66 papers:
RecSys-2015-NeumannS #recommendation- Recommendations for Live TV (JN, HS), p. 228.
SEKE-2015-RamosCRSAP #analysis #architecture #recommendation- Recommendation in the Digital TV Domain: an Architecture based on Textual Description Analysis (FBAR, AAMC, RRdS, GS, HOdA, AP), pp. 99–104.
REFSQ-2015-CanchiD #functional #interactive #modelling #requirements- Functional Requirements Modelling for Interactive TV Applications (SC, JED), pp. 254–261.
CHI-2014-JuhlinEO #video- Long tail TV revisited: from ordinary camera phone use to pro-am video production (OJ, AE, EÖ), pp. 1325–1334.
DUXU-DI-2014-ShinKKJS #design #game studies #interactive #process- A New Design Process for Viewer Participation in Interactive TV Program: Focused on the Interactive TV Game Show Hae-un-dae (JS, HJK, JIK, BGJ, CS), pp. 763–772.
DUXU-DP-2014-BuchdidPB #aspect-oriented #persuasion- You Can Interact with Your TV and You May Like It an Investigation on Persuasive Aspects for an iDTV Application (SBB, RP, MCCB), pp. 208–219.
DUXU-TMT-2014-Elias #game studies- The Bridge — A Transmedia Dialogue between TV, Film and Gaming (HE), pp. 548–559.
HCI-TMT-2014-RodriguesTN14a #heuristic #interactive #source code- Heuristics for Assessing Emotional Response of Viewers during the Interaction with TV Programs (KRdHR, CACT, VPdAN), pp. 577–588.
HIMI-AS-2014-NozakiY #internet #modelling- Modeling Consumers with TV and Internet (AN, KY), pp. 614–621.
SAC-2014-RolimBCCAPM #approach #multimodal #recommendation- A recommendation approach for digital TV systems based on multimodal features (RR, FB, AC, GC, HOdA, AP, AFM), pp. 289–291.
HT-2013-AntoniniVSPS #information management #named #ontology- MeSoOnTV: a media and social-driven ontology-based TV knowledge management system (AA, LV, CS, RGP, MLS), pp. 208–213.
CHI-2013-JuhlinO #collaboration #design #gesture #interactive #on the- On the relation of ordinary gestures to TV screens: general lessons for the design of collaborative interactive techniques (OJ, EÖ), pp. 919–930.
HCI-IMT-2013-OkuuchiKKK #modelling #source code- Modeling Situation-Dependent Nonverbal Expressions for a Pair of Embodied Agent in a Dialogue Based on Conversations in TV Programs (KO, KK, TK, DK), pp. 340–347.
OCSC-2013-AlaouiL #approach #communication #design- A LivingLab Approach to Involve Elderly in the Design of Smart TV Applications Offering Communication Services (MA, ML), pp. 325–334.
OCSC-2013-YamauchiHN #analysis #source code #twitter- Searching Emotional Scenes in TV Programs Based on Twitter Emotion Analysis (TY, YH, YIN), pp. 432–441.
KDD-2013-RautiainenSHYK #concept #mining #online- An online system with end-user services: mining novelty concepts from tv broadcast subtitles (MR, JS, AH, MY, VK), pp. 1486–1489.
RecSys-2013-KucharK #case study #learning #named #web #web service- GAIN: web service for user tracking and preference learning — a smart TV use case (JK, TK), pp. 467–468.
RecSys-2013-XuBATMK #recommendation- Catch-up TV recommendations: show old favourites and find new ones (MX, SB, SA, ST, AM, IK), pp. 285–294.
CHI-2012-WangDLG #online- Digitality and materiality of new media: online TV watching in china (QW, XD, TL, NG), pp. 347–356.
ICPR-2012-ChattopadhyayJC #complexity #novel #video- A novel low complexity TV video OCR system (TC, RJ, BBC), pp. 665–668.
SAC-2012-EgginkAB #case study #classification- A pilot study for mood-based classification of TV programmes (JE, PA, DB), pp. 918–922.
DocEng-2011-DamascenoSM #authoring #editing #hypermedia #interactive #named #visual notation- EDITEC: hypermedia composite template graphical editor for interactive tv authoring (JRD, JAFdS, DCMS), pp. 77–80.
