Collaborated with:
M.Gandy Jason C. Allaire Laura A. Whitlock William Leidheiser L.M.Levy R.Solomon
Talks about:
player (2) older (2) characterist (1) gender (1) failur (1) differ (1) depend (1) gamer (1) befor (1) adult (1)
Person: Anne Collins McLaughlin
DBLP: McLaughlin:Anne_Collins
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- FDG-2012-LevyGSMAW #difference #gender
- Fear of failure: gender differences in older adult gamers (LML, MG, RS, ACM, JCA, LAW), pp. 292–293.
- CHI-PLAY-2014-WhitlockMLGA #game studies
- Know before you go: feelings of flow for older players depends on game and player characteristics (LAW, ACM, WL, MG, JCA), pp. 277–286.