216 papers:
DAC-2015-SonghoriHSK #logic #nearest neighbour #privacy #synthesis #using- Compacting privacy-preserving k-nearest neighbor search using logic synthesis (EMS, SUH, ARS, FK), p. 6.
PODS-2015-Kapralov #complexity #nearest neighbour #query #trade-off- Smooth Tradeoffs between Insert and Query Complexity in Nearest Neighbor Search (MK), pp. 329–342.
SIGMOD-2015-WangZZLC #effectiveness #nearest neighbour- Optimal Spatial Dominance: An Effective Search of Nearest Neighbor Candidates (XW, YZ, WZ, XL, MAC), pp. 923–938.
VLDB-2015-SongZC0 #similarity- Enriching Data Imputation with Extensive Similarity Neighbors (SS, AZ, LC, JW), pp. 1286–1297.
VLDB-2015-YangCLW #analysis #nearest neighbour #query- Reverse k Nearest Neighbors Query Processing: Experiments and Analysis (SY, MAC, XL, WW), pp. 605–616.
STOC-2015-AbdullahV #bound #difference- A Directed Isoperimetric Inequality with application to Bregman Near Neighbor Lower Bounds (AA, SV), pp. 509–518.
STOC-2015-AndoniR #approximate- Optimal Data-Dependent Hashing for Approximate Near Neighbors (AA, IR), pp. 793–801.
STOC-2015-MulzerNSS #approximate #nearest neighbour- Approximate k-flat Nearest Neighbor Search (WM, HLN, PS, YS), pp. 783–792.
ICML-2015-BerlindU #nearest neighbour- Active Nearest Neighbors in Changing Environments (CB, RU), pp. 1870–1879.
SEKE-2015-CostaSRSAP #collaboration #nearest neighbour- A Collaborative Method to Reduce the Running Time and Accelerate the k-Nearest Neighbors Search (AAMC, RRdS, FBAR, GS, HOdA, AP), pp. 105–109.
SIGMOD-2014-WuJZ #graph #nearest neighbour #performance #query #random #scalability- Fast and unified local search for random walk based k-nearest-neighbor query in large graphs (YW, RJ, XZ), pp. 1139–1150.
VLDB-2014-LiuCHLS #approximate #named #nearest neighbour #performance- SK-LSH: An Efficient Index Structure for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (YL, JC, ZH, HL, HTS), pp. 745–756.
VLDB-2015-DallachiesaPI14 #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism- Top-k Nearest Neighbor Search In Uncertain Data Series (MD, TP, IFI), pp. 13–24.
VLDB-2015-Li0QYZ014 #query #set #using- Processing Moving kNN Queries Using Influential Neighbor Sets (CL, YG, JQ, GY, RZ, WY), pp. 113–124.
VLDB-2015-SunWQZL14 #approximate #named #nearest neighbour #query- SRS: Solving c-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Queries in High Dimensional Euclidean Space with a Tiny Index (YS, WW, JQ, YZ, XL), pp. 1–12.
ICML-c1-2014-GiesekeHOI #nearest neighbour #query- Buffer k-d Trees: Processing Massive Nearest Neighbor Queries on GPUs (FG, JH, CEO, CI), pp. 172–180.
ICML-c1-2014-Shrivastava0 #performance #permutation- Densifying One Permutation Hashing via Rotation for Fast Near Neighbor Search (AS, PL), pp. 557–565.
ICML-c2-2014-Cherian #nearest neighbour #using- Nearest Neighbors Using Compact Sparse Codes (AC), pp. 1053–1061.
ICML-c2-2014-KontorovichW #multi #nearest neighbour- Maximum Margin Multiclass Nearest Neighbors (AK, RW), pp. 892–900.
ICML-c2-2014-KusnerTWA #probability- Stochastic Neighbor Compression (MJK, ST, KQW, KA), pp. 622–630.
ICML-c2-2014-YangPK #equivalence #optimisation- Optimization Equivalence of Divergences Improves Neighbor Embedding (ZY, JP, SK), pp. 460–468.
ICML-c2-2014-ZhangDW #approximate #nearest neighbour- Composite Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (TZ, CD, JW), pp. 838–846.
ICPR-2014-RenYZH #classification #image #learning #nearest neighbour- Learning Convolutional Nonlinear Features for K Nearest Neighbor Image Classification (WR, YY, JZ, KH), pp. 4358–4363.
KDD-2014-NieWH #adaptation #clustering- Clustering and projected clustering with adaptive neighbors (FN, XW, HH), pp. 977–986.
RecSys-2014-VerstrepenG #collaboration #nearest neighbour- Unifying nearest neighbors collaborative filtering (KV, BG), pp. 177–184.
SIGIR-2014-HuSL #predict #rating- Your neighbors affect your ratings: on geographical neighborhood influence to rating prediction (LH, AS, YL), pp. 345–354.
SAC-2014-LinWCC #query- Finding targets with the nearest favor neighbor and farthest disfavor neighbor by a skyline query (YWL, ETW, CFC, ALPC), pp. 821–826.