ICDAR-2011-ChattopadhyaySSR #analysis #corpus- Creation and Analysis of a Corpus of Text Rich Indian TV Videos (TC, SS, AS, NR), pp. 849–853.
CHI-2011-ChoiHLLL #interactive #named- RemoteTouch: touch-screen-like interaction in the tv viewing environment (SC, JH, GL, NL, WL), pp. 393–402.
DUXU-v1-2011-BergerKEM #mobile #personalisation- Moody Mobile TV: Exploring TV Clips with Personalized Playlists (AB, RK, ME, AM), pp. 541–548.
DUXU-v1-2011-Loi #design #experience #industrial #user interface- Changing the TV Industry through User Experience Design (DL), pp. 465–474.
HCI-DDA-2011-GacimartinHL #adaptation #architecture #design #middleware- A Middleware Architecture for Designing TV-Based Adapted Applications for the Elderly (CG, JAH, DL), pp. 443–449.
HCI-UA-2011-BiswasL #interface- Investigating the Accessibility of Program Selection Menus of a Digital TV Interface (PB, PL), pp. 425–434.
HCI-UA-2011-ChuangHH #design #interactive #web- User Interactive Design for Digital TV Web Surfing (CFC, NH, SLH), pp. 439–442.
IDGD-2011-AbulkhairAAAA- Cultural Effects on Arabic Electronic TV (MA, HA, HA, SA, RA), pp. 457–466.
OCSC-2011-HarrisonW #industrial- E-Business Solutions in the Cable TV Industry (VH, JW), pp. 182–187.
KMIS-2011-BuresPCO #framework #interactive #towards- Interactive Digital TV as the e-Learning Platform — Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly (VB, DP, PC, TO), pp. 107–113.
RecSys-2011-XinS #matrix #multi #probability #recommendation- Multi-value probabilistic matrix factorization for IP-TV recommendations (YX, HS), pp. 221–228.
ECSA-2010-SaraivaPBDPKAFMS #architecture #aspect-oriented #experience #middleware #modelling #product line #refactoring- Architecting a Model-Driven Aspect-Oriented Product Line for a Digital TV Middleware: A Refactoring Experience (DS, LP, TVB, FCD, PFP, UK, RPMdA, TF, SMF, ALSS), pp. 166–181.
ASE-2010-TanejaLMXT #multi #named #testing #validation #web- MiTV: multiple-implementation testing of user-input validators for web applications (KT, NL, MRM, TX, NT), pp. 131–134.
RecSys-2010-PronkBKP #video #web- Integrating broadcast and web video content into personal tv channels (VP, MB, JHMK, AP), pp. 355–356.
CGO-2010-JungMO #compilation #framework #hybrid #java #optimisation- Hybrid Java compilation and optimization for digital TV software platform (DHJ, SMM, HSO), pp. 73–81.
ICALP-v2-2009-NisanBCFGMRSTVZ- Google’s Auction for TV Ads (NN, JB, DC, TF, RG, YM, NR, MS, DT, HRV, DZ), pp. 309–327.
CHI-2009-GeertsG #heuristic #social- Supporting the social uses of television: sociability heuristics for social tv (DG, DDG), pp. 595–604.
CHI-2009-HuangHTNMMR #case study #chat #communication #social- Of social television comes home: a field study of communication choices and practices in tv-based text and voice chat (EMH, GH, JT, AN, NM, CJM, GR), pp. 585–594.
HCI-VAD-2009-TamaokiTM #user interface- Developing Some User Interfaces of TV under Enormous Channels Environment (ST, TT, HM), pp. 624–631.
RecSys-2009-AntonelliFGL #named #recommendation- DynamicTV: a culture-aware recommender (FA, GF, MG, SL), pp. 257–260.
SAC-2009-FreitasT #network #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous services in home networks offered through digital TV (GBdF, CACT), pp. 1834–1838.
SAC-2009-TeixeiraMCP #interactive- User-media interaction with interactive TV (CACT, ELM, RGC, MdGCP), pp. 1829–1833.
