Travelled to:
1 × Canada
Collaborated with:
J.Meinicke C.Kästner Lukas Lazarek T.Thüm G.Saake Y.Xiong H.Zhang D.Hao L.Zhang H.Mei
Talks about:
configur (3) variat (2) system (2) execut (2) test (2) transform (1) transpar (1) interact (1) segment (1) program (1)
Person: Chu-Pan Wong
DBLP: Wong:Chu=Pan
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICSME-2014-WongXZHZM #analysis #fault #locality #segmentation
- Boosting Bug-Report-Oriented Fault Localization with Segmentation and Stack-Trace Analysis (CPW, YX, HZ, DH, LZ, HM), pp. 181–190.
- ASE-2016-MeinickeWKTS #complexity #configuration management #interactive #on the
- On essential configuration complexity: measuring interactions in highly-configurable systems (JM, CPW, CK, TT, GS), pp. 483–494.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-WongMK #automation #configuration management #execution #higher-order #mutation testing #program repair #testing
- Beyond testing configurable systems: applying variational execution to automatic program repair and higher order mutation testing (CPW, JM, CK), pp. 749–753.
- OOPSLA-2018-WongMLK #bytecode #execution #performance #program transformation
- Faster variational execution with transparent bytecode transformation (CPW, JM, LL, CK), p. 30.