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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × Italy
1 × Russia
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
2 × France
Collaborated with:
C.Körner D.Helic P.Singer R.Kern F.Klien M.Granitzer A.Hotho S.Walk A.Zubiaga M.Kröll D.Dimitrov R.Scherer H.Grahsl C.Trattner J.Horkoff E.S.K.Yu J.Aranda S.M.Easterbrook M.Becker F.Lemmerich T.Niebler D.Benz
Talks about:
tag (8) social (4) inform (3) navig (3) influenc (2) geograph (2) pattern (2) network (2) system (2) explor (2)

Person: Markus Strohmaier

DBLP DBLP: Strohmaier:Markus

Facilitated 1 volumes:

HT 2012Ed

Contributed to:

HT 20152015
CIKM 20142014
ECIR 20132013
HT 20132013
HT 20122012
CIKM 20112011
HT 20112011
ECDL 20102010
HT 20102010
Hypertext 20092009
REFSQ 20082008

Wrote 13 papers:

HT-2015-BeckerSLHHS #named #visualisation
VizTrails: An Information Visualization Tool for Exploring Geographic Movement Trajectories (MB, PS, FL, AH, DH, MS), pp. 319–320.
HT-2015-DimitrovSHS #design #user interface
The Role of Structural Information for Designing Navigational User Interfaces (DD, PS, DH, MS), pp. 59–68.
CIKM-2014-WalkSS #case study #collaboration
Sequential Action Patterns in Collaborative Ontology-Engineering Projects: A Case-Study in the Biomedical Domain (SW, PS, MS), pp. 1349–1358.
ECIR-2013-NieblerSBKSH #how #social
How Tagging Pragmatics Influence Tag Sense Discovery in Social Annotation Systems (TN, PS, DB, CK, MS, AH), pp. 86–97.
HT-2013-HelicSGS #distributed #modelling #navigation #network
Models of human navigation in information networks based on decentralized search (DH, MS, MG, RS), pp. 89–98.
HT-2012-HelicKGST #folksonomy #performance
Navigational efficiency of broad vs. narrow folksonomies (DH, CK, MG, MS, CT), pp. 63–72.
HT-2012-KlienS #analysis #network
Short links under attack: geographical analysis of spam in a URL shortener network (FK, MS), pp. 83–88.
CIKM-2011-HelicS #social
Building directories for social tagging systems (DH, MS), pp. 525–534.
HT-2011-ZubiagaKS #classification #social
Tags vs shelves: from social tagging to social classification (AZ, CK, MS), pp. 93–102.
ECDL-2010-KernKS #behaviour #motivation
Exploring the Influence of Tagging Motivation on Tagging Behavior (RK, CK, MS), pp. 461–465.
HT-2010-KornerKGS #evaluation #metric #motivation
Of categorizers and describers: an evaluation of quantitative measures for tagging motivation (CK, RK, HPG, MS), pp. 157–166.
HT-2009-StrohmaierKK #automation
Automatically annotating textual resources with human intentions (MS, MK, CK), pp. 355–356.
REFSQ-2008-StrohmaierHYAE #modelling
Can Patterns Improve i* Modeling? Two Exploratory Studies (MS, JH, ESKY, JA, SME), pp. 153–167.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.