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19 papers:

HCIHIMI-DE-2014-Banic #classification #interactive #visualisation
Selection Classification for Interaction with Immersive Volumetric Visualizations (AUB), pp. 10–21.
MLDMMLDM-2014-AlbarrakCZ #classification #image #taxonomy
Dictionary Learning-Based Volumetric Image Classification for the Diagnosis of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AA, FC, YZ), pp. 272–284.
ICPRICPR-2012-IwamotoHSTXC #image #representation #self #using
Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse representation and self-similarity (YI, XHH, SS, KT, WX, YWC), pp. 3758–3761.
ICPRICPR-2012-WangGFC #analysis #segmentation
Curvature-driven volumetric segmentation of binary shapes: An application to snow microstructure analysis (XW, LG, FF, DC), pp. 742–745.
CHICHI-2008-BonanniACVI #named
Handsaw: tangible exploration of volumetric data by direct cut-plane projection (LB, JA, NC, GV, HI), pp. 251–254.
CHICHI-2008-GrossmanB #collaboration #interactive
Collaborative interaction with volumetric displays (TG, RB), pp. 383–392.
SACSAC-2008-SilvaDSSM #analysis #automation #component #segmentation
Automated segmentation and volumetric analysis of brain components on MR imaging (MPS, JRD, FLS, ASdS, DCMS), pp. 1422–1423.
CHICHI-2007-GrossmanWB #readability
Exploring and reducing the effects of orientation on text readability in volumetric displays (TG, DW, RB), pp. 483–492.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-LiuYYG #algorithm #novel
A Novel Volumetric Shape from Silhouette Algorithm Based on a Centripetal Pentahedron Model (XL, HY, GY, WG), p. 9.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-DouretB #3d #monitoring #multi
A Multi-Cameras 3D Volumetric Method for Outdoor Scenes : A Road Traffic Monitoring Application (JD, RB), pp. 334–337.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-TakahashiMMY #generative #quality #visualisation
High Quality Isosurface Generation from Volumetric Data and Its Application to Visualization of Medical CT data (TT, YM, HM, TY), pp. 734–737.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-TubicHL #approach #image #integration #interactive #modelling #towards
A Volumetric Approach for the Registration and Integration of Range Images: Towards Interactive Modeling Systems (DT, PH, DL), p. 283–?.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-BhattacharyaDPCLR #adaptation #image #using
Shape Extraction of Volumetric Images of Filamentous Bacteria Using Topology Adaptive Self Organization (UB, AD, SKP, BBC, VL, KR), pp. 2291–2294.
ICPRICPR-1998-AdigaC #image #segmentation #using
Segmentation of volumetric histo-pathological images by surface following using constrained snakes (PSUA, BBC), pp. 1674–1676.
ICPRICPR-1998-AdigaC98a #analysis #image #industrial
Analysis of volumetric images of filamentous bacteria in industrial sludge (PSUA, BBC), pp. 1735–1737.
ICPRICPR-1998-Masuda #approach #image #integration #multi
A unified approach to volumetric registration and integration of multiple range images (TM), pp. 977–981.
ICPRICPR-1998-ShihLRC #image
Morphologic field warping: a volumetric deformation method for medical image registration (WSVS, WCL, SYR, CTC), pp. 1680–1682.
ICPRICPR-1996-NewmanTBC #image #segmentation
A volumetric segmentation technique for diagnosis and surgical planning in lower torso CT images (TSN, NT, SLB, PLC), pp. 553–557.
DACDAC-1981-DewhirstH #analysis #design #modelling
Application of volumetric modeling to mechanical design and analysis (DLD, RCH), pp. 171–178.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.