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3 × USA
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Talks about:
learn (3) conceptu (2) induct (2) exampl (2) robot (2) cover (2) oper (2) set (2) construct (1) algorithm (1)
Person: Carl Myers Kadie
DBLP: Kadie:Carl_Myers
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ML-1991-Kadie #induction #learning
- Quantifying the Value of Constructive Induction, Knowledge, and Noise Filtering on Inductive Learning (CMK), pp. 153–157.
- ML-1991-Kadie91a #concept #learning #set
- Continous Conceptual Set Covering: Learning Robot Operators From Examples (CMK), pp. 615–619.
- ML-1990-Kadie #algorithm #concept #set
- Conceptual Set Covering: Improving Fit-And-Split Algorithms (CMK), pp. 40–48.
- ML-1988-Kadie #learning #named
- Diffy-S: Learning Robot Operator Schemata from Examples (CMK), pp. 430–436.