HPDC-2014-PrisacariRHCMH #nearest neighbour #network #performance- Efficient task placement and routing of nearest neighbor exchanges in dragonfly networks (BP, GR, PH, DC, CM, TH), pp. 129–140.
CASE-2013-LiFZS #adaptation #named #performance #smarttech- DEPEND: Density adaptive power efficient neighbor discovery for wearable body sensors (BL, WF, LZ, CJS), pp. 581–586.
DAC-2013-ShafaeiSP #architecture #distance #interactive #linear #nearest neighbour #optimisation #quantum- Optimization of quantum circuits for interaction distance in linear nearest neighbor architectures (AS, MS, MP), p. 6.
PODS-2013-AgarwalAHPYZ #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism- Nearest neighbor searching under uncertainty II (PKA, BA, SHP, JMP, KY, WZ), pp. 115–126.
VLDB-2014-NiedermayerZERM0K13 #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism #probability #query- Probabilistic Nearest Neighbor Queries on Uncertain Moving Object Trajectories (JN, AZ, TE, MR, NM, LC, HPK), pp. 205–216.
CSCW-2013-BrushJMM- Digital neighborhood watch: investigating the sharing of camera data amongst neighbors (AJBB, JJ, RM, FM), pp. 693–700.
CSCW-2013-SaidFJA #algorithm #collaboration #evaluation #recommendation- User-centric evaluation of a K-furthest neighbor collaborative filtering recommender algorithm (AS, BF, BJJ, SA), pp. 1399–1408.
CIKM-2013-BogdanovS #effectiveness #nearest neighbour #network #scalability- Accurate and scalable nearest neighbors in large networks based on effective importance (PB, AKS), pp. 1009–1018.
CIKM-2013-FerenceLJY- Spatial search for K diverse-near neighbors (GF, WCL, HJJ, DNY), pp. 19–28.
CIKM-2013-McDowellA #classification #network- Labels or attributes?: rethinking the neighbors for collective classification in sparsely-labeled networks (LM, DWA), pp. 847–852.
ICML-c2-2013-YangPK #optimisation #scalability #visualisation- Scalable Optimization of Neighbor Embedding for Visualization (ZY, JP, SK), pp. 127–135.
KDD-2013-WangS #classification #multi #relational #social #using- Multi-label relational neighbor classification using social context features (XW, GS), pp. 464–472.
SEKE-2013-KarimM #classification #performance- Revisiting the Performance of Weighted k-Nearest Centroid Neighbor Classifiers (MRK, MM), pp. 332–337.
SIGIR-2013-CuiMLWR #automation #image #nearest neighbour- Ranking-oriented nearest-neighbor based method for automatic image annotation (CC, JM, TL, XW, ZR), pp. 957–960.
DATE-2012-LiuFQ #framework #manycore- Neighbor-aware dynamic thermal management for multi-core platform (GL, MF, GQ), pp. 187–192.
PODS-2012-AgarwalESZ #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism- Nearest-neighbor searching under uncertainty (PKA, AE, SS, WZ), pp. 225–236.
VLDB-2012-LuSCO #nearest neighbour #performance #pipes and filters #using- Efficient Processing of k Nearest Neighbor Joins using MapReduce (WL, YS, SC, BCO), pp. 1016–1027.
WCRE-2012-LavoieKMZ #clone detection #detection #nearest neighbour #repository #using- Inferring Repository File Structure Modifications Using Nearest-Neighbor Clone Detection (TL, FK, EM, YZ), pp. 325–334.
WCRE-2012-TianLS #classification #debugging #fine-grained #information retrieval #nearest neighbour #predict- Information Retrieval Based Nearest Neighbor Classification for Fine-Grained Bug Severity Prediction (YT, DL, CS), pp. 215–224.
CIKM-2012-CreceliusS #graph #maintenance #nearest neighbour #scalability- Pay-as-you-go maintenance of precomputed nearest neighbors in large graphs (TC, RS), pp. 952–961.
CIKM-2012-LinDH0S #automation #image #random #using #visual notation- Automatic image annotation using tag-related random search over visual neighbors (ZL, GD, MH, JW, JS), pp. 1784–1788.
CIKM-2012-LiXF #database #keyword #nearest neighbour- Keyword-based k-nearest neighbor search in spatial databases (GL, JX, JF), pp. 2144–2148.
CIKM-2012-YanZN12a #nearest neighbour #query- Monochromatic and bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor queries on land surfaces (DY, ZZ, WN), pp. 942–951.
ICML-2012-AlamgirL #distance #graph #nearest neighbour #random- Shortest path distance in random k-nearest neighbor graphs (MA, UvL), p. 163.
ICML-2012-HeKC #nearest neighbour #on the- On the Difficulty of Nearest Neighbor Search (JH, SK, SFC), p. 9.
ICPR-2012-AmornbunchornvejLAIT #algorithm #clustering- Iterative Neighbor-Joining tree clustering algorithm for genotypic data (CA, TL, AA, AI, ST), pp. 1827–1830.
