Collaborated with:
Neil Suttie Sandy Louchart Theodore Lim A.Macvean Wim Westera Damian Brown Emmanuel Dubois 0001 Minica Houry-Panchetti Jean-Pierre Jessel Marwene Kechiche Patrice Torguet Rémi Cabanac Francis Lacassagne
Talks about:
serious (3) game (3) relationship (1) framework (1) telescop (1) introduc (1) theoret (1) pedagog (1) mainten (1) between (1)
Person: Damien Djaouti
DBLP: Djaouti:Damien
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- VS-Games-2012-Djaouti0HJKTCL #maintenance #towards
- Towards A Serious Application for Telescope Maintenance (DD, ED0, MHP, JPJ, MK, PT, RC, FL), pp. 307–309.
- VS-Games-2012-SuttieLLMWBD #aspect-oriented #framework #game studies
- Introducing the “Serious Games Mechanics”: A Theoretical Framework to Analyse Relationships Between “Game” and “Pedagogical Aspects” of Serious Games (NS, SL, TL, AM, WW, DB, DD), pp. 314–315.