Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Russia
Collaborated with:
D.Beyer M.Kreis G.Fraser M.Dangl D.Dietsch M.Heizmann S.Löwe E.Novikov P.Wendler S.Apel D.B.0001 V.O.Mordan V.S.Mutilin
Talks about:
softwar (2) decomposit (1) stepwis (1) scratch (1) regress (1) program (1) automat (1) verifi (1) testif (1) specif (1)
Person: Andreas Stahlbauer
DBLP: Stahlbauer:Andreas
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2015-0001DDHS #validation #verification
- Witness validation and stepwise testification across software verifiers (DB, MD, DD, MH, AS), pp. 721–733.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-BeyerLNSW #performance #precise #reuse #verification
- Precision reuse for efficient regression verification (DB, SL, EN, AS, PW), pp. 389–399.
- FSE-2016-Apel0MMS #composition #model checking #on the fly #specification
- On-the-fly decomposition of specifications in software model checking (SA, DB0, VOM, VSM, AS), pp. 349–361.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-StahlbauerKF #automation #source code #testing
- Testing scratch programs automatically (AS, MK, GF), pp. 165–175.