ICPR-2012-BougesCBL #classification #nearest neighbour #using- Using k-nearest neighbors to handle missing weak classifiers in a boosted cascade (PB, TC, CB, GL), pp. 1763–1766.
ICPR-2012-ChengYLL #categorisation #kernel #nearest neighbour- A Pyramid Nearest Neighbor Search Kernel for object categorization (HC, RY, ZL, YL), pp. 2809–2812.
ICPR-2012-Noh #analysis #classification #learning #metric #nearest neighbour- χ2 Metric learning for nearest neighbor classification and its analysis (SN), pp. 991–995.
ICPR-2012-ZhangZX #segmentation- MRI segmentation of brain tissue based on spatial prior and neighboring pixels affinities (ZZ, QZ, YX), pp. 89–92.
KDIR-2012-ChueaphunKMC #nearest neighbour #random #recognition #using- Lanna Dharma Printed Character Recognition using k-Nearest Neighbor and Conditional Random Fields (CC, AK, SM, JC), pp. 169–174.
MLDM-2012-JiangLS #correlation #image #multi- Multi-label Image Annotation Based on Neighbor Pair Correlation Chain (GJ, XL, ZS), pp. 345–354.
SAC-2012-BoumazaB #collaboration #probability- Stochastic search for global neighbors selection in collaborative filtering (AMB, AB), pp. 232–237.
SIGMOD-2011-LuLC #nearest neighbour- Reverse spatial and textual k nearest neighbor search (JL, YL, GC), pp. 349–360.
VLDB-2011-BerneckerEKRZZ #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism #performance #probability #query- Efficient Probabilistic Reverse Nearest Neighbor Query Processing on Uncertain Data (TB, TE, HPK, MR, SZ, AZ), pp. 669–680.
CSCW-2011-KanaiK #communication- A menu-planning support system to facilitate communication among neighbors (HK, KK), pp. 661–664.
CIKM-2011-CachedaCFF #algorithm #analysis #dataset #nearest neighbour- Improving k-nearest neighbors algorithms: practical application of dataset analysis (FC, VC, DF, VF), pp. 2253–2256.
CIKM-2011-ParkSBY #distance #nearest neighbour #query- k-Nearest neighbor query processing method based on distance relation pattern (YP, DS, KB, JY), pp. 2413–2416.
CIKM-2011-TomasevRMI #approach #classification #nearest neighbour #probability- A probabilistic approach to nearest-neighbor classification: naive hubness bayesian kNN (NT, MR, DM, MI), pp. 2173–2176.
CIKM-2011-WenL #social- Improving user interest inference from social neighbors (ZW, CYL), pp. 1001–1006.
ICML-2011-KpotufeL #clustering #nearest neighbour- Pruning nearest neighbor cluster trees (SK, UvL), pp. 225–232.
KDD-2011-DalviKMR #nearest neighbour #using- Sampling hidden objects using nearest-neighbor oracles (NND, RK, AM, VR), pp. 1325–1333.
MLDM-2011-LungaE #classification #nearest neighbour- Spherical Nearest Neighbor Classification: Application to Hyperspectral Data (DL, OKE), pp. 170–184.
MLDM-2011-TomasevRMI #classification #fuzzy #metric #nearest neighbour- Hubness-Based Fuzzy Measures for High-Dimensional k-Nearest Neighbor Classification (NT, MR, DM, MI), pp. 16–30.
SIGMOD-2010-YangGXRW #data type #interactive #visual notation- Interactive visual exploration of neighbor-based patterns in data streams (DY, ZG, ZX, EAR, MOW), pp. 1151–1154.
SIGMOD-2010-ZhengFZ #fuzzy #nearest neighbour- K-nearest neighbor search for fuzzy objects (KZ, GPCF, XZ), pp. 699–710.
VLDB-2010-PapadopoulosBP #nearest neighbour #privacy- Nearest Neighbor Search with Strong Location Privacy (SP, SB, DP), pp. 619–629.
VLDB-2010-PotamiasBGK #graph #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism- k-Nearest Neighbors in Uncertain Graphs (MP, FB, AG, GK), pp. 997–1008.
VLDB-2010-SharifzadehS #diagrams #named #nearest neighbour #performance #query- VoR-Tree: R-trees with Voronoi Diagrams for Efficient Processing of Spatial Nearest Neighbor Queries (MS, CS), pp. 1231–1242.
CIKM-2010-HouleOQ #query #similarity- Active caching for similarity queries based on shared-neighbor information (MEH, VO, UQ), pp. 669–678.
CIKM-2010-XiaoLC #bound #concept- K-farthest-neighbors-based concept boundary determination for support vector data description (YX, BL, LC), pp. 1701–1704.
ECIR-2010-DaiDW #mining #topic- Mining Neighbors’ Topicality to Better Control Authority Flow (ND, BDD, YW), pp. 653–657.
