Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.J.Osterweil B.S.Lerner A.G.Cass E.K.McCall S.M.S.Jr. J.M.Cobleigh L.A.Clarke A.M.Ellison R.M.Podorozhny E.R.Boose J.L.Hadley
Talks about:
process (2) languag (2) littl (2) use (2) jil (2) architectur (1) interpret (1) workflow (1) scientif (1) hierarch (1)
Person: Alexander E. Wise
DBLP: Wise:Alexander_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- FSE-2008-OsterweilCEPWBH #dataset #experience #process #using #workflow
- Experience in using a process language to define scientific workflow and generate dataset provenance (LJO, LAC, AME, RMP, AEW, ERB, JLH), pp. 319–329.
- FSE-2002-CobleighOWL #adaptation #architecture #composition
- Containment units: a hierarchically composable architecture for adaptive systems (JMC, LJO, AEW, BSL), pp. 159–165.
- ASE-2000-WiseCLMOS #coordination #re-engineering #using
- Using Little-JIL to Coordinate Agents in Software Engineering (AEW, AGC, BSL, EKM, LJO, SMSJ), pp. 155–164.
- ICSE-2000-CassLSMWO #interpreter #named #process
- Little-JIL/Juliette: a process definition language and interpreter (AGC, BSL, SMSJ, EKM, AEW, LJO), pp. 754–757.