Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Italy
2 × Greece
2 × Poland
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.C.C.Baranauskas K.R.d.H.Rodrigues R.A.C.Xavier C.A.C.Teixeira F.E.Garcia V.P.Gonçalves S.Seraphini J.Ueyama C.B.Berti R.B.d.Araujo R.F.Lima L.C.Botega L.D.A.Almeida L.C.d.Miranda E.C.S.Hayashi L.C.Botega L.C.Ferreira N.P.Oliveira A.Oliveira
Talks about:
user (6) interact (5) approach (5) interfac (4) flexibl (3) design (3) elder (3) emot (3) support (2) program (2)
Person: Vânia Paula de Almeida Néris
DBLP: N=eacute=ris:V=acirc=nia_Paula_de_Almeida
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- HIMI-IKC-2015-BotegaFOOBNA #user interface
- SAW-Oriented User Interfaces for Emergency Dispatch Systems (LCB, LCF, NPO, AO, CBB, VPdAN, RBdA), pp. 537–548.
- HCI-AS-2014-NerisRL #aspect-oriented #human-computer #interactive #overview
- A Systematic Review of Sustainability and Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction (VPdAN, KRdHR, RFL), pp. 742–753.
- HCI-TMT-2014-BotegaBAN #data fusion #interactive
- A Model to Promote Interaction between Humans and Data Fusion Intelligence to Enhance Situational Awareness (LCB, CBB, RBdA, VPdAN), pp. 399–410.
- HCI-TMT-2014-RodriguesTN14a #heuristic #interactive #source code
- Heuristics for Assessing Emotional Response of Viewers during the Interaction with TV Programs (KRdHR, CACT, VPdAN), pp. 577–588.
- HCI-AS-2013-GarciaN #design #game studies #guidelines
- Design Guidelines for Audio Games (FEG, VPdAN), pp. 229–238.
- HCI-UC-2013-RodriguesNT #interactive #multi #source code
- Interaction of the Elderly Viewer with Additional Multimedia Content to Support the Appreciation of Television Programs (KRdHR, VPdAN, CACT), pp. 227–236.
- ICEIS-v3-2013-GoncalvesSNU #flexibility #framework #mobile #named #user interface
- Flexinterface: A Framework to Provide Flexible Mobile Phone User Interfaces — Addressing the Elderly Diversity (VPG, SS, VPdAN, JU), pp. 143–150.
- ICEIS-J-2012-XavierN12a #approach #component
- Measuring Users’ Emotions with a Component-Based Approach (RACX, VPdAN), pp. 393–409.
- ICEIS-v3-2012-GoncalvesNUS #approach #flexibility #mobile #user interface
- An Analitic Approach to Evaluate Flexible Mobile User Interfaces for the Elderly (VPG, VPdAN, JU, SS), pp. 91–96.
- ICEIS-v3-2012-XavierN #approach #evaluation #hybrid #information management
- A Hybrid Evaluation Approach for the Emotional State of Information Systems Users (RACX, VPdAN), pp. 45–53.
- ICEIS-J-2009-NerisB #approach #interface
- Interfaces for All: A Tailoring-Based Approach (VPdAN, MCCB), pp. 928–939.
- OCSC-2009-AlmeidaNMHB #approach #design #network #social
- Designing Inclusive Social Networks: A Participatory Approach (LDAA, VPdAN, LCdM, ECSH, MCCB), pp. 653–662.
- HCI-IDU-2007-BaranauskasN #design #flexibility #interactive #using
- Using Patterns to Support the Design of Flexible User Interaction (MCCB, VPdAN), pp. 1033–1042.