72 papers:
DATE-2015-VargasQM #predict #question- OpenMP and timing predictability: a possible union? (RV, EQ, AM), pp. 617–620.
ICFP-2015-KeilT #contract #higher-order- Blame assignment for higher-order contracts with intersection and union (MK, PT), pp. 375–386.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-PanichellaOL #fault #modelling #predict- Cross-project defect prediction models: L’Union fait la force (AP, RO, ADL), pp. 164–173.
ICALP-v2-2014-BonsangueRABR #algebra #induction- A Coalgebraic Foundation for Coinductive Union Types (MMB, JR, DA, FSdB, JJMMR), pp. 62–73.
RTA-TLCA-2014-Dezani-CiancagliniG #precise #type system- Preciseness of Subtyping on Intersection and Union Types (MDC, SG), pp. 194–207.
VMCAI-2013-Pearce #type system- Sound and Complete Flow Typing with Unions, Intersections and Negations (DJP), pp. 335–354.
ICFP-2012-Dunfield- Elaborating intersection and union types (JD), pp. 17–28.
SIGMOD-2011-HanLMHY #approach #sequence- A new approach for processing ranked subsequence matching based on ranked union (WSH, JL, YSM, SwH, HY), pp. 457–468.
STOC-2011-PatrascuT11a- Don’t rush into a union: take time to find your roots (MP, MT), pp. 559–568.
CIAA-J-2010-CuiGKY11 #complexity- State Complexity of Two Combined Operations: Catenation-Union and Catenation-Intersection (BC, YG, LK, SY), pp. 1797–1812.
DLT-J-2010-JiraskovaM11 #complexity #regular expression- Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages (GJ, TM), pp. 1639–1653.
CIAA-2010-CuiGKY #complexity- State Complexity of Catenation Combined with Union and Intersection (BC, YG, LK, SY), pp. 95–104.
DLT-2010-JiraskovaM #complexity #regular expression- Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages (GJ, TM), pp. 255–266.
ICPR-2010-WangSLYB #classification #using- Shape Classification Using Tree -Unions (BW, WS, WL, XY, XB), pp. 983–986.
LATA-2009-AfoninG #regular expression- Minimal Union-Free Decompositions of Regular Languages (SA, DG), pp. 83–92.
DLT-J-2007-HanS08 #complexity #finite- State Complexity of Union and Intersection of Finite Languages (YSH, KS), pp. 581–595.
KR-2008-GlimmHS #query- Unions of Conjunctive Queries in SHOQ (BG, IH, US), pp. 252–262.
SAC-2008-SchroederM #logic #xml- Conversion of generalization hierarchies and union types from extended entity-relationship model to an XML logical model (RS, RdSM), pp. 1036–1037.
DATE-2007-YonedaIF #algorithm #configuration management #interactive #scheduling #using- Interactive presentation: An SoC test scheduling algorithm using reconfigurable union wrappers (TY, MI, HF), pp. 231–236.
FoSSaCS-2007-Riba #on the- On the Stability by Union of Reducibility Candidates (CR), pp. 317–331.
TACAS-2007-JhalaMX #type inference- State of the Union: Type Inference Via Craig Interpolation (RJ, RM, RGX), pp. 553–567.
CSMR-2007-SzegediGBGT #concept #java #slicing #source code #verification- Verifying the Concept of Union Slices on Java Programs (AS, TG, ÁB, TG, GT), pp. 233–242.
DLT-2007-HanS #complexity #finite- State Complexity of Union and Intersection of Finite Languages (YSH, KS), pp. 217–228.
SAC-OOPS-J-2006-IgarashiN07 #object-oriented #programming- Union Types for Object-Oriented Programming (AI, HN), pp. 47–68.
CIAA-2006-RoyC #finite #infinity #model checking- A Finite Union of DFAs in Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite Systems (SR, BC), pp. 277–278.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenP #modelling #set- Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union Properties (MA, IP), pp. 469–483.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenP #modelling #set- Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union Properties (MA, IP), pp. 469–483.
SAC-2006-IgarashiN #object-oriented #programming- Union types for object-oriented programming (AI, HN), pp. 1435–1441.
LCTES-2006-Mine #analysis #c #embedded #pointer #source code- Field-sensitive value analysis of embedded C programs with union types and pointer arithmetics (AM), pp. 54–63.
RTA-2006-Hoffman #equation #monad- Unions of Equational Monadic Theories (PH), pp. 81–95.
CIAA-2005-CanoG #automaton #bound #constant #finite- Finite Automata and Unions of Regular Patterns with Bounded Constant Segments (AC, PG), pp. 104–115.
ICALP-2005-AlstrupGRTZ #constant- Union-Find with Constant Time Deletions (SA, ILG, TR, MT, UZ), pp. 78–89.
ICALP-2005-ChiniforooshanFM #evaluation- Worst Case Optimal Union-Intersection Expression Evaluation (EC, AF, MM), pp. 179–190.
CIKM-2005-Polyzotis #clustering #effectiveness #optimisation #paradigm #query- Selectivity-based partitioning: a divide-and-union paradigm for effective query optimization (NP), pp. 720–727.
ICLP-2005-Fruhwirth #analysis #confluence #constraints #using- Parallelizing Union-Find in Constraint Handling Rules Using Confluence Analysis (TWF), pp. 113–127.
