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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Denmark
1 × Estonia
1 × India
1 × Japan
1 × Poland
1 × Serbia
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × Spain
2 × United Kingdom
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Abel A.Cave J.Dunfield F.Ferreira A.Setzer D.Thibodeau S.Heilala F.Pfenning F.F.0001 S.Sarkar K.Crary P.Panangaden A.L.Georges A.Murawska S.Otis
Talks about:
program (13) higher (8) order (8) logic (6) type (5) proof (4) framework (3) copattern (3) context (3) depend (3)

Person: Brigitte Pientka

DBLP DBLP: Pientka:Brigitte

Facilitated 1 volumes:

PPDP 2017Ed

Contributed to:

CADE 20152015
TLCA 20152015
POPL 20142014
PPDP 20142014
RTA-TLCA 20142014
ICFP 20132013
POPL 20132013
POPL 20122012
TLCA 20112011
FLOPS 20102010
IJCAR 20102010
POPL 20082008
PPDP 20082008
CADE 20072007
ICLP 20062006
IJCAR 20062006
CADE 20052005
ICLP 20052005
CADE 20032003
ICLP 20032003
ICLP 20022002
IJCAR 20012001
ESOP 20172017

Wrote 24 papers:

CADE-2015-PientkaC #induction #programming #proving
Inductive Beluga: Programming Proofs (BP, AC), pp. 272–281.
TLCA-2015-Pientka0 #recursion
Well-Founded Recursion over Contextual Objects (BP, AA), pp. 273–287.
POPL-2014-CaveFPP #programming
Fair reactive programming (AC, FF, PP, BP), pp. 361–372.
PPDP-2014-FerreiraP #bidirectional #source code
Bidirectional Elaboration of Dependently Typed Programs (FF, BP), pp. 161–174.
RTA-TLCA-2014-Setzer0PT #pattern matching
Unnesting of Copatterns (AS, AA, BP, DT), pp. 31–45.
ICFP-2013-AbelP #approach #pattern matching #recursion #termination
Wellfounded recursion with copatterns: a unified approach to termination and productivity (AA, BP), pp. 185–196.
POPL-2013-AbelPTS #infinity #named #pattern matching #programming
Copatterns: programming infinite structures by observations (AA, BP, DT, AS), pp. 27–38.
POPL-2012-CaveP #data type #programming
Programming with binders and indexed data-types (AC, BP), pp. 413–424.
TLCA-2011-AbelP #dependent type #higher-order #unification
Higher-Order Dynamic Pattern Unification for Dependent Types and Records (AA, BP), pp. 10–26.
FLOPS-2010-Pientka #dependent type #named #programming
Beluga: Programming with Dependent Types, Contextual Data, and Contexts (BP), pp. 1–12.
IJCAR-2010-PientkaD #deduction #framework #named #programming #reasoning
Beluga: A Framework for Programming and Reasoning with Deductive Systems (BP, JD), pp. 15–21.
POPL-2008-Pientka #higher-order #programming #syntax
A type-theoretic foundation for programming with higher-order abstract syntax and first-class substitutions (BP), pp. 371–382.
PPDP-2008-PientkaD #programming #proving
Programming with proofs and explicit contexts (BP, JD), pp. 163–173.
CADE-2007-HeilalaP #bidirectional #logic
Bidirectional Decision Procedures for the Intuitionistic Propositional Modal Logic IS4 (SH, BP), pp. 116–131.
ICLP-2006-Pientka #framework #logic #performance #verification
Overcoming Performance Barriers: Efficient Verification Techniques for Logical Frameworks (BP), pp. 3–10.
IJCAR-2006-Pientka #approach #higher-order #lightweight #unification
Eliminating Redundancy in Higher-Order Unification: A Lightweight Approach (BP), pp. 362–376.
CADE-2005-Pientka #higher-order #logic programming
Tabling for Higher-Order Logic Programming (BP), pp. 54–68.
ICLP-2005-SarkarPC #proving
Small Proof Witnesses for LF (SS, BP, KC), pp. 387–401.
CADE-2003-PientkaP #higher-order #optimisation #unification
Optimizing Higher-Order Pattern Unification (BP, FP), pp. 473–487.
ICLP-2003-Pientka #higher-order
Higher-Order Substitution Tree Indexing (BP), pp. 377–391.
ICLP-2002-Pientka #higher-order #logic programming
A Proof-Theoretic Foundation for Tabled Higher-Order Logic Programming (BP), pp. 271–286.
IJCAR-2001-Pientka #higher-order #logic programming #reduction #source code #termination
Termination and Reduction Checking for Higher-Order Logic Programs (BP), pp. 401–415.
ESOP-2017-0001P #source code #syntax #using
Programs Using Syntax with First-Class Binders (FF0, BP), pp. 504–529.
ESOP-2017-GeorgesMOP #framework #linear #logic #named
LINCX: A Linear Logical Framework with First-Class Contexts (ALG, AM, SO, BP), pp. 530–555.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.