ICPR-2010-ChenS #classification #nearest neighbour #scalability- Hierarchical Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification (QC, SS), pp. 906–909.
ICPR-2010-ChernoffN #nearest neighbour- Weighting of the k-Nearest-Neighbors (KC, MN), pp. 666–669.
ICPR-2010-ShibataKI #classification #nearest neighbour #performance #scalability- Large Margin Discriminant Hashing for Fast k-Nearest Neighbor Classification (TS, SK, SI), pp. 1015–1018.
KDD-2010-MaserratP #network #query #social- Neighbor query friendly compression of social networks (HM, JP), pp. 533–542.
KDD-2010-SarkarM #graph #nearest neighbour #performance- Fast nearest-neighbor search in disk-resident graphs (PS, AWM), pp. 513–522.
KDD-2010-WenL #on the #quality #social- On the quality of inferring interests from social neighbors (ZW, CYL), pp. 373–382.
KDIR-2010-ViswanathBK #classification #nearest neighbour #performance #set- A Method to Generate a Reduced Training Set for Faster and Better Nearest Neighbor Classification (PV, VSB, TNK), pp. 232–236.
SAC-2010-ShinLKLI #database #nearest neighbour #network #performance- Efficient shortest path finding of k-nearest neighbor objects in road network databases (SHS, SCL, SWK, JL, EGI), pp. 1661–1665.
SIGMOD-2009-ChenSZY #monitoring #nearest neighbour #network- Monitoring path nearest neighbor in road networks (ZC, HTS, XZ, JXY), pp. 591–602.
SIGMOD-2009-GaoZ #database #nearest neighbour #query- Continuous obstructed nearest neighbor queries in spatial databases (YG, BZ), pp. 577–590.
SIGMOD-2009-TaoYSK #nearest neighbour #performance #quality- Quality and efficiency in high dimensional nearest neighbor search (YT, KY, CS, PK), pp. 563–576.
VLDB-2009-WongOYFL #nearest neighbour #performance- Efficient Method for Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor (RCWW, MTÖ, PSY, AWCF, LL), pp. 1126–1137.
VLDB-2009-XingSP #monitoring #nearest neighbour- Continuous Monitoring of Nearest Neighbors on Land Surface (SX, CS, BP), pp. 1114–1125.
CIKM-2009-LinLK #named #novel #similarity- MatchSim: a novel neighbor-based similarity measure with maximum neighborhood matching (ZL, MRL, IK), pp. 1613–1616.
ICML-2009-RadovanovicNI #nearest neighbour- Nearest neighbors in high-dimensional data: the emergence and influence of hubs (MR, AN, MI), pp. 865–872.
SAC-2009-GohKCC #analysis #performance #scalability #video- Fast mode decision for scalable video coding based on neighboring macroblock analysis (GG, JK, MC, KC), pp. 1845–1846.
DATE-2008-PradhanV #performance #synthesis #using- Fast Analog Circuit Synthesis Using Sensitivity Based Near Neighbor Searches (AP, RV), pp. 523–526.
VLDB-2008-BeskalesSI #database #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism #performance- Efficient search for the top-k probable nearest neighbors in uncertain databases (GB, MAS, IFI), pp. 326–339.
VLDB-2008-WuYCT #named #nearest neighbour #query- FINCH: evaluating reverse k-Nearest-Neighbor queries on location data (WW, FY, CYC, KLT), pp. 1056–1067.
ECIR-2008-NaKL08b #evaluation #nearest neighbour- Revisit of Nearest Neighbor Test for Direct Evaluation of Inter-document Similarities (SHN, ISK, JHL), pp. 674–678.
ICML-2008-Cayton #nearest neighbour #performance #retrieval- Fast nearest neighbor retrieval for bregman divergences (LC), pp. 112–119.
ICPR-2008-HidakaK #feature model #optimisation #using- Non-Neighboring Rectangular Feature selection using Particle Swarm Optimization (AH, TK), pp. 1–4.
RecSys-2008-TakacsPNT #algorithm #matrix #problem- Matrix factorization and neighbor based algorithms for the netflix prize problem (GT, IP, BN, DT), pp. 267–274.
SIGIR-2008-GengLQALS #nearest neighbour #query #ranking #using- Query dependent ranking using K-nearest neighbor (XG, TYL, TQ, AA, HL, HYS), pp. 115–122.
SIGIR-2008-QiD #classification #web- Classifiers without borders: incorporating fielded text from neighboring web pages (XQ, BDD), pp. 643–650.
PODS-2007-ChierichettiPRSTU #clustering- Finding near neighbors through cluster pruning (FC, AP, PR, MS, AT, EU), pp. 103–112.
ECIR-2007-KimY #collaboration #effectiveness- An Effective Threshold-Based Neighbor Selection in Collaborative Filtering (THK, SBY), pp. 712–715.
ICML-2007-KimC #algorithm #geometry #message passing- Neighbor search with global geometry: a minimax message passing algorithm (KHK, SC), pp. 401–408.
