Stem serendipit$ (all stems)
11 papers:
CSCW-2014-BrownELQM #how #interactive- Tracking serendipitous interactions: how individual cultures shape the office (CB, CE, IL, DQ, CM), pp. 1072–1081.
CIKM-2014-LaereBML #named- DEESSE: entity-Driven Exploratory and sErendipitous Search SystEm (OVL, IB, YM, ML), pp. 2072–2074.
CHI-2013-AnkolekarSY #game studies- Play it by ear: a case for serendipitous discovery of places with musicons (AA, TS, LY), pp. 2959–2968.
CHI-2013-KleekSPSS #information management #integration- Carpé data: supporting serendipitous data integration in personal information management (MVK, DAS, HSP, JS, NRS), pp. 2339–2348.
CIKM-2013-BordinoML- Penguins in sweaters, or serendipitous entity search on user-generated content (IB, YM, ML), pp. 109–118.
CHI-2012-ThudtHC #visualisation- The bohemian bookshelf: supporting serendipitous book discoveries through information visualization (AT, UH, SC), pp. 1461–1470.
KDD-2011-ZhangLS #learning- Serendipitous learning: learning beyond the predefined label space (DZ, YL, LS), pp. 1343–1351.
SIGIR-2010-Kawamae #recommendation- Serendipitous recommendations via innovators (NK), pp. 218–225.
SIGIR-2009-SakaiN #analysis #query #wiki- Serendipitous search via wikipedia: a query log analysis (TS, KN), pp. 780–781.
ICLP-2009-Wielemaker #prolog #using #web- Enabling Serendipitous Search on the Web of Data Using Prolog (JW), p. 36.
CHI-2008-BellottiBCDFIKNPPRRSW #mobile #recommendation- Activity-based serendipitous recommendations with the Magitti mobile leisure guide (VB, JBB, EHhC, ND, JF, EI, THK, MWN, KP, BP, PR, MR, DJS, AW), pp. 1157–1166.