Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Besemann R.Carlson H.Do W.Perrizo Q.Ding K.Scott Q.Ding M.Khan
Talks about:
case (2) increment (1) neighbor (1) industri (1) classifi (1) approach (1) spatial (1) priorit (1) cluster (1) profil (1)
Person: Anne Denton
DBLP: Denton:Anne
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSM-2011-CarlsonDD #approach #case study #clustering #industrial #testing
- A clustering approach to improving test case prioritization: An industrial case study (RC, HD, AD), pp. 382–391.
- KDD-2005-BesemannD #integration #markov #mining
- Integration of profile hidden Markov model output into association rule mining (CB, AD), pp. 538–543.
- SAC-2003-PerrizoDDSDK #incremental #named
- PINE — Podium Incremental Neighbor Evaluator for Classifying Spatial Data (WP, QD, AD, KS, QD, MK), pp. 503–508.