Peri L. Tarr, William R. Cook
Proceedings of the 21th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
OOPSLA, 2006.
@proceedings{OOPSLA-2006, address = "Portland, Oregon, USA", editor = "Peri L. Tarr and William R. Cook", isbn = "1-59593-348-4", publisher = "{ACM}", title = "{Proceedings of the 21th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications}", year = 2006, }
Contents (30 items)
- OOPSLA-2006-Hutchins #prototype #using
- Eliminating distinctions of class: using prototypes to model virtual classes (DH), pp. 1–20.
- OOPSLA-2006-NystromQM #composition #scalability
- J&: nested intersection for scalable software composition (NN, XQ, ACM), pp. 21–36.
- OOPSLA-2006-WarthSM #adaptation
- Statically scoped object adaptation with expanders (AW, MS, TDM), pp. 37–56.
- OOPSLA-2006-AndreaeNMM #framework #implementation #type system
- A framework for implementing pluggable type systems (CA, JN, SM, TDM), pp. 57–74.
- OOPSLA-2006-FairbanksGS #design #framework #using
- Design fragments make using frameworks easier (GF, DG, WLS), pp. 75–88.
- OOPSLA-2006-CohenGM #java #named #tool support
- JTL: the Java tools language (TC, JYG, IM), pp. 89–108.
- OOPSLA-2006-BockischADM #adaptation #virtual machine
- Adapting virtual machine techniques for seamless aspect support (CB, MA, TD, MM), pp. 109–124.
- OOPSLA-2006-BockischKHAM #control flow #performance #quantifier
- Efficient control flow quantification (CB, SK, MH, MA, MM), pp. 125–138.
- OOPSLA-2006-Eugster #java
- Uniform proxies for Java (PTE), pp. 139–152.
- OOPSLA-2006-MaebeBEB #java #named #program analysis #tool support
- Javana: a system for building customized Java program analysis tools (JM, DB, LE, KDB), pp. 153–168.
- OOPSLA-2006-BlackburnGHKMBDFFGHHJLMPSVDW #analysis #benchmark #development #java #metric
- The DaCapo benchmarks: java benchmarking development and analysis (SMB, RG, CH, AMK, KSM, RB, AD, DF, DF, SZG, MH, ALH, MJ, HBL, JEBM, AP, DS, TV, DvD, BW), pp. 169–190.
- OOPSLA-2006-Titzer #named
- Virgil: objects on the head of a pin (BT), pp. 191–208.
- OOPSLA-2006-BravenboerTV #aspectj #declarative #syntax
- Declarative, formal, and extensible syntax definition for aspectJ (MB, ÉT, EV), pp. 209–228.
- OOPSLA-2006-CavazosO #compilation #using
- Method-specific dynamic compilation using logistic regression (JC, MFPO), pp. 229–240.
- OOPSLA-2006-OgataOKKN #compilation
- Replay compilation: improving debuggability of a just-in-time compiler (KO, TO, KK, HK, TN), pp. 241–252.
- OOPSLA-2006-HerlihyLM #flexibility #framework #implementation #memory management #transaction
- A flexible framework for implementing software transactional memory (MH, VL, MM), pp. 253–262.
- OOPSLA-2006-RussellD
- Eliminating synchronization-related atomic operations with biased locking and bulk rebiasing (KR, DD), pp. 263–272.
- OOPSLA-2006-ChinCKP #approach #parametricity
- A flow-based approach for variant parametric types (WNC, FC, SCK, CP), pp. 273–290.
- OOPSLA-2006-GregorJSSRL #c++ #concept #named #programming
- Concepts: linguistic support for generic programming in C++ (DG, JJ, JGS, BS, GDR, AL), pp. 291–310.
- OOPSLA-2006-PotaninNCB #java
- Generic ownership for generic Java (AP, JN, DC, RB), pp. 311–324.
- OOPSLA-2006-LiuS #component #deployment #framework
- A formal framework for component deployment (YDL, SFS), pp. 325–344.
- OOPSLA-2006-WasserrabNST #c++ #inheritance #multi #semantics #type safety
- An operational semantics and type safety prooffor multiple inheritance in C++ (DW, TN, GS, FT), pp. 345–362.
- OOPSLA-2006-DargaB #data type #model checking #performance
- Efficient software model checking of data structure properties (PTD, CB), pp. 363–382.
- OOPSLA-2006-KitMB #analysis #requirements #semantics #using
- Isolating and relating concerns in requirements using latent semantic analysis (LKK, CKM, ELAB), pp. 383–396.
- OOPSLA-2006-BaxterFNRSVMT #comprehension #java
- Understanding the shape of Java software (GB, MRF, JN, MR, HS, MV, HM, EDT), pp. 397–412.
- OOPSLA-2006-SahavechaphanC #mining #named
- XSnippet: mining For sample code (NS, KTC), pp. 413–430.
- OOPSLA-2006-GabrielG
- Conscientious software (RPG, RG), pp. 433–450.
- OOPSLA-2006-SimonyiCC
- Intentional software (CS, MC, SC), pp. 451–464.
- OOPSLA-2006-Waldo #design #on the
- On system design (JW), pp. 467–480.
- OOPSLA-2006-Steimann #aspect-oriented #programming
- The paradoxical success of aspect-oriented programming (FS), pp. 481–497.
6 ×#java
5 ×#named
4 ×#framework
4 ×#using
2 ×#adaptation
2 ×#analysis
2 ×#c++
2 ×#compilation
2 ×#design
2 ×#implementation
5 ×#named
4 ×#framework
4 ×#using
2 ×#adaptation
2 ×#analysis
2 ×#c++
2 ×#compilation
2 ×#design
2 ×#implementation