Tag #weaving
56 papers:
ICST-2017-SunRJB #android #named #runtime #using #verification- ADRENALIN-RV: Android Runtime Verification Using Load-Time Weaving (HS, AR, OJ, WB), pp. 532–539.
SIGIR-2015-HelmerN #similarity- A Similarity Measure for Weaving Patterns in Textiles (SH, VMN), pp. 163–172.
SAC-2015-ReddySC #approach #aspect-oriented #incremental #learning #performance- Incremental aspect weaving: an approach for faster AOP learning (YRR, AS, MC), pp. 1480–1485.
SLE-2015-LatombeCCDP #concurrent #domain-specific language #execution #modelling- Weaving concurrency in executable domain-specific modeling languages (FL, XC, BC, JD, MP), pp. 125–136.
ITiCSE-2014-RodgerBHMMOOW - Weaving computing into all middle school disciplines (SHR, DB, MH, DM, MM, EO, BO, EW), pp. 207–212.
CHI-2014-HuhP #community #health #online- Weaving clinical expertise in online health communities (JH, WP), pp. 1355–1364.
LCT-TRE-2014-LambropoulosB #case study #evolution #experience #reasoning- Weaving User Immersive Experiences: Scientific Curiosity and Reasoning with Bodily Feelings Mapping and Evolution (NL, TB), pp. 62–71.
FSE-2014-JoinerRJDG #performance #policy- Efficient runtime-enforcement techniques for policy weaving (RJ, TWR, SJ, MD, VG), pp. 224–234.
ICMT-2013-KramerKSMKBJ - Achieving Practical Genericity in Model Weaving through Extensibility (MEK, JK, JRHS, BM, JK, OB, JMJ), pp. 108–124.
EDOC-2012-DohringSG #adaptation #approach #aspect-oriented #model transformation #recursion #rule-based #runtime #workflow- Emulating Runtime Workflow Adaptation and Aspect Weaving by Recursive Rule-Based Sub-Process Selection — A Model Transformation Approach (MD, AS, IG), pp. 133–142.
BX-2011-Diskin1 #bidirectional #model transformation- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: Unweaving Alignment and Update Propagation (ZD), p. 55.
SAC-2011-HorieMC #distributed- Distributed dynamic weaving is a crosscutting concern (MH, SM, SC), pp. 1353–1360.
SEKE-2010-BansalKBG #composition #non-functional #web #web service- Weaving Functional and Non-Functional Attributes for Dynamic Web Service Composition (AB, SK, MBB, GG), pp. 247–252.
SEKE-2010-WangHGJ #process #reuse- Software Process Reuse by Pattern Weaving (YsW, XyH, JgG, JrJ), pp. 722–725.
RE-2010-StoiberFJG #product line #refactoring #requirements #specification- Feature Unweaving: Refactoring Software Requirements Specifications into Software Product Lines (RS, SF, MJ, MG), pp. 403–404.
FSE-2010-SorrentinoFM #named #thread- PENELOPE: weaving threads to expose atomicity violations (FS, AF, PM), pp. 37–46.
SAC-2010-JouaultVBDBB #coordination #megamodelling- Inter-DSL coordination support by combining megamodeling and model weaving (FJ, BV, HB, GD, YB, JB), pp. 2011–2018.
ICTSS-2010-DelamareMBT #aspect-oriented #impact analysis #named #testing- Vidock: A Tool for Impact Analysis of Aspect Weaving on Test Cases (RD, FM, BB, YLT), pp. 250–265.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-NavarroCP #architecture #network- Weaving a network of architectural knowledge (EN, CEC, DEP), pp. 241–244.
ITiCSE-2009-CurzonPTSR - Computational thinking (CT): on weaving it in (PC, JP, HGT, AS, ER), pp. 201–202.
SEKE-2009-HeWGZM #modelling #process- Weaving Process Patterns into Software Process Models (XyH, YsW, JgG, WZ, JkM), pp. 505–508.
MoDELS-2009-KleinKMJ - Aspect Model Unweaving (JK, JK, BM, JMJ), pp. 514–530.
MoDELS-2009-MorinPLBVJ #metamodelling #variability- Weaving Variability into Domain Metamodels (BM, GP, PL, OB, GV, JMJ), pp. 690–705.
MoDELS-2009-KleinKMJ - Aspect Model Unweaving (JK, JK, BM, JMJ), pp. 514–530.
MoDELS-2009-MorinPLBVJ #metamodelling #variability- Weaving Variability into Domain Metamodels (BM, GP, PL, OB, GV, JMJ), pp. 690–705.
ASE-2009-WangC #context-sensitive grammar #testing- Weaving Context Sensitivity into Test Suite Construction (HW, WKC), pp. 610–614.
SAC-2009-RouvoyEB #adaptation #dependence #self #ubiquitous- Dynamic planning and weaving of dependability concerns for self-adaptive ubiquitous services (RR, FE, MB), pp. 1021–1028.
