BibSLEIGH corpus
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BibSLEIGH people
Open Knowledge
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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Russia
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Stumme R.Jäschke B.Krause D.Benz B.Lauser F.Lemmerich F.Eisterlehner P.Singer M.Strohmaier A.Said D.Tikk A.Dallmann D.Zöller F.Mitzlaff P.Resnick J.A.Konstan J.Pindado M.Becker D.Helic T.Niebler C.Körner A.Halle A.G.S.Lima H.Steenweg S.Stefani
Talks about:
system (3) social (3) public (3) tag (3) recommend (2) challeng (2) bookmark (2) sonomi (2) inform (2) manag (2)

Person: Andreas Hotho

DBLP DBLP: Hotho:Andreas

Facilitated 1 volumes:

HT 2013Ed

Contributed to:

HT 20152015
ECIR 20132013
RecSys 20122012
ECDL 20102010
HT 20102010
RecSys 20102010
Hypertext 20092009
RecSys 20092009
ECIR 20082008
Hypertext 20082008
ECDL 20032003

Wrote 12 papers:

HT-2015-BeckerSLHHS #named #visualisation
VizTrails: An Information Visualization Tool for Exploring Geographic Movement Trajectories (MB, PS, FL, AH, DH, MS), pp. 319–320.
HT-2015-DallmannLZH #bias #online
Media Bias in German Online Newspapers (AD, FL, DZ, AH), pp. 133–137.
ECIR-2013-NieblerSBKSH #how #social
How Tagging Pragmatics Influence Tag Sense Discovery in Social Annotation Systems (TN, PS, DB, CK, MS, AH), pp. 86–97.
RecSys-2012-SaidTH #challenge #recommendation
The challenge of recommender systems challenges (AS, DT, AH), pp. 9–10.
Academic Publication Management with PUMA — Collect, Organize and Share Publications (DB, AH, RJ, GS, AH, AGSL, HS, SS), pp. 417–420.
HT-2010-MitzlaffBSH #analysis #network
Visit me, click me, be my friend: an analysis of evidence networks of user relationships in BibSonomy (FM, DB, GS, AH), pp. 265–270.
RecSys-2010-ResnickKHP #contest #named #question
Contests: way forward or detour? (PR, JAK, AH, JP), pp. 37–38.
Managing publications and bookmarks with BibSonomy (DB, FE, AH, RJ, BK, GS), pp. 323–324.
RecSys-2009-JaschkeEHS #recommendation #testing
Testing and evaluating tag recommenders in a live system (RJ, FE, AH, GS), pp. 369–372.
ECIR-2008-KrauseHS #comparison #social
A Comparison of Social Bookmarking with Traditional Search (BK, AH, GS), pp. 101–113.
HT-2008-KrauseJHS #information retrieval #named #social
Logsonomy — social information retrieval with logdata (BK, RJ, AH, GS), pp. 157–166.
ECDL-2003-LauserH #automation #multi
Automatic Multi-label Subject Indexing in a Multilingual Environment (BL, AH), pp. 140–151.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.