Travelled to:
1 × India
Collaborated with:
∅ M.Codoban S.Shmarkatiuk D.Dig I.A.0001 R.Gopinath A.Groce C.Jensen
Talks about:
do (2) distribut (1) investig (1) conflict (1) version (1) softwar (1) process (1) develop (1) control (1) central (1)
Person: Caius Brindescu
DBLP: Brindescu:Caius
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSE-2014-BrindescuCSD #distributed #how #question #version control
- How do centralized and distributed version control systems impact software changes? (CB, MC, SS, DD), pp. 322–333.
- FSE-2016-AhmedGBGJ #effectiveness #question
- Can testedness be effectively measured? (IA0, RG, CB, AG, CJ), pp. 547–558.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-Brindescu #developer #how #process #tool support
- How do developers resolve merge conflicts? an investigation into the processes, tools, and improvements (CB), pp. 952–955.