CIKM-2008-BekkermanS #clustering #scalability #state of the art- Data weaving: scaling up the state-of-the-art in data clustering (RB, MS), pp. 1083–1092.
ICMT-2008-GronmoSMK #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart #uml- Semantics-Based Weaving of UML Sequence Diagrams (RG, FS, BMP, SK), pp. 122–136.
MoDELS-2008-SanchezFSHU #aspect-oriented #composition #model transformation- Aspect-Oriented Model Weaving Beyond Model Composition and Model Transformation (PS, LF, DS, SH, RU), pp. 766–781.
MoDELS-2008-SanchezFSHU #aspect-oriented #composition #model transformation- Aspect-Oriented Model Weaving Beyond Model Composition and Model Transformation (PS, LF, DS, SH, RU), pp. 766–781.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-AoumeurSB #architecture #component #information management #interactive #petri net- Dynamic Interaction of Information Systems — Weaving Architectural Connectors on Component Petri Nets (NA, GS, KB), pp. 152–158.
ASE-2007-UbayashiST #architecture #aspect-oriented #component- An aspect-oriented weaving mechanism based on component and connector architecture (NU, AS, TT), pp. 154–163.
ICSE-2007-ChalabineK #aspect-oriented #automation #framework #re-engineering- A Formal Framework for Automated Round-Trip Software Engineering in Static Aspect Weaving and Transformations (MC, CWK), pp. 137–146.
SAC-2007-CicchettiR #detection #modelling #specification- Weaving models in conflict detection specifications (AC, AR), pp. 1035–1036.
SAC-2007-FabroV #automation #integration #modelling #using- Semi-automatic model integration using matching transformations and weaving models (MDDF, PV), pp. 963–970.
DocEng-2006-NorrieSW #named #web- Print-n-link: weaving the paper web (MCN, BS, NW), pp. 34–43.
WCRE-2006-KnieselB #analysis #aspect-oriented #correctness- An Analysis of the Correctness and Completeness of Aspect Weaving (GK, UB), pp. 324–333.
SEFM-2006-BelblidiaD #aspectj #formal method- Formalizing AspectJ Weaving for Static Pointcuts (NB, MD), pp. 50–59.
SPLC-2006-BrownGBSKG #behaviour #embedded #feature model #modelling #product line- Weaving Behavior into Feature Models for Embedded System Families (TJB, RG, RB, ITAS, PK, CG), pp. 52–64.
PEPM-2006-WangCK #aspect-oriented #functional #higher-order- Type-directed weaving of aspects for higher-order functional languages (MW, KC, SCK), pp. 78–87.
ASE-2006-ChalabineKB #aspect-oriented #automation #re-engineering- Automated Round-trip Software Engineering in Aspect Weaving Systems (MC, CWK, PB), pp. 305–308.
SAC-2006-CicchettiRP #data-driven #development #modelling #web- Weaving concerns in model based development of data-intensive web applications (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 1256–1261.
ICSM-2005-ShinomiT #aspect-oriented #impact analysis #programming- Impact Analysis of Weaving in Aspect-Oriented Programming (HS, TT), pp. 657–660.
KDD-2005-GuhaKSS #documentation #web- Unweaving a web of documents (RVG, RK, DS, RS), pp. 574–579.
MoDELS-2005-MullerFJ #execution #metalanguage #object-oriented- Weaving Executability into Object-Oriented Meta-languages (PAM, FF, JMJ), pp. 264–278.
MoDELS-2005-MullerFJ #execution #metalanguage #object-oriented- Weaving Executability into Object-Oriented Meta-languages (PAM, FF, JMJ), pp. 264–278.
ICSE-2005-CourbisF #aspect-oriented #towards- Towards aspect weaving applications (CC, AF), pp. 69–77.
SAC-2005-WuGRM #debugging #domain-specific language- Weaving a debugging aspect into domain-specific language grammars (HW, JGG, SR, MM), pp. 1370–1374.
ICEIS-v4-2004-BoppHE - Connecting Virtual Spaces: Shadow Objects as Key Elements for Weaving the Cooperative Space (TB, TH, BE), pp. 475–479.
ECOOP-2004-BruceF #java #named- LOOJ: Weaving LOOM into Java (KBB, JNF), pp. 389–413.
CSMR-2003-GibbsM #aspect-oriented #c++ #invariant #validation- Weaving Aspects into C++ Applications for Validation of Temporal Invariants (THG, BAM), pp. 249–258.
SIGAda-2002-CarlisleSH #ada #dot-net- Weaving Ada 95 into the .net environment (MCC, RES, JWH), pp. 22–26.
VLDB-2001-AilamakiDHS #performance- Weaving Relations for Cache Performance (AA, DJD, MDH, MS), pp. 169–180.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-HoPP #aspect-oriented #design #framework #named #uml- UMLAUT: A Framework for Weaving UML-Based Aspect-Oriented Designs (WMH, FP, NP), p. 324–?.
GCSE-1999-AssmannL #aspect-oriented #graph grammar- Aspect Weaving with Graph Rewriting (UA, AL), pp. 24–36.