Travelled to:
1 × Norway
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.Amaral L.Lúcio C.Gomes A.Barisic M.Goulão R.Félix V.Sousa L.Pedro M.Risoldi D.Buchs
Talks about:
transform (3) languag (3) techniqu (2) specif (2) domain (2) model (2) incomplet (1) qualiti (1) pattern (1) classif (1)
Person: Bruno Barroca
DBLP: Barroca:Bruno
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- MoDELS-2014-GomesBA #classification #model transformation #pattern matching #tool support
- Classification of Model Transformation Tools: Pattern Matching Techniques (CG, BB, VA), pp. 619–635.
- PLATEAU-2011-BarisicAGB #case study #domain-specific language #quality #using
- Quality in use of domain-specific languages: a case study (AB, VA, MG, BB), pp. 65–72.
- MoDELS-v1-2010-LucioBA #automation #model transformation #validation
- A Technique for Automatic Validation of Model Transformations (LL, BB, VA), pp. 136–150.
- SLE-2010-BarrocaLAFS #model transformation #named #transformation language
- DSLTrans: A Turing Incomplete Transformation Language (BB, LL, VA, RF, VS), pp. 296–305.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-PedroRBBA #domain-specific language #syntax #visual notation
- Composing Visual Syntax for Domain Specific Languages (LP, MR, DB, BB, VA), pp. 889–898.