), pp. 35–44.
DocEngDocEng-2010-TruranGCZ #documentation #readability
Assessing the readability of clinical documents in a document engineering environment (MT, GG, MC, DZ), pp. 125–134.
WCREWCRE-2010-ChenWZZHNQCG #c #decompiler #readability
A Refined Decompiler to Generate C Code with High Readability (GC, ZW, RZ, KZ, SH, KN, ZQ, KC, HG), pp. 150–154.
CHICHI-2010-JankowskiSIJD #3d #readability #video
Integrating Text with Video and 3D Graphics: The Effects of Text Drawing Styles on Text Readability (JJ, KS, II, MJ, SD), pp. 1321–1330.
CHICHI-2010-YuM #readability #web
Enhancing web page readability for non-native readers (CHY, RCM), pp. 2523–2532.
DocEngDocEng-2009-BertholdoVA #documentation #readability
Layout-aware limiarization for readability enhancement of degraded historical documents (FB, EV, AdAA), pp. 131–134.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-OmoriHWMM #mobile #readability
Influence of Vertical Length of Characters on Readability in Mobile Phones (MO, SH, TW, SM, MM), pp. 430–438.
CHICHI-2008-QuinnHARB #library #readability
Readability of scanned books in digital libraries (AJQ, CH, TA, AR, BBB), pp. 705–714.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-BuseW #metric #readability
A metric for software readability (RPLB, WW), pp. 121–130.
CHICHI-2007-GrossmanWB #readability
Exploring and reducing the effects of orientation on text readability in volumetric displays (TG, DW, RB), pp. 483–492.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-KimL #design #evaluation #readability
The Design and Evaluation of a Diagonally Splitted Column to Improve Text Readability on a Small Screen (YJK, WL), pp. 384–393.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-FujikakeHOTM #navigation #readability
Readability of Character Size for Car Navigation Systems (KF, SH, MO, HT, MM), pp. 503–509.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-HasegawaOFM #mobile #readability
Readability of Characters on Liquid Crystal Displays in Mobile Phones (SH, MO, KF, MM), pp. 510–517.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-WuXLX #documentation
TDARS, a Fusion Based AR System for Machine Readable Travel Documents (YW, LX, CL, ZX), pp. 1129–1138.
Unsupervised Inference of Data Formats in Human-Readable Notation (CS), pp. 236–244.
CIKMCIKM-2006-YanSL #concept #documentation #information retrieval #readability
Concept-based document readability in domain specific information retrieval (XY, DS, XL), pp. 540–549.
ECIRECIR-2006-KaneCD #information retrieval #readability
Readability Applied to Information Retrieval (LK, JC, JD), pp. 523–526.
CHICHI-2005-LamB #summary #web
Summary thumbnails: readable overviews for small screen web browsers (HL, PB), pp. 681–690.
CHICHI-2002-WhittakerHASBISZR #interface #named #speech
SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable (SW, JH, BA, LAS, MB, PLI, LS, GZ, AER), pp. 275–282.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-MayfieldM #online
Converting on-line bilingual dictionaries from human-readable to machine-readable form (JM, PM), pp. 405–406.
ICSEICSE-2002-ZimmermanLL #readability #requirements #specification
Investigating the readability of state-based formal requirements specification languages (MKZ, KL, NGL), pp. 33–43.
CIKMCIKM-2001-AljlaylF #effectiveness #information retrieval
Effective Arabic-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval via Machine-Readable Dictionaries and Machine Translation (MA, OF), pp. 295–302.
CIKMCIKM-2001-SiC #readability #statistics
A Statistical Model for Scientific Readability (LS, JPC), pp. 574–576.
DACDAC-1998-AmonBL #using
Making Complex Timing Relationships Readable: Presburger Formula Simplicication Using Don’t Cares (TA, GB, JL), pp. 586–590.
ICDARICDAR-1997-YoungB #constraints #readability
Constraints on handwriting Korean characters to improve the machine readability (CBY, SYB), pp. 195–199.
ICSMEICSM-1994-CowanGLS #comprehension #readability #using
Enhancing Code for Readability and Comprehension Using SGML (DDC, DMG, CJPdL, AvS), pp. 181–190.
PPDPPLILP-1994-KluzniakM #requirements #specification
Readable, Runnable Requirements Specifications in SPILL-2 (FK, MM), pp. 449–450.
SIGIRSIGIR-1989-KrovetzC #ambiguity #using #word
Word Sense Disambiguation Using Machine-Readable Dictionaries (RK, WBC), pp. 127–136.
ICSEICSE-1988-Baecker #readability #tool support #visualisation
Enhancing Program Readability and Comprehensibility with Tools for Program Visualization (RB), pp. 356–366.
HCIHCI-SES-1987-FukuyumiYH #case study #readability
Study on VDT Display Color and Readability (SF, IY, YH), pp. 189–196.
ICSEICSE-1984-Rogers #pascal #readability
A New Program Structure to Improve Accuracy and Readability of Pascal Software (WJR), pp. 454–462.
ICLPILPC-1982-Bruynooghe82a #prolog #reliability #source code
Adding Redundancy to Obtain more Reliable and Readable Prolog Programs (MB), pp. 129–133.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.