Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × Greece
2 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
L.Teixeira B.S.Santos V.Saavedra R.Santiago A.B.d.Melo S.Estupiñán F.Rebelo P.Noriega E.Duarte J.Simões
Talks about:
inform (3) applic (3) care (3) hemophilia (2) support (2) develop (2) system (2) exampl (2) clinic (2) web (2)
Person: Carlos Ferreira
DBLP: Ferreira:Carlos
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DUXU-DI-2014-EstupinanRNFD #artificial reality #case study
- Can Virtual Reality Increase Emotional Responses (Arousal and Valence)? A Pilot Study (SE, FR, PN, CF, ED), pp. 541–549.
- HIMI-DE-2014-TeixeiraSFSS #prototype #requirements #tool support #using
- Requirements Engineering Using Mockups and Prototyping Tools: Developing a Healthcare Web-Application (LT, VS, CF, JS, BSS), pp. 652–663.
- HCD-2009-SaavedraTFS #evaluation #usability
- A Preliminary Usability Evaluation of Hemo@Care: A Web-Based Application for Managing Clinical Information in Hemophilia Care (VS, LT, CF, BSS), pp. 785–794.
- HCD-2009-TeixeiraSFS #development #information management #process
- The User’s Role in the Development Process of a Clinical Information System: An Example in Hemophilia Care (LT, VS, CF, BSS), pp. 922–931.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-FerreiraTS #internet #named #using
- Webmaster — An Internet Information Support System for Academic Services Using ASP Technology (CF, LT, RS), pp. 967–973.
- ICEIS-1999-FerreiraMS #interactive #visualisation
- Supporting Decisions Concerning Location-Routing of Obnoxious Facilities: An Application Example of Visualization and Interaction Techniques (CF, ABdM, BSS), pp. 74–81.