Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
1 × South Korea
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Finland
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Katz ∅ M.Glusman O.Grumberg M.Goldman A.Rashid H.Miller K.Korenblat D.Peled A.Pnueli K.R.Apt N.Francez S.t.Brinke S.Malakuti C.Bockisch L.Bergmans M.Akşit
Talks about:
specif (5) aspect (5) translat (3) model (3) scenario (2) transit (2) modular (2) system (2) proof (2) base (2)
Person: Shmuel Katz
DBLP: Katz:Shmuel
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- SAC-2014-BrinkeMBBAK #approach #composition #design #energy
- A tool-supported approach for modular design of energy-aware software (StB, SM, CB, LB, MA, SK), pp. 1206–1212.
- SEFM-2010-KatzK #query #refinement #specification
- User Queries for Specification Refinement Treating Shared Aspect Join Points (EK, SK), pp. 73–82.
- FM-2008-Katz #aspect-oriented #formal method
- Aspects and Formal Methods (SK), pp. 1–11.
- TACAS-2007-GoldmanK #composition #named #verification
- MAVEN: Modular Aspect Verification (MG, SK), pp. 308–322.
- FM-2005-KatzK #specification #verification
- Verifying Scenario-Based Aspect Specifications (EK, SK), pp. 432–447.
- RE-2004-KatzR #aspect-oriented #proving #requirements
- From Aspectual Requirements to Proof Obligations for Aspect-Oriented Systems (SK, AR), pp. 48–57.
- CAV-2003-GlusmanK #consistency #model checking #specification
- Model Checking Conformance with Scenario-Based Specifications (MG, SK), pp. 328–340.
- IFM-2002-KatzG #framework #modelling #specification
- A Framework for Translating Models and Specifications (SK, OG), pp. 145–164.
- IFM-2002-KorenblatGK #petri net
- Translations between Textual Transition Systems and Petri Nets (KK, OG, SK), pp. 339–359.
- FME-2001-Katz #modelling #specification
- Faithful Translations among Models and Specifications (SK), pp. 419–434.
- CAV-1999-GlusmanK #equivalence #proving
- Mechanizing Proofs of Computation Equivalence (MG, SK), pp. 354–367.
- CAV-1996-MillerK
- Saving Space by Fully Exploiting Invisible Transitions (HM, SK), pp. 336–347.
- LICS-1991-PeledKP #logic #proving #specification
- Specifying and Proving Serializability in Temporal Logic (DP, SK, AP), pp. 232–244.
- POPL-1987-AptFK #distributed #programming
- Appraising Fairness in Languages for Distributed Programming (KRA, NF, SK), pp. 189–198.