Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.R.d.H.Rodrigues V.P.d.A.Néris G.B.d.Freitas M.d.G.C.Pimentel C.C.Viel E.L.Melo R.F.Jr. V.G.Motti R.G.Cattelan
Talks about:
interact (2) program (2) viewer (2) tv (2) multimedia (1) boundari (1) approach (1) ubiquit (1) televis (1) support (1)
Person: César Augusto Camillo Teixeira
DBLP: Teixeira:C=eacute=sar_Augusto_Camillo
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- HCI-TMT-2014-RodriguesTN14a #heuristic #interactive #source code
- Heuristics for Assessing Emotional Response of Viewers during the Interaction with TV Programs (KRdHR, CACT, VPdAN), pp. 577–588.
- DocEng-2013-VielMPT #bound
- Go beyond boundaries of iTV applications (CCV, ELM, MdGCP, CACT), pp. 263–272.
- HCI-UC-2013-RodriguesNT #interactive #multi #source code
- Interaction of the Elderly Viewer with Additional Multimedia Content to Support the Appreciation of Television Programs (KRdHR, VPdAN, CACT), pp. 227–236.
- DocEng-2010-FagaMCTP #approach #authoring #social
- A social approach to authoring media annotations (RFJ, VGM, RGC, CACT, MdGCP), pp. 17–26.
- SAC-2009-FreitasT #network #ubiquitous
- Ubiquitous services in home networks offered through digital TV (GBdF, CACT), pp. 1834–1838.