Remco Loos, Szilárd Zsolt Fazekas, Carlos Martín-Vide
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications
LATA, 2007.
@proceedings{LATA-2007, editor = "Remco Loos and Szilárd Zsolt Fazekas and Carlos Martín-Vide", publisher = "{Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona}", title = "{Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications}", volume = "Report 35/07", year = 2007, }
Contents (50 items)
- LATA-2007-Diekert #equation #graph #named #word
- Equations: From Words to Graph Products (VD), pp. 1–6.
- LATA-2007-FrancezK #automaton
- Pushdown automata with cancellation and commutation-augmented pregroups grammars (NF, MK), pp. 7–26.
- LATA-2007-Jurgensen
- Synchronization (HJ), pp. 27–48.
- LATA-2007-AblayevG #branch #complexity #quantum #simulation #source code
- Classical Simulation Complexity of Quantum Branching Programs (FMA, AG), pp. 49–56.
- LATA-2007-AntoniouCIP #set #string
- Application of suffix trees for the acquisition of common motifs with gaps in a set of strings (PA, MC, CSI, PP), pp. 57–66.
- LATA-2007-BaaderHP #automaton #exclamation #logic
- SI! Automata Can Show PSPACE Results for Description Logics (FB, JH, RP), pp. 67–78.
- LATA-2007-BaturoR #standard #word
- Occurrence and Lexicographic Properties of Standard Sturmian Words (PB, WR), pp. 79–90.
- LATA-2007-Bensch #approach #context-sensitive grammar #parallel
- An Approach to Parallel Mildly Context-Sensitive Grammar Formalisms (SB), pp. 91–102.
- LATA-2007-ChoudharySB #nondeterminism
- Universality for Nondeterministic Logspace (VC, AKS, SB), pp. 103–114.
- LATA-2007-Blanchet-SadriCN #word
- Fine and Wilf’s Periodicity Result on Partial Words and Consequences (FBS, KC, JN), pp. 115–126.
- LATA-2007-BlanpainCD #geometry
- Geometrical Languages (BB, JMC, JPD), pp. 127–138.
- LATA-2007-BodiniFR
- A Characterization of Flip-accessibility for Rhombus Tilings of the Whole Plane (OB, TF, ER), pp. 139–150.
- LATA-2007-BoldiLRS
- The Number of Convex Permutominoes (PB, VL, RR, MS), pp. 151–162.
- LATA-2007-BolligK #automaton #logic #message passing
- Muller Message-Passing Automata and Logics (BB, DK), pp. 163–174.
- LATA-2007-BorchertR
- Deterministically and Sudoku-Deterministically Recognizable Picture Languages (BB, KR), pp. 175–186.
- LATA-2007-BordihnV #on the
- On leftmost derivations in CD grammar systems (HB, GV), pp. 187–198.
- LATA-2007-BourdailletG #sequence
- Practical block sequence alignment with moves (JB, JGG), pp. 199–210.
- LATA-2007-LenaM #automaton #complexity
- Computational Complexity of Dynamical Systems: the case of Cellular Automata (PdL, LM), pp. 211–222.
- LATA-2007-DinuGM #automaton #on the #word
- On the syllabification of words via go-through automata (LPD, RG, FM), pp. 223–236.
- LATA-2007-Domosi #automaton #network
- Automata Networks without any Letichevsky Criteria (PD), pp. 237–248.
- LATA-2007-DassowF #approach #comparison
- Comparison of Some Descriptional Complexities of 0L Systems Obtained by a Unifying Approach (JD, HF), pp. 249–260.
- LATA-2007-GruberH #automaton #complexity #finite #nondeterminism
- Computational Complexity of NFA Minimization for Finite and Unary Languages (HG, MH), pp. 261–272.
- LATA-2007-HanW #regular expression
- Generalizations of One-Deterministic Regular Languages (YSH, DW), pp. 273–284.
- LATA-2007-IliopoulosJMS #approximate #pattern matching
- Weighted Degenerated Approximate Pattern Matching (CSI, IJ, BM, JS), pp. 285–296.
- LATA-2007-KocholKSS #matrix #reduction
- Reductions of matrices associated with nowhere-zero flows (MK, NK, SS, KS), pp. 297–306.