SIGIR-2007-CastilloDGMS #detection #using #web- Know your neighbors: web spam detection using the web topology (CC, DD, AG, VM, FS), pp. 423–430.
DRR-2006-AndraZ #classification #consistency #nearest neighbour- Style consistent nearest neighbor classifier (SA, XZ).
SIGMOD-2006-AchtertBKKPR #metric #nearest neighbour #performance- Efficient reverse k-nearest neighbor search in arbitrary metric spaces (EA, CB, PK, PK, AP, MR), pp. 515–526.
VLDB-2006-MouratidisYPM #monitoring #nearest neighbour #network- Continuous Nearest Neighbor Monitoring in Road Networks (KM, MLY, DP, NM), pp. 43–54.
STOC-2006-AilonC #approximate #nearest neighbour #performance- Approximate nearest neighbors and the fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform (NA, BC), pp. 557–563.
ICEIS-J-2006-BerkovskyEM06a #collaboration #nearest neighbour #retrieval- Retrieval of Collaborative Filtering Nearest Neighbors in a Content-Addressable Space (SB, YE, LMM), pp. 159–178.
CIKM-2006-AchtertBKKPR #approximate #metric #nearest neighbour #query- Approximate reverse k-nearest neighbor queries in general metric spaces (EA, CB, PK, PK, AP, MR), pp. 788–789.
CIKM-2006-XiongCL #classification #database #multi #nearest neighbour- k nearest neighbor classification across multiple private databases (LX, SC, LL), pp. 840–841.
ICML-2006-BeygelzimerKL #nearest neighbour- Cover trees for nearest neighbor (AB, SK, JL), pp. 97–104.
ICPR-v1-2006-MollerR #approach #clustering #nearest neighbour- A Cluster Validity Approach based on Nearest-Neighbor Resampling (UM, DR), pp. 892–895.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChouKC #nearest neighbour #reduction- The Generalized Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule as A Data Reduction Method (CHC, BHK, FC), pp. 556–559.
ICPR-v2-2006-DelannayAV #adaptation #automation #nearest neighbour- Automatic Adjustment of Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor (ND, CA, MV), pp. 552–535.
ICPR-v2-2006-Mainar-RuizP #approximate #multi #nearest neighbour #using- Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search using a Single Space-filling Curve and Multiple Representations of the Data Points (GMR, JCPC), pp. 502–505.
ICPR-v3-2006-GinnekenM #image #nearest neighbour- Image Denoising with k-nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Regression (BvG, AM), pp. 603–606.
ICPR-v3-2006-LiC #classification #nearest neighbour #probability #using- Classification Using the Local Probabilistic Centers of k-Nearest Neighbors (BYL, YWC), pp. 1220–1223.
ICPR-v3-2006-LouJ #adaptation #classification #nearest neighbour #novel- Novel Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Based On Hit-Distance (ZL, ZJ), pp. 87–90.
ICPR-v3-2006-TanakaO- Neighbor Pixel Mixture (MT, MO), pp. 647–650.
ICPR-v3-2006-YangZ #nearest neighbour #recognition- Regression Nearest Neighbor in Face Recognition (SY, CZ), pp. 515–518.
ICPR-v4-2006-LiC06a #classification #nearest neighbour #probability #using- Classification Using the Local Probabilistic Centers of k-Nearest Neighbors (BYL, YWC), p. 954.
SIGIR-2006-AngelovaW #classification #graph- Graph-based text classification: learn from your neighbors (RA, GW), pp. 485–492.
SAC-2006-AbidinP #classification #data mining #mining #named #nearest neighbour #performance #scalability- SMART-TV: a fast and scalable nearest neighbor based classifier for data mining (TA, WP), pp. 536–540.
SAC-2006-AlmeidaG #algorithm #database #incremental #nearest neighbour #network #using- Using Dijkstra’s algorithm to incrementally find the k-Nearest Neighbors in spatial network databases (VTdA, RHG), pp. 58–62.
SIGMOD-2005-PapadiasMH #clustering #concept #monitoring #nearest neighbour #performance- Conceptual Partitioning: An Efficient Method for Continuous Nearest Neighbor Monitoring (KM, MH, DP), pp. 634–645.
ICALP-2005-EliasL #performance- Fast Neighbor Joining (IE, JL), pp. 1263–1274.
CIKM-2005-XiaHL #estimation #named #nearest neighbour #performance #retrieval- ERkNN: efficient reverse k-nearest neighbors retrieval with local kNN-distance estimation (CX, WH, MLL), pp. 533–540.
ICML-2005-Angiulli #nearest neighbour #performance- Fast condensed nearest neighbor rule (FA), pp. 25–32.
VLDB-2004-KolahdouzanS #database #nearest neighbour #network- Voronoi-Based K Nearest Neighbor Search for Spatial Network Databases (MRK, CS), pp. 840–851.
STOC-2004-MankuNW #lookahead #network #power of #random- Know thy neighbor’s neighbor: the power of lookahead in randomized P2P networks (GSM, MN, UW), pp. 54–63.
