Travelled to:
1 × France
Collaborated with:
Rumiko Hoshino Kiyoshi Shin M.Ando K.Matsuura M.Kudo
Talks about:
studi (2) game (2) architectur (1) collabor (1) network (1) japanes (1) databas (1) secur (1) japan (1) activ (1)
Person: Akira Baba
DBLP: Baba:Akira
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICEIS-v1-2003-AndoMKB #architecture #collaboration #database #process
- An Architecture of a Secure Database for Networked Collaborative Activities (MA, KM, MK, AB), pp. 3–10.
- DiGRA-2005-HoshinoSB #game studies #question #what
- The Dawn of Game Studies in Japan: What Held Japanese Game Studies Back? (RH, KS, AB).