RTA-2005-Hoffman #algebra #approach #equation- Union of Equational Theories: An Algebraic Approach (PH), pp. 61–73.
PODS-2004-AtseriasDK #morphism #on the #query- On Preservation under Homomorphisms and Unions of Conjunctive Queries (AA, AD, PGK), pp. 319–329.
IWPC-2004-DanicicLH #execution #slicing #using- Building Executable Union Slices using Conditioned Slicing (SD, ADL, MH), pp. 89–99.
SEFM-2004-Roy #finite #infinity #using #verification- Symbolic Verification of Infinite Systems using a Finite Union of DFAs (SR), pp. 56–66.
ICML-2004-WellingRT #approximate #markov- Approximate inference by Markov chains on union spaces (MW, MRZ, YWT).
CSL-2004-Vouillon #type system- Subtyping Union Types (JV), pp. 415–429.
FoSSaCS-2003-DunfieldP #call-by- Type Assignment for Intersections and Unions in Call-by-Value Languages (JD, FP), pp. 250–266.
CSMR-2003-LuciaHHK #slicing- Unions of Slices Are Not Slices (ADL, MH, RMH, JK), pp. 363–367.
UML-2003-AlanenP #difference #modelling- Difference and Union of Models (MA, IP), pp. 2–17.
CADE-2003-KrsticC- Canonization for Disjoint Unions of Theories (SK, SC), pp. 197–211.
ICSM-2002-BeszedesFSCG #maintenance #slicing- Union Slices for Program Maintenance (ÁB, CF, ZMS, JC, TG), pp. 12–21.
STOC-2002-KaplanST- Meldable heaps and boolean union-find (HK, NS, RET), pp. 573–582.
ICPR-v1-2002-TorselloH- Shape-Space from Tree-Union (AT, ERH), pp. 188–191.
WCRE-2001-DeanMH #c++- Union Schemas as a Basis for a C++ Extractor (TRD, AJM, RCH), p. 59–?.
STOC-1999-AlstrupBR #worst-case- Worst-Case and Amortised Optimality in Union-Find (Extended Abstract) (SA, AMBA, TR), pp. 499–506.
RTA-1999-BaaderT #equation #problem #word- Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories Sharing Constructors (FB, CT), pp. 175–189.
POPL-1998-PalsbergP- From Polyvariant Flow Information to Intersection and Union Types (JP, CP), pp. 197–208.
LICS-1998-Yokouchi #quantifier- Completeness of Type Assignment Systems with Intersection, Union, and Type Quantifiers (HY), pp. 368–379.
AdaEurope-1997-HolzmullerP #ada #finite- Finite Unions for Ada 95 (BH, EP), pp. 1–12.
ICPR-1996-KositskyU #learning- Learning class regions by the union of ellipsoids (MK, SU), pp. 750–757.
CC-1996-Steensgaard #analysis #points-to #source code #type inference- Points-to Analysis by Type Inference of Programs with Structures and Unions (BS), pp. 136–150.
ICSM-1995-NyaryS #maintenance- Software maintenance offloading at the Union Bank of Switzerland (EN, HMS), pp. 98–108.
STOC-1994-Miltersen #bound #problem #random- Lower bounds for union-split-find related problems on random access machines (PBM), pp. 625–634.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-DongD #morphism #polymorphism- Class Union and Polymorphism (JSD, RD), pp. 181–190.
CADE-1992-BaaderS #equation #unification- Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures (FB, KUS), pp. 50–65.
DAC-1991-Kazyonnov #automation #design- Design Automation in the Soviet Union: History and Status (Abstract) (GGK), p. 118.
STOC-1991-AndersonW #algorithm #parallel #problem- Wait-free Parallel Algorithms for the Union-Find Problem (RJA, HW), pp. 370–380.
STOC-1990-Poutre #bound #pointer #problem- Lower Bounds for the Union-Find and the Split-Find Problem on Pointer Machines (JALP), pp. 34–44.
STOC-1988-LoeblN #problem #set- Linearity and Unprovability of Set Union Problem Strategies (ML, JN), pp. 360–366.
CSL-1988-Kummer- Numberings of R1 union F (MK), pp. 166–186.
ICALP-1987-MehlhornNA #bound #complexity #problem- A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem (KM, SN, HA), pp. 479–488.
ICALP-1986-MannilaU #backtracking #problem #set- The Set Union Problem with Backtracking (HM, EU), pp. 236–243.
STOC-1985-BollobasS #algorithm #behaviour #on the #set- On the Expected Behaviour of Disjoint Set Union Algorithms (BB, IS), pp. 224–231.
SIGMOD-1984-Chan- Optimal Computation of Total Projections with Unions of Simple Chase Join Expressions (EPFC), pp. 149–163.
STOC-1983-GabowT #algorithm #linear #set- A Linear-Time Algorithm for a Special Case of Disjoint Set Union (HNG, RET), pp. 246–251.
VLDB-1978-SagivY #difference #equivalence #relational- Equivalence among Relational Expressions with the Union and Difference Operation (YS, MY), pp. 535–548.
ICALP-1977-Streinu #finite #ll- LL(k) Languages are Closed Under Union with Finite Languages (IS), pp. 504–508.