ICALP-2004-KrauthgamerL #black box #complexity #nearest neighbour- The Black-Box Complexity of Nearest Neighbor Search (RK, JRL), pp. 858–869.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Martinez-OtzetaS #algorithm #analysis #nearest neighbour #probability- Analysis of the Iterated Probabilistic Weighted K Nearest Neighbor Method, a new Distance-Based Algorithm (JMMO, BS), pp. 233–240.
ICPR-v1-2004-DomeniconiY #nearest neighbour- Nearest Neighbor Ensemble (CD, BY), pp. 228–231.
ICPR-v3-2004-KatoW #algorithm #classification #nearest neighbour #performance- Direct Condensing: An Efficient Voronoi Condensing Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers (TK, TW), pp. 474–477.
ICPR-v3-2004-ParedesV #fault #learning #nearest neighbour #prototype #reduction- Learning Prototypes and Distances (LPD). A Prototype Reduction Technique based on Nearest Neighbor Error Minimization (RP, EV), pp. 442–445.
ICPR-v4-2004-HottaKM #category theory #nearest neighbour #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #using- Pattern Recognition Using Average Patterns of Categorical k-Nearest Neighbors (SH, SK, SM), pp. 412–415.
ICPR-v4-2004-ViswanathMB #classification #nearest neighbour #pattern matching #pattern recognition #performance #recognition #synthesis- A Pattern Synthesis Technique with an Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classifier for Binary Pattern Recognition (PV, MNM, SB), pp. 416–419.
SAC-2004-DingH #clustering #consistency #information management #nearest neighbour #optimisation- K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering: incorporating local information into global optimization (CHQD, XH), pp. 584–589.
SAC-2004-QianSGP #distance #nearest neighbour #query #similarity- Similarity between Euclidean and cosine angle distance for nearest neighbor queries (GQ, SS, YG, SP), pp. 1232–1237.
ASE-2003-RenierisR #fault #locality #nearest neighbour #query- Fault Localization With Nearest Neighbor Queries (MR, SPR), pp. 30–39.
HT-2003-SugiyamaHYU #refinement #using #web- Refinement of TF-IDF schemes for web pages using their hyperlinked neighboring pages (KS, KH, MY, SU), pp. 198–207.
ICDAR-2003-LuT03a #approach #documentation #estimation #nearest neighbour- Improved Nearest Neighbor Based Approach to Accurate Document Skew Estimation (YL, CLT), pp. 503–507.
PODS-2003-AggarwalA #nearest neighbour #on the- On nearest neighbor indexing of nonlinear trajectories (CCA, DA), pp. 252–259.
VLDB-2003-IwerksSS #nearest neighbour #query- Continuous K-Nearest Neighbor Queries for Continuously Moving Points with Updates (GSI, HS, KPS), pp. 512–523.
CIKM-2003-BerraniAG #approximate #precise- Approximate searches: k-neighbors + precision (SAB, LA, PG), pp. 24–31.
CIKM-2003-SinghFT #nearest neighbour #query- High dimensional reverse nearest neighbor queries (AS, HF, AST), pp. 91–98.
KDD-2003-AlonsoBLB #adaptation #nearest neighbour- An adaptive nearest neighbor search for a parts acquisition ePortal (RA, JAB, HL, CB), pp. 693–698.
SAC-2003-PerrizoDDSDK #incremental #named- PINE — Podium Incremental Neighbor Evaluator for Classifying Spatial Data (WP, QD, AD, KS, QD, MK), pp. 503–508.
SIGMOD-2002-Aggarwal #estimation #framework #nearest neighbour #reduction- Hierarchical subspace sampling: a unified framework for high dimensional data reduction, selectivity estimation and nearest neighbor search (CCA), pp. 452–463.
VLDB-2002-KornMS #data type #nearest neighbour- Reverse Nearest Neighbor Aggregates Over Data Streams (FK, SM, DS), pp. 814–825.
VLDB-2002-TaoPS #nearest neighbour- Continuous Nearest Neighbor Search (YT, DP, QS), pp. 287–298.
STOC-2002-BeameV #communication #complexity #multi #nearest neighbour #problem #trade-off- Time-space tradeoffs, multiparty communication complexity, and nearest-neighbor problems (PB, EV), pp. 688–697.
STOC-2002-KargerR #metric #nearest neighbour #strict- Finding nearest neighbors in growth-restricted metrics (DRK, MR), pp. 741–750.
CIKM-2002-GaoYW #nearest neighbour #query #streaming- Evaluating continuous nearest neighbor queries for streaming time series via pre-fetching (LG, ZY, XSW), pp. 485–492.
ICPR-v3-2002-PengHD #adaptation #classification #kernel #metric #nearest neighbour- Adaptive Kernel Metric Nearest Neighbor Classification (JP, DRH, HKD), pp. 33–36.
CIAA-2001-Savary #finite #nearest neighbour- Typographical Nearest-Neighbor Search in a Finite-State Lexicon and Its Application to Spelling Correction (AS), pp. 251–260.
