Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × South Korea
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Mezini M.Akşit A.Sewe M.Arnold S.t.Brinke S.Malakuti L.Bergmans K.Ostermann T.Dinkelaker H.Yin S.Kanthak M.Haupt S.Katz
Talks about:
modular (3) support (2) softwar (2) energi (2) design (2) awar (2) alia (2) techniqu (1) seamless (1) pointcut (1)
Person: Christoph Bockisch
DBLP: Bockisch:Christoph
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SAC-2014-BrinkeMBBAK #approach #composition #design #energy
- A tool-supported approach for modular design of energy-aware software (StB, SM, CB, LB, MA, SK), pp. 1206–1212.
- SAC-2013-BrinkeMBBA #composition #design #energy
- A design method for modular energy-aware software (StB, SM, CB, LB, MA), pp. 1180–1182.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BockischSMA #execution #overview
- An Overview of ALIA4J — An Execution Model for Advanced-Dispatching Languages (CB, AS, MM, MA), pp. 131–146.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-J-2011-BockischSYMA12
- An In-Depth Look at ALIA4J (CB, AS, HY, MM, MA), pp. 1–28.
- OOPSLA-2006-BockischADM #adaptation #virtual machine
- Adapting virtual machine techniques for seamless aspect support (CB, MA, TD, MM), pp. 109–124.
- OOPSLA-2006-BockischKHAM #control flow #performance #quantifier
- Efficient control flow quantification (CB, SK, MH, MA, MM), pp. 125–138.
- ECOOP-2005-OstermannMB #composition
- Expressive Pointcuts for Increased Modularity (KO, MM, CB), pp. 214–240.