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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Hungary
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.K.Rajamani A.V.Nori S.Chakraborty S.Gulwani G.Ramalingam T.A.Henzinger Y.Kannan
Talks about:
abstract (4) interpret (2) analysi (2) refin (2) counterexampl (1) algorithm (1) properti (1) synergi (1) express (1) automat (1)

Person: Bhargav S. Gulavani

DBLP DBLP: Gulavani:Bhargav_S=

Contributed to:

SAS 20092009
CAV 20082008
TACAS 20082008
FSE 20062006
TACAS 20062006

Wrote 5 papers:

SAS-2009-GulavaniCRN #analysis #bottom-up
Bottom-Up Shape Analysis (BSG, SC, GR, AVN), pp. 188–204.
CAV-2008-GulavaniG #abstract domain #abstraction #analysis
A Numerical Abstract Domain Based on Expression Abstraction and Max Operator with Application in Timing Analysis (BSG, SG), pp. 370–384.
TACAS-2008-GulavaniCNR #abstract interpretation #automation
Automatically Refining Abstract Interpretations (BSG, SC, AVN, SKR), pp. 443–458.
FSE-2006-GulavaniHKNR #algorithm #named
SYNERGY: a new algorithm for property checking (BSG, TAH, YK, AVN, SKR), pp. 117–127.
TACAS-2006-GulavaniR #abstract interpretation #refinement
Counterexample Driven Refinement for Abstract Interpretation (BSG, SKR), pp. 474–488.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.