Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
A.Rutle Y.Lamo U.Wolter A.Cicchetti J.d.Lara E.Guerra N.Nikolov D.Seybold J.Domaschka C.B.Hauser F.Griesinger A.Tsitsipas
Talks about:
model (5) formalis (3) base (3) transform (2) level (2) diagrammat (1) constraint (1) comparison (1) metamodel (1) conflict (1)
Person: Alessandro Rossini
DBLP: Rossini:Alessandro
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ECMFA-2015-RossiniLGN #comparison #modelling #multi
- A Comparison of Two-Level and Multi-level Modelling for Cloud-Based Applications (AR, JdL, EG, NN), pp. 18–32.
- AGTIVE-2011-RossiniLGRL #graph transformation #metamodelling #semantics
- A Graph Transformation-Based Semantics for Deep Metamodelling (AR, JdL, EG, AR, YL), pp. 19–34.
- FASE-2010-RutleRLW #constraints #formal method #model transformation
- A Formalisation of Constraint-Aware Model Transformations (AR, AR, YL, UW), pp. 13–28.
- FASE-2009-RutleRLW #approach #formal method #version control
- A Category-Theoretical Approach to the Formalisation of Version Control in MDE (AR, AR, YL, UW), pp. 64–78.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-RutleRLW #diagrams #formal method #modelling
- A Diagrammatic Formalisation of MOF-Based Modelling Languages (AR, AR, YL, UW), pp. 37–56.
- SAC-2007-CicchettiR #detection #modelling #specification #weaving
- Weaving models in conflict detection specifications (AC, AR), pp. 1035–1036.
- SLE-2016-SeyboldDRHGT #case study #emf #experience #modelling #runtime
- Experiences of models@run-time with EMF and CDO (DS, JD, AR, CBH, FG, AT), pp. 46–56.