19 papers:
PLDI-2014-Schkufza0A #float #optimisation #precise #probability #source code- Stochastic optimization of floating-point programs with tunable precision (ES, RS, AA), p. 9.
DAC-2013-GaillardonMABSLM #towards #using- Towards structured ASICs using polarity-tunable Si nanowire transistors (PEG, MDM, LGA, SB, DS, YL, GDM), p. 4.
DATE-2013-KazmierskiWAM #energy #optimisation #performance- DoE-based performance optimization of energy management in sensor nodes powered by tunable energy-harvesters (TJK, LW, BMAH, GVM), p. 484.
OOPSLA-2013-Xu #named #optimisation #profiling #source code- Resurrector: a tunable object lifetime profiling technique for optimizing real-world programs (G(X), pp. 111–130.
DATE-2012-WangKAAW #design #energy #optimisation- Response-surface-based design space exploration and optimisation of wireless sensor nodes with tunable energy harvesters (LW, TJK, BMAH, MA, JW), pp. 733–738.
DATE-2011-WangKAWMA #energy #simulation #using- Accelerated simulation of tunable vibration energy harvesting systems using a linearised state-space technique (LW, TJK, BMAH, ASW, GVM, INAG), pp. 1267–1272.
ECOOP-2011-DietlEM #static analysis- Tunable Static Inference for Generic Universe Types (WD, MDE, PM), pp. 333–357.
SIGMOD-2010-GiatrakosKDVT #approximate #named #network- TACO: tunable approximate computation of outliers in wireless sensor networks (NG, YK, AD, VV, YT), pp. 279–290.
ICPR-2010-YangBGB #security- Renewable Minutiae Templates with Tunable Size and Security (BY, CB, DG, PB), pp. 878–881.
ICSE-2010-SchaeferPT #architecture #parallel- Engineering parallel applications with tunable architectures (CAS, VP, WFT), pp. 405–414.
PPoPP-2009-ScottEVNTOLNNPMWNV #approach- A tunable holistic resiliency approach for high-performance computing systems (SLS, CE, GV, TN, AT, GO, CL, NN, RN, MP, FM, CW, ABN, JV), pp. 305–306.
DAC-2008-NieuwoudtKM #automation #configuration management #design #network- Automated design of tunable impedance matching networks for reconfigurable wireless applications (AN, JK, YM), pp. 498–503.
DAC-2008-SenNSC #adaptation #named #power management #process- Pro-VIZOR: process tunable virtually zero margin low power adaptive RF for wireless systems (SS, VN, RS, AC), pp. 492–497.
DATE-2008-SterponeATG #design #fault tolerance #on the #safety- On the design of tunable fault tolerant circuits on SRAM-based FPGAs for safety critical applications (LS, MAA, JNT, HGM), pp. 336–341.
SIGMOD-2008-ChenOTN #named #self- ST2B-tree: a self-tunable spatio-temporal b+-tree index for moving objects (SC, BCO, KLT, MAN), pp. 29–42.
KDD-2000-KittsFV #independence #named #performance #recommendation- Cross-sell: a fast promotion-tunable customer-item recommendation method based on conditionally independent probabilities (BK, DF, MV), pp. 437–446.
ICPR-1996-KunchevaH #network- An RBF network with tunable function shape (LK, STH), pp. 645–649.
OOPSLA-1992-ClydeEW #analysis #object-oriented- Tunable Formalism in Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: Meeting the Needs of Both Theoreticians and Practitioners (SWC, DWE, SNW), pp. 452–465.
SIGIR-1986-OzkarahanC #automation #documentation- An Automatic and Tunable Document Indexing System (EAO, FC), pp. 234–243.