35 papers:
HT-2015-BeckerSLHHS #named #visualisation- VizTrails: An Information Visualization Tool for Exploring Geographic Movement Trajectories (MB, PS, FL, AH, DH, MS), pp. 319–320.
MSR-2015-ZanjaniKB #developer #using- Using Developer-Interaction Trails to Triage Change Requests (MBZ, HHK, CB), pp. 88–98.
ICPR-2014-LiangZ #3d #modelling #recognition- 3D Motion Trail Model Based Pyramid Histograms of Oriented Gradient for Action Recognition (BL, LZ), pp. 1952–1957.
CHI-2013-ZhaoWB #multi #named- TrailMap: facilitating information seeking in a multi-scale digital map via implicit bookmarking (JZ, DW, RB), pp. 3009–3018.
OOPSLA-2013-HerhutHSS #javascript #parallel- River trail: a path to parallelism in JavaScript (SH, RLH, TS, JS), pp. 729–744.
CHI-2012-DunneRLMR #multi #named #network #scalability- GraphTrail: analyzing large multivariate, heterogeneous networks while supporting exploration history (CD, NHR, BL, RAM, GGR), pp. 1663–1672.
CHI-2012-YuanW #web- Building the trail best traveled: effects of domain knowledge on web search trailblazing (XY, RW), pp. 1795–1804.
SIGIR-2012-LiEV #predict- Want a coffee?: predicting users’ trails (WL, CE, APdV), pp. 1171–1172.
SAT-2012-GoultiaevaB #algorithm- Off the Trail: Re-examining the CDCL Algorithm (AG, FB), pp. 30–43.
WICSA-2011-SuHG #architecture #documentation #navigation- Capturing Architecture Documentation Navigation Trails for Content Chunking and Sharing (MTS, JGH, JG), pp. 256–259.
SIGMOD-2011-ZhouFSTHILS #declarative #distributed #framework #maintenance #named #query- NetTrails: a declarative platform for maintaining and querying provenance in distributed systems (WZ, QF, SS, TT, AH, ZGI, BTL, MS), pp. 1323–1326.
DUXU-v2-2011-YuI #interactive #visualisation #web- Trails-An Interactive Web History Visualization and Tagging Tool (WY, TI), pp. 77–86.
VLDB-2010-StrotgenG #documentation #named- TimeTrails: A System for Exploring Spatio-Temporal Information in Documents (JS, MG), pp. 1569–1572.
ICPR-2010-KocamazR #automation #refinement- Automatic Refinement of Foreground Regions for Robot Trail Following (MKK, CR), pp. 4077–4080.
SIGIR-2010-WhiteC- Exploring the use of labels to shortcut search trails (RWW, RC), pp. 811–812.
SIGIR-2010-WhiteH #web- Assessing the scenic route: measuring the value of search trails in web logs (RWW, JH), pp. 587–594.
SIGMOD-2008-ScheideggerVKFS #query #workflow- Querying and re-using workflows with VsTrails (CES, HTV, DK, JF, CTS), pp. 1251–1254.
KDD-2007-SrihariXS #documentation #generative- Use of ranked cross document evidence trails for hypothesis generation (RKS, LX, TS), pp. 677–686.
SIGMOD-2006-CallahanFSSSV #data transformation #named #visualisation- VisTrails: visualization meets data management (SPC, JF, ES, CES, CTS, HTV), pp. 745–747.
WCRE-2006-Cerulo #development #on the #process- On the Use of Process Trails to Understand Software Development (LC), pp. 303–304.
HT-2005-SchraefelSORHW #evolution #framework #semantics #web- The evolving mSpace platform: leveraging the semantic web on the trail of the memex (MMCS, DAS, AO, AR, CH, MW), pp. 174–183.
HT-2004-GamsR #navigation- Following your colleagues’ footprints: navigation support with trails in shared directories (EG, SR), pp. 89–90.
HT-2004-HansenBCGPG #web- Integrating the web and the world: contextual trails on the move (FAH, NOB, BGC, KG, TBP, JG), pp. 98–107.
HT-2004-KimSW #hypermedia- WebDAV-based hypertext annotation and trail system (SK, MS, EJWJ), pp. 87–88.
PEPM-2004-OchoaSV #slicing- Dynamic slicing based on redex trails (CO, JS, GV), pp. 123–134.
ITiCSE-2003-DiGianoGHC #co-evolution #design- Consolidating Ed-tech co-design best practices through the TRAILS project (CD, MG, JH, MC), p. 245.
VISSOFT-2003-WheeldonCK #comprehension #named #using- AutoCode: Using Memex-like Trails to Improve Program Comprehension (RW, SC, KK), pp. 48–52.
VISSOFT-2003-WheeldonCK1 #comprehension #named #using- AutoCode: Using Memex-like Trails to Improve Program Comprehension (RW, SC, KK), pp. 56–57.
PPDP-2002-SchrijversD #analysis- Combining an improvement to PARMA trailing with trailing analysis (TS, BD), pp. 88–98.
ICLP-2002-SchrijversBD #analysis- Trailing Analysis for HAL (TS, MJGdlB, BD), pp. 38–53.
VLDB-2000-ChakrabartiSST #collaboration #mining #named- Memex: A Browsing Assistant for Collaborative Archiving and Mining of Surf Trails (SC, SS, MS, MT), pp. 603–606.
ICLP-1999-Schulte #constraints #programming- Comparing Trailing and Copying for Constraint Programming (CS), pp. 275–289.
IFL-1997-SparudR #functional- Complete and Partial Redex Trails of Functional Computations (JS, CR), pp. 160–177.
PLILP-1997-SparudR #functional #lazy evaluation #using- Tracing Lazy Functional Computations Using Redex Trails (JS, CR), pp. 291–308.
PLDI-1994-HentenryckR #backtracking- Backtracking without Trailing in CLP(RLin) (PVH, VR), pp. 349–360.