Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Tremblay L.Laforest R.Mizouni R.Dssouli B.Malenfant P.Zentilli I.Berrada R.Castanet P.Félix
Talks about:
use (3) construct (2) softwar (2) mainten (2) time (2) test (2) case (2) profession (1) introduc (1) composit (1)
Person: Aziz Salah
DBLP: Salah:Aziz
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ITiCSE-2007-TremblayLS #testing
- Extending a marking tool with simple support for testing (GT, LL, AS), p. 313.
- ITiCSE-2007-TremblayMSZ #corpus #maintenance #student
- Introducing students to professional software construction: a “software construction and maintenance” course and its maintenance corpus (GT, BM, AS, PZ), pp. 176–180.
- SEKE-2007-MizouniSD #case study #composition #requirements #using
- Using Formal Composition of Use Cases in Requirements Engineering (RM, AS, RD), p. 238–?.
- TestCom-2006-BerradaCFS #bound #realtime #testing #using
- Test Case Minimization for Real-Time Systems Using Timed Bound Traces (IB, RC, PF, AS), pp. 289–305.