CIKM-2001-KimAY #effectiveness #metric #nearest neighbour- Effective Nearest Neighbor Indexing with the Euclidean Metric (SWK, CCA, PSY), pp. 9–16.
ICML-2001-DomeniconiG #approach #approximate #classification #dataset #multi #nearest neighbour #performance #query #scalability- An Efficient Approach for Approximating Multi-dimensional Range Queries and Nearest Neighbor Classification in Large Datasets (CD, DG), pp. 98–105.
ICML-2001-RozsypalK #algorithm #classification #nearest neighbour #search-based #using- Using the Genetic Algorithm to Reduce the Size of a Nearest-Neighbor Classifier and to Select Relevant Attributes (AR, MK), pp. 449–456.
KDD-2001-Morimoto #database #mining #set- Mining frequent neighboring class sets in spatial databases (YM), pp. 353–358.
SIGMOD-2000-KornM #nearest neighbour #query #set- Influence Sets Based on Reverse Nearest Neighbor Queries (FK, SM), pp. 201–212.
VLDB-2000-HinneburgAK #nearest neighbour #question #what- What Is the Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensional Spaces? (AH, CCA, DAK), pp. 506–515.
STOC-2000-BarkolR #bound #nearest neighbour #problem- Tighter bounds for nearest neighbor search and related problems in the cell probe model (OB, YR), pp. 388–396.
STOC-2000-MuthukrishnanS #approximate #comparison #nearest neighbour #sequence- Approximate nearest neighbors and sequence comparison with block operations (SM, SCS), pp. 416–424.
CIKM-2000-WangW #approximate #nearest neighbour- Supporting Subseries Nearest Neighbor Search via Approximation (CW, XSW), pp. 314–321.
ICML-2000-KubatC #classification #nearest neighbour #subclass- Voting Nearest-Neighbor Subclassifiers (MK, MCJ), pp. 503–510.
ICML-2000-MullinS #classification #nearest neighbour- Complete Cross-Validation for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers (MDM, RS), pp. 639–646.
ICML-2000-OkamotoY #algorithm #analysis #nearest neighbour- Generalized Average-Case Analyses of the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (SO, NY), pp. 695–702.
ICPR-v2-2000-ChenHF #algorithm #nearest neighbour- Winner-Update Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Search (YSC, YPH, CSF), pp. 2704–2707.
ICPR-v2-2000-DasarathyS #algorithm #editing #nearest neighbour- Tandem Fusion of Nearest Neighbor Editing and Condensing Algorithms — Data Dimensionality Effects (BVD, JSS), pp. 2692–2695.
ICPR-v2-2000-HuangCSG #classification #nearest neighbour #prototype- Constructing Optimized Prototypes for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers (YSH, CCC, JWS, WELG), pp. 2017–2020.
ICPR-v2-2000-Kangas #classification #comparison #nearest neighbour #prototype #representation- Comparison between Two Prototype Representation Schemes for a Nearest Neighbor Classifier (JK), pp. 2773–2776.
ICPR-v2-2000-MitaniH #classification #design #nearest neighbour- Classifier Design Based on the Use of Nearest Neighbor Samples (YM, YH), pp. 2769–2772.
ICPR-v2-2000-TanY #convergence #distance #recognition #using- Object Recognition Using Fractal Neighbor Distance: Eventual Convergence and Recognition Rates (TT, HY), pp. 2781–2784.
ICPR-v3-2000-TongW #approximate #image #nearest neighbour- Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for Fractal Image Compression Based on a New Affine Transform Parametrization (CT, MW), pp. 3223–3227.
ICDAR-1999-JiangBW #clustering #detection #documentation #image #nearest neighbour- Skew Detection of Document Images by Focused Nearest-Neighbor Clustering (XJ, HB, DWK), pp. 629–632.
ICDAR-1999-LiuN99a #algorithm #classification #learning #nearest neighbour #prototype #recognition- Prototype Learning Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Classifier with Application to Handwritten Character Recognition (CLL, MN), pp. 378–381.
STOC-1999-BorodinOR #bound #nearest neighbour #problem- Lower Bounds for High Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search and Related Problems (AB, RO, YR), pp. 312–321.
STOC-1999-ChakrabartiCGL #approximate #bound #complexity #nearest neighbour- A Lower Bound on the Complexity of Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Searching on the Hamming Cube (AC, BC, BG, AL), pp. 305–311.
ICML-1999-BlanzieriR #classification #metric #nearest neighbour- A Minimum Risk Metric for Nearest Neighbor Classification (EB, FR), pp. 22–31.
KDD-1999-BennettFG #approximate #nearest neighbour #query- Density-Based Indexing for Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Queries (KPB, UMF, DG), pp. 233–243.
SIGMOD-1998-SeidlK #multi #nearest neighbour- Optimal Multi-Step k-Nearest Neighbor Search (TS, HPK), pp. 154–165.
