26 papers:
HIMI-IKC-2015-OgusuOKY #generative #music- Enhancing Abstract Imaginations of Viewers of Abstract Paintings by a Gaze Based Music Generation System (TO, JO, JK, SY), pp. 457–464.
ICPC-2014-MatsumuraIKI #execution #java #performance #visualisation- Repeatedly-executed-method viewer for efficient visualization of execution paths and states in Java (TM, TI, YK, KI), pp. 253–257.
CHI-2014-KimG- Photo sharing of the subject, by the owner, for the viewer: examining the subject’s preference (AK, GG), pp. 975–978.
CHI-2014-RuizVLAC #gesture #interactive #multi #video- Multi-viewer gesture-based interaction for omni-directional video (GARR, DV, KL, FA, EC), pp. 4077–4086.
DUXU-DI-2014-ShinKKJS #design #game studies #interactive #process- A New Design Process for Viewer Participation in Interactive TV Program: Focused on the Interactive TV Game Show Hae-un-dae (JS, HJK, JIK, BGJ, CS), pp. 763–772.
HCI-TMT-2014-RodriguesTN14a #heuristic #interactive #source code- Heuristics for Assessing Emotional Response of Viewers during the Interaction with TV Programs (KRdHR, CACT, VPdAN), pp. 577–588.
ICPR-2014-CosmoABT #design #evaluation- Design and Evaluation of a Viewer-Dependent Stereoscopic Display (LC, AA, FB, AT), pp. 2861–2866.
WCRE-2013-HayashiTS #difference #java #named #refactoring- REdiffs: Refactoring-aware difference viewer for java (SH, ST, MS), pp. 487–488.
CHI-2013-LiuHNIP #health #interactive- Health vlogger-viewer interaction in chronic illness management (LSL, JH, TN, KI, WP), pp. 49–58.
HCI-UC-2013-RodriguesNT #interactive #multi #source code- Interaction of the Elderly Viewer with Additional Multimedia Content to Support the Appreciation of Television Programs (KRdHR, VPdAN, CACT), pp. 227–236.
SIGIR-2013-YamamotoN #classification #music #video- Leveraging viewer comments for mood classification of music video clips (TY, SN), pp. 797–800.
HCI-IPT-2007-KyoungLJ #3d #user interface- Immersive Viewer System for 3D User Interface (DK, YL, KJ), pp. 624–633.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-HorieC #aspectj #named #source code- AspectScope: An Outline Viewer for AspectJ Programs (MH, SC), pp. 341–361.
DocEng-2006-CesarBJ06a #multi- The ambulant annotator: empowering viewer-side enrichment of multimedia content (PC, DCAB, AJJ), pp. 186–187.
ITiCSE-2006-CrossCH #ide #lightweight #named- jGRASP: a lightweight IDE with dynamic object viewers for CS1 and CS2 (JHCI, TDH), p. 356.
SOFTVIS-2006-JainCHB #evaluation #java- Experimental evaluation of animated-verifying object viewers for Java (JJ, JHCI, TDH, LAB), pp. 27–36.
VISSOFT-2005-WilhelmD #design #metric #named #quality #visualisation- DependencyViewer — A Tool for Visualizing Package Design Quality Metrics (MW, SD), pp. 125–126.
VISSOFT-2003-MarcusFM #3d #analysis #multi #visualisation- Source Viewer 3D (sv3D): A System for Visualizing Multi Dimensional Software Analysis Data (AM, LF, JIM), pp. 62–63.
ICSE-2003-MaleticMF #3d #framework #visualisation- Source Viewer 3D (sv3D) — A Framework for Software Visualization (JIM, AM, LF), pp. 812–813.
SEKE-2002-ErikssonBN #documentation #information management #java #using- Using knowledge engineering support for a Java documentation viewer (HE, EB, PN), pp. 57–64.
ICPR-v1-2000-BukerH #representation- Object Representation: On Combining Viewer-Centered and Object-Centered Elements (UB, GH), pp. 1956–1959.
ICDAR-1999-AtalayA #documentation- An SGML based Viewer for Form Documents (VA, EA), pp. 201–204.
SAC-1998-NishimuraYKI #community #visualisation- Community viewer: visualizing community formation on personal digital assistants (TN, HY, TK, TI), pp. 433–438.
HCI-SEC-1997-KohtakeYA #communication #process #strict- Reducing Restriction of Activity in Media Communication with Demand Driven Viewer (NK, YY, YA), pp. 189–192.
HCI-SEC-1997-UenoSO #html #question- Book Based View and Scroll Based View: Which is Suited for HTML Viewers? (KU, KS, HO), pp. 795–798.
VLDB-1993-SubietaMSR #named- Viewers: A Data-World Analogue of Procedure Calls (KS, FM, JWS, AR), pp. 268–277.