42 papers:
CHI-2015-SahooPS- Control of Non-Solid Diffusers by Electrostatic Charging (DRS, DMP, SS), pp. 11–14.
DATE-2014-ZuoloZMGICPOB #design #fine-grained #framework #named- SSDExplorer: A virtual platform for fine-grained design space exploration of Solid State Drives (LZ, CZ, RM, SG, MI, SDC, PP, PO, DB), pp. 1–6.
VISSOFT-2014-VoineaT #analysis #visual notation- Visual Clone Analysis with SolidSDD (LV, ACT), pp. 79–82.
ICPR-2014-GarciaO #realtime- CPU-Based Real-Time Surface and Solid Voxelization for Incomplete Point Cloud (FG, BEO), pp. 2757–2762.
ICPR-2014-LitvinovL #incremental #modelling #visual notation- Incremental Solid Modeling from Sparse Structure-from-Motion Data with Improved Visual Artifacts Removal (VL, ML), pp. 2745–2750.
HPCA-2014-JungK #named #resource management- Sprinkler: Maximizing resource utilization in many-chip solid state disks (MJ, MTK), pp. 524–535.
HCI-III-2013-NovotnyPSP- The Solid Angle of Light Sources and Its Impact on the Suppression of Melatonin in Humans (PN, PP, MJS, HP), pp. 454–463.
SIGIR-2013-WangLYTWL- The impact of solid state drive on search engine cache management (JW, EL, MLY, JT, GW, XL), pp. 693–702.
SOSP-2013-CoburnBSGS #transaction- From ARIES to MARS: transaction support for next-generation, solid-state drives (JC, TB, MS, RG, SS), pp. 197–212.
DATE-2012-LinC #adaptation #garbage collection- Dual Greedy: Adaptive garbage collection for page-mapping solid-state disks (WHL, LPC), pp. 117–122.
CIKM-2012-ThonangiB0 #concurrent- A practical concurrent index for solid-state drives (RT, SB, JY), pp. 1332–1341.
SAC-2012-JeremicMBR #operating system- Operating system support for dynamic over-provisioning of solid state drives (NJ, GM, AB, JR), pp. 1753–1758.
ASPLOS-2012-CaulfieldMEDCS #performance- Providing safe, user space access to fast, solid state disks (AMC, TIM, LAE, AD, JC, SS), pp. 387–400.
DAC-2011-ChangS #approach- Plugging versus logging: a new approach to write buffer management for solid-state disks (LPC, YCS), pp. 23–28.
DATE-2011-MazzilloFFMRZ #detection- Solid state photodetectors for nuclear medical imaging applications (MM, PGF, EF, AM, MR, RZ), pp. 511–512.
VLDB-2012-RohPKSL11 #optimisation #parallel- B+-tree Index Optimization by Exploiting Internal Parallelism of Flash-based Solid State Drives (HR, SP, SK, MS, SWL), pp. 286–297.
VISSOFT-2011-ReniersVT #dependence #metric #visual notation- Visual exploration of program structure, dependencies and metrics with SolidSX (DR, LV, ACT), pp. 1–4.
SAC-2011-JinKKHM #fine-grained- Sector log: fine-grained storage management for solid state drives (SJ, JHK, JK, JH, SM), pp. 360–367.
SAC-2011-ParkPSP #named- CAVE: channel-aware buffer management scheme for solid state disk (SKP, YP, GS, KHP), pp. 346–353.
SAC-2011-WuW #framework- A data de-duplication access framework for solid state drives (CHW, HSW), pp. 600–604.
HPCA-2011-ChenLZ #memory management #parallel #performance- Essential roles of exploiting internal parallelism of flash memory based solid state drives in high-speed data processing (FC, RL, XZ), pp. 266–277.
LCTES-2011-ChangH #algorithm #low cost- A low-cost wear-leveling algorithm for block-mapping solid-state disks (LPC, LCH), pp. 31–40.
VLDB-2010-LiH0LY- Tree Indexing on Solid State Drives (YL, BH, JY, QL, KY), pp. 1195–1206.
CIKM-2010-RohLP- Yet another write-optimized DBMS layer for flash-based solid state storage (HR, DL, SP), pp. 1345–1348.
HPCA-2010-SunJCNXCL #architecture #energy #hybrid #performance- A Hybrid solid-state storage architecture for the performance, energy consumption, and lifetime improvement (GS, YJ, YC, DN, YX, YC, HL), pp. 1–12.
SIGMOD-2009-TsirogiannisHSWG #query- Query processing techniques for solid state drives (DT, SH, MAS, JLW, GG), pp. 59–72.
VLDB-2009-CanimBMLR #using- An Object Placement Advisor for DB2 Using Solid State Storage (MC, BB, GAM, CAL, KAR), pp. 1318–1329.
STOC-2009-MartinelliS- Mixing time for the solid-on-solid model (FM, AS), pp. 571–580.
CIKM-2009-DaM #named #optimisation #random- RS-Wrapper: random write optimization for solid state drive (DZ, XM), pp. 1457–1460.
SAC-2009-LeeBPCLN #configuration management #named #precise- CPS-SIM: configurable and accurate clock precision solid state drive simulator (JL, EB, HP, JC, DL, SHN), pp. 318–325.
CASE-2007-MarefatP #automation #modelling #process #retrieval #reuse #similarity- Similarity-Based Retrieval of CAD Solid Models for Automated Reuse of Machining Process Plans (MMM, CP), pp. 312–317.
DLT-2006-JonoskaKM- Involution Solid and Join Codes (NJ, LK, KM), pp. 192–202.
ICPR-v1-2004-LangeG #2d #data type #effectiveness #recognition- Tree-Like Data Structures for Effective Recognition of 2-D Solids (ML, SG), pp. 592–595.
PPDP-2003-BanyasadC #functional #geometry #on the- On translating geometric solids to functional expressions (OB, PTC), pp. 44–55.
SAC-1999-ChanWN #collaboration #modelling- Collaborative Solid Modeling on the WWW (SCfC, MW, VTYN), pp. 598–602.
DATE-1998-Muller-WipperfurthH #modelling #visual notation- Graphical Entry of FSMDs Revisited: Putting Graphical Models on a Solid Base (TMW, RH), pp. 931–932.
GG-1986-Fitzhorn #modelling- A Linguistic Formalism for Engineering Solid Modeling (PF), pp. 202–215.
DAC-1983-LeeF #database #integration #modelling- Integration of solid modeling and data base management for CAD/CAM (YCL, KSF), pp. 367–373.
DAC-1983-TokumasuKOYN #geometry #modelling- Solid model in geometric modelling system: HICAD (ST, YK, YO, SY, NN), pp. 360–366.
DAC-1982-Kalay #bound #modelling #multi #parametricity- Modeling polyhedral solids bounded by multi-curved parametric surfaces (YEK), pp. 501–507.
DAC-1982-Robbins- Making the wire frame solid (DR), pp. 650–654.
DAC-1981-Goldstein #bound- Defining the bounding edges of a SynthaVision solid model (RCG), pp. 457–461.