Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Benatallah S.Milliner M.Ouzzani S.Milliner M.P.Papazoglou A.K.Elmagarmid B.Medjahed L.Hendra J.Beard K.Smith
Talks about:
databas (4) heterogen (2) autonom (2) data (2) web (2) architectur (1) discoveri (1) interact (1) support (1) scalabl (1)
Person: Athman Bouguettaya
DBLP: Bouguettaya:Athman
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- VLDB-2001-BouguettayaEMO #ontology
- Ontology-based Support for Digital Government (AB, AKE, BM, MO), pp. 633–636.
- SIGMOD-1999-BouguettayaBH #corba #database #web
- World Wide Database — Integrating the Web, CORBA, and Databases (AB, BB, LH, JB, KS, MO), pp. 594–596.
- EDOC-1997-BenatallahB #web
- Data Sharing on the Web (BB, AB), p. 258–?.
- VLDB-1995-MillinerBP #architecture #database #interactive #scalability #semistructured data
- A Scalable Architecture for Autonomous Heterogeneous Database Interactions (SM, AB, MPP), pp. 515–526.
- ADL-1995-BouguettayaM #database #scalability
- Data Discovery in Large Scale Heterogeneous and Autonomous Databases (AB, SM), pp. 149–166.