STOC-1998-IndykM #approximate #nearest neighbour #towards- Approximate Nearest Neighbors: Towards Removing the Curse of Dimensionality (PI, RM), pp. 604–613.
STOC-1998-KushilevitzOR #approximate #nearest neighbour #performance- Efficient Search for Approximate Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensional Spaces (EK, RO, YR), pp. 614–623.
ICML-1998-Bay #classification #multi #nearest neighbour #set- Combining Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Through Multiple Feature Subsets (SDB), pp. 37–45.
ICPR-1998-BhattacharyaK #nearest neighbour #set- Reference set thinning for the k-nearest neighbor decision rule (BKB, DK), pp. 238–242.
ICPR-1998-PalauS #approximate #classification #nearest neighbour #performance- The labelled cell classifier: a fast approximation to k nearest neighbors (AMP, RRS), pp. 823–827.
PODS-1997-BerchtoldBKK #cost analysis #nearest neighbour- A Cost Model For Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Data Space (SB, CB, DAK, HPK), pp. 78–86.
SIGMOD-1997-KatayamaS #nearest neighbour #query- The SR-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Queries (NK, SS), pp. 369–380.
STOC-1997-Clarkson #metric #nearest neighbour #query- Nearest Neighbor Queries in Metric Spaces (KLC), pp. 609–617.
STOC-1997-Kleinberg #algorithm #nearest neighbour- Two Algorithms for Nearest-Neighbor Search in High Dimensions (JMK), pp. 599–608.
VLDB-1996-KornSFSP #database #image #nearest neighbour #performance- Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in Medical Image Databases (FK, NS, CF, ELS, ZP), pp. 215–226.
ICML-1996-AkkusG #classification #nearest neighbour- K Nearest Neighbor Classification on Feature Projections (AA, HAG), pp. 12–19.
ICML-1996-OkamotoY #analysis #classification #nearest neighbour- Theoretical Analysis of the Nearest Neighbor Classifier in Noisy Domains (SO, NY), pp. 355–363.
ICPR-1996-ChouFF #online #recognition- Radical-based neighboring segment matching method for on-line Chinese character recognition (KSC, KCF, TIF), pp. 84–88.
ICPR-1996-GonzalezC #classification #functional #markov #random- The Markov random fields in functional neighbors as a texture model: applications in texture classification (AMG, DC), pp. 815–819.
ICPR-1996-HuangLSSSLTH #approach #classification #nearest neighbour #prototype- A simulated annealing approach to construct optimized prototypes for nearest-neighbor classification (YSH, KL, CYS, AJS, IIS, MCL, RYT, PKH), pp. 483–487.
ICDAR-v1-1995-HongLHS #classification #design #nearest neighbour #recognition- The design of a nearest-neighbor classifier and its use for Japanese character recognition (TH, SWKL, JJH, SNS), pp. 270–273.
SIGMOD-1995-RoussopoulosKV #nearest neighbour #query- Nearest Neighbor Queries (NR, SK, FV), pp. 71–79.
VLDB-1995-Brin #metric #scalability- Near Neighbor Search in Large Metric Spaces (SB), pp. 574–584.
ICML-1995-Drakopoulos #bound #classification #fault #nearest neighbour- Bounds on the Classification Error of the Nearest Neighbor Rule (JAD), pp. 203–208.
KDD-1995-HastieT #adaptation #classification #nearest neighbour- Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classification (TH, RT), pp. 142–149.
ICDAR-1993-Bunke #algorithm #nearest neighbour #performance #taxonomy #word- A fast algorithm for finding the nearest neighbor of a word in a dictionary (HB), pp. 632–637.
ICDAR-1993-Yan #classification #design #implementation #nearest neighbour #recognition- Design and implementation of optimized nearest neighbor classifiers for handwritten digit recognition (HY), pp. 10–13.
ICDAR-1993-Yan93a #classification #image #nearest neighbour #segmentation #using- Color map image segmentation using optimized nearest neighbor classifiers (HY), pp. 111–114.
STOC-1992-CallahanK #composition #multi #nearest neighbour- A Decomposition of Multi-Dimensional Point-Sets with Applications to k-Nearest-Neighbors and n-Body Potential Fields (Preliminary Version) (PBC, SRK), pp. 546–556.
ICALP-1992-PatersonY #graph #nearest neighbour #on the- On Nearest-Neighbor Graphs (MP, FFY), pp. 416–426.
ICALP-1985-KarlssonMR #bound #nearest neighbour #problem- The Nearest Neighbor Problem on Bounded Domains (RGK, JIM, ELR), pp. 318–327.
ICALP-1983-Dehne #algorithm #diagrams #nearest neighbour #on the- On O(N^4) Algorithm to Construct all Voronoi Diagrams for k Nearest Neighbor Searching (FKHAD), pp. 160–172.
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SIGIR-1978-EastmanW #algorithm #documentation #nearest neighbour #retrieval- A Tree Algorithm For Nearest Neighbor Searching In Document Retrieval Systems (CME, SFW), pp. 131–149.