CHI-2008-HarboeMBTMR #experience #people #social- Ambient social tv: drawing people into a shared experience (GH, CJM, FB, JT, NM, GR), pp. 1–10.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-FurtadoSFC #case study #communication #design #interactive #requirements #validation- Promoting Communication and Participation through Enactments of Interaction Design Solutions — A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV (EF, AS, FF, LC), pp. 268–275.
HCI-MIE-2007-KimKMJJ #personalisation #usability #user interface- A Usability Study on Personalized EPG (pEPG) UI of Digital TV (MHK, SMK, JSM, YGJ, MRJ), pp. 892–901.
HCI-MIE-2007-KoLKJL #case study #evaluation #personalisation #recommendation #user satisfaction- A Study on User Satisfaction Evaluation About the Recommendation Techniques of a Personalized EPG System on Digital TV (SMK, YJL, MHK, YGJ, SWL), pp. 909–917.
HCI-MIE-2007-RoibasS #comprehension #how #interactive #mobile- Beyond Mobile TV: Understanding How Mobile Interactive Systems Enable Users to Become Digital Producers (ACR, RS), pp. 801–810.
HCI-MIE-2007-SimeoniEGPRMT #concept #interactive #standard- Innovative TV: From an Old Standard to a New Concept of Interactive TV — An Italian Job (RS, LE, EG, MP, AR, RM, FT), pp. 971–980.
HIMI-MTT-2007-HidakaMFYSO #video- A Video Digest and Delivery System: “ChocoParaTV” (KH, NM, MF, MY, TS, KO), pp. 437–445.
DATE-DF-2006-SteenhofDNGL #architecture #network- Networks on chips for high-end consumer-electronics TV system architectures (FS, HD, BN, KG, RPL), pp. 148–153.
ECIR-2006-SmeatonJLOS #video- Object-Based Access to TV Rushes Video (AFS, GJFJ, HL, NEO, SS), pp. 476–479.
ECIR-2006-ZhangDC #detection- Combining Short and Long Term Audio Features for TV Sports Highlight Detection (BZ, WD, LC), pp. 472–475.
SAC-2006-AbidinP #classification #data mining #mining #named #nearest neighbour #performance #scalability- SMART-TV: a fast and scalable nearest neighbor based classifier for data mining (TA, WP), pp. 536–540.
CAiSE-2004-TsinarakiPC #integration #ontology #owl #semantics- Integration of OWL Ontologies in MPEG-7 and TV-Anytime Compliant Semantic Indexing (CT, PP, SC), pp. 398–413.
RE-2004-Minakata #embedded #mobile #requirements #ubiquitous- Requirements for Ubiquitous/Embedded Products — Digital TV, Mobile Phones and Consumer Products (IM), p. 3.
DocEng-2003-GoularteMP #documentation #interactive- Structuring interactive TV documents (RG, EdSM, MdGCP), pp. 42–51.
SEKE-2003-Pittarello #3d #information management- 3D Time-pillars: an information access metaphor for the TV Domain (FP), pp. 555–560.
ICDAR-1999-ArikiMT #detection- Telop and Flip Frame Detection and Character Extraction from TV News Articles (YA, KM, ST), pp. 701–704.
ICPR-1998-ArikiS #classification #multi #using- Classification of TV sports news by DCT features using multiple subspace method (YA, YS), pp. 1488–1491.
ICDAR-1997-ArikiT #classification #recognition- Indexing and Classification of TV News Articles Based on Telop Recognition (YA, TT), pp. 422–427.
HCI-CC-1997-ZhangTS- Show Actions in TV Conferencing (RZ, HT, YS), pp. 11–14.
SAC-1997-KhasawnehO #evaluation #network #protocol- An evaluation study of protocols used in cable TV networks (RMK, MSO), pp. 52–57.
CIKM-1996-EhrmanntrautHWS #source code #towards- The Personal Electronic Program Guide — Towards the Pre-Selection of Individual TV Programs (ME, TH, HW, RS), pp. 243–250.
ICPR-1996-StellaCD #mobile #nondeterminism #self- Self-location of a mobile robot with uncertainty by cooperation of a heading sensor and a CCD TV camera (ES, GC, AD), pp. 303–307.