Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Furtado L.Camargo F.Fava K.Madeira P.Donegan K.S.Sousa V.Furtado
Talks about:
design (3) cultur (2) scenario (1) particip (1) interfac (1) interact (1) communic (1) context (1) requir (1) promot (1)
Person: Albert Schilling
DBLP: Schilling:Albert
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICEIS-J-2009-FurtadoSC #design
- Stories and Scenarios Working with Culture-Art and Design in a Cross-Cultural Context (EF, AS, LC), pp. 831–842.
- ICEIS-HCI-2008-FurtadoSFC #case study #communication #design #interactive #requirements #validation
- Promoting Communication and Participation through Enactments of Interaction Design Solutions — A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV (EF, AS, FF, LC), pp. 268–275.
- A-MOST-2005-SchillingMDSFF #design #testing #user interface
- An integrated method for designing user interfaces based on tests (AS, KM, PD, KSS, EF, VF), pp. 32–36.