- LATA-2007-Komendantskaya #deduction #first-order #network
- First-order deduction in neural networks (EK), pp. 307–318.
- LATA-2007-Kresz #automaton #nondeterminism
- Nondeterministic soliton automata with a single external vertex (MK), pp. 319–330.
- LATA-2007-KutribM #automaton #performance #recognition #using
- Fast Reversible Language Recognition Using Cellular Automata (MK, AM), pp. 331–342.
- LATA-2007-KutribR #automaton #regular expression
- Succinct Description of Regular Languages by Weak Restarting Automata (MK, JR), pp. 343–354.
- LATA-2007-LiuMSY #complexity
- State Complexity of Basic Operations Combined with Reversal (GL, CMV, AS, SY), pp. 355–366.
- LATA-2007-LohreyS #graph #problem #set
- The submonoid and rational subset membership problems for graph groups (ML, BS), pp. 367–378.
- LATA-2007-Maletti #composition #top-down #transducer
- Compositions of Extended Top-down Tree Transducers (AM), pp. 379–390.
- LATA-2007-Martugin #automaton
- A series of slowly synchronizable automata with a zero state over a small alphabet (PVM), pp. 391–402.
- LATA-2007-MasopustM #complexity
- Descriptional Complexity of Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions (TM, AM), pp. 403–412.
- LATA-2007-MesserschmidtO #automaton #nondeterminism #on the
- On Determinism Versus Non-Determinism for Restarting Automata (HM, FO), pp. 413–424.
- LATA-2007-MrazOP #automaton
- Free Word-Order and Restarting Automata (FM, FO, MP), pp. 425–436.
- LATA-2007-NomikosR #boolean grammar
- Locally Stratified Boolean Grammars (CN, PR), pp. 437–448.
- LATA-2007-Nemeth #approach #comparative #on the
- On the Regularity of Binoid Languages: A Comparative Approach (ZLN), pp. 449–460.
- LATA-2007-OgasawaraK #approximate #performance #product line
- Stochastically Approximating Tree Grammars by Regular Grammars and Its Application to Faster ncRNA Family Annotation (KO, SK), pp. 461–472.
- LATA-2007-Okhotin #ambiguity #boolean grammar
- Unambiguous Boolean grammars (AO), pp. 473–484.
- LATA-2007-TorreNPP #state machine #verification
- Verification of Succinct Hierarchical State Machines (SLT, MN, MP, GP), pp. 485–496.
- LATA-2007-PoudretCGAM #biology #geometry #modelling #process
- Topology-based Geometric Modelling for Biological Cellular Processes (MP, JPC, PLG, AA, PM), pp. 497–508.
- LATA-2007-Povarov #complexity #regular expression
- Descriptive Complexity of the Hamming Neighborhood of a Regular Language (GP), pp. 509–520.
- LATA-2007-AlhazovMR #network #predict
- Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Two Nodes Are Unpredictable (AA, CMV, YR), pp. 521–528.
- LATA-2007-Selivanov
- Classifying ω-regular partitions (VLS), pp. 529–540.
- LATA-2007-StawikowskaO #on the
- On Star-Free Trace Languages and their Lexicographic Representations (KS, EO), pp. 541–552.
- LATA-2007-Stiebe #matrix
- Slender Siromoney Matrix Languages (RS), pp. 553–564.
- LATA-2007-TabakovV #model checking #specification
- Model Checking Buechi Specifications (DT, MYV), pp. 565–576.
- LATA-2007-Thorne #bound #finite
- Categorial Module Grammars of Bounded Size have Finite Bounded Density (CT), pp. 577–588.
- LATA-2007-YoonSK #corpus #rule-based #word
- Rule-based Word Spacing in Korean Based on Lexical Information Extracted from a Corpus (JY, GYS, SK), pp. 589–599.
13 ×#automaton
6 ×#complexity
5 ×#on the
5 ×#word
4 ×#nondeterminism
3 ×#approach
3 ×#network
3 ×#regular expression
2 ×#approximate
2 ×#boolean grammar
6 ×#complexity
5 ×#on the
5 ×#word
4 ×#nondeterminism
3 ×#approach
3 ×#network
3 ×#regular expression
2 ×#approximate
2